How did you wean off Metoprolol?

Posted by kenny48 @kenny48, May 11, 2018

I've been taking both flecainide and metoprolol now for eight years, as a prophylactic for Afib. I recently moved to North Carolina and have a new Cardiologist. Have had a lot of PVC's this past two months, and had to wear a heart monitor for an entire month. He said that although I had a lot of PVC's I didn't have even one PAC! He also noted that my BPM was low in the low fifties most of the time. He asked why I was taking metropolol. I told him that the only thing my previous doctor had said was " it makes the flecainide, work better". He suggested I stop taking the metoprolol to see how I do without it. Unfortunately I read a lot of information on the internet. I read that it can be very dangerous to stop taking it. I take 25 mg metoprolol succinate, split in half. Once in the morning with my flecainide, and then again in the evening for a second dose. He wants me to take half in the morning and skip the evening dose for two days, then stop entirely. Has anyone else stopped taking this drug in a similar manner? I'm worried that the cut off is too soon.

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I am on metoprolol 2mgs daily. When I originally was out on it by my cardiologist, I had chest pain and hypertension. I felt mellow on it, and my BP came down and chest pain subsided. However, I’ve always had bradycardia (I thought it was exercise induced); I began having horrible attacks at night, I felt like I was dying. I’ve had these all my life, but they were mush worse after starting metoprolol. Then I was diagnosed with OSA (48 ahi) and now on a cpap machine. I still get those attacks occasionally, and when I do, they feel pretty bad, and I feel like I’m having a hard time “recovering”, if that makes any sense. Anyone else have any of these issues? I’m a bit desperate. I exercise and have done so for years and I’m just shy of so-called “obese.”


Wow, long thread! I went from 25mg daily in late 2017 to 100mg about five months prior to my ablation in July 2022. I was getting more and more AF, and had to go to the ER to break a bad episode in September 2021.

Six days post-ablation, I was in the ER again for tachycardia and AF. I was placed on Amiodarone immediately and told to cease metoprolol immediately...NO weaning required. Now, all AF is gone, according to Mr. Holter, and all I have is an 11% burden of PACs....which are a pain where the sun don't shine.

For those suffering from PACs after ablation, it isn't fun, but the medical community doesn't tend to be concerned with them. They're common, mostly benign, except when the burden approaches 35-40% or so, at least according to the few sites I have visited.


You are not alone. Unfortunately, it was terrible for me too.


Hi @bayxo

I'm 35, male, and was prescribed Metoprolol for what we believe was high BP caused by steroids (prescribed to fight an infection). I've never had issues with BP before and was told to take 25mg twice daily of M-Tartrate. Primary said stopping it shouldn't be a problem, but... IT WAS. I even went down to 12.5mg for two days and was feeling much better (less fatigue vs. 25mg). Then, I stopped this morning and had an acute reaction to MT being out of my system; heart palpitations, fatigue, dizziness, and BP through the roof (for me; 130/101). It was hell.

All to say - I'd really like to get out of this mess and I'm sad my Primary ever prescribed this drug. But, I'm going to copy you and continue to cut dosages. Spend about a week or so here @ 1/2 dosage and then go to 1/4 and see how my body takes to it. DO NOT STOP ALTOGETHER. If you're here reading this, that means you have had some sort of side effect or symptom. We're all helping each other to figure out the best way off this drug, but it's going to take longer than (I) expected. @bayxo , would love to hear about your journey and progression! Thanks to all for sharing their advice!

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Hi, I have been taking metoprolol 25 mg since february, and I have been trying to wean off a couple of times, but it is not easy. I freak out every time, with all these heartbeat and feeling awful! Now I have been taking 12.5 mg for 9 days and will try to take every second day for a week and then stop. This is the most terrible medicine i have ever tried and I Will never take it again.


I am on 200 mgr Metoprolol (, 100 in am and 100 mgr pm) and was reading that most people take only 25 mgr. quite a difference in mgr. so far I have no side effects except insomnia if that can be a side effect. Would prefer to be on a lower dose of metoprolol.

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I was on 200 mgr. metoprolol. (100 am and 100 pm. ) and had trouble with insomnia. My doctor suggested I lower it to twice a day 50 mgr for a few weeks and see what happens. I just started this week.


My wife just had cardiac catheterization with a stent put in one week ago. She was prescribed metoprolol tartrate 50 mg to take twice a day. Also prasugrel 10 mg and rosuvastatin calcium 20 mg. Her side effects have been drowsiness, trouble sleeping, depression and mood swings. After 3 days doctor told her to stop taking metoprolol which she did. 4 days later all side effects are still there. I honestly thought she was having a breakdown. I read that side effects could last up to a week? Her cardiologist cannot see her until Oct. 24 - two more weeks. We tried to get that sooner but to no avail. Its scary.

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When I weaned myself off of metatoprolol because of terrible side effects, I took over a month doing this and it took that long to feel normal. I don’t know about the other drugs your wife is on, I was only on the one. I would give it at least a couple weeks. I am so sorry you are both having to deal with this🙏


My wife just had cardiac catheterization with a stent put in one week ago. She was prescribed metoprolol tartrate 50 mg to take twice a day. Also prasugrel 10 mg and rosuvastatin calcium 20 mg. Her side effects have been drowsiness, trouble sleeping, depression and mood swings. After 3 days doctor told her to stop taking metoprolol which she did. 4 days later all side effects are still there. I honestly thought she was having a breakdown. I read that side effects could last up to a week? Her cardiologist cannot see her until Oct. 24 - two more weeks. We tried to get that sooner but to no avail. Its scary.


I keep reading about weaning off of 25mg metroprol (sp) and it makes me somewhat concerned. I'm on 100mg twice daily (ie 200mg) and asked if that was excessive. I was told it wasn't, and to stay on it. Opinions?

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Follow your doctors advice or get a second opinion?


Ask your doctor if you can take a lower dose.


I keep reading about weaning off of 25mg metroprol (sp) and it makes me somewhat concerned. I'm on 100mg twice daily (ie 200mg) and asked if that was excessive. I was told it wasn't, and to stay on it. Opinions?

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I am on 200 mgr Metoprolol (, 100 in am and 100 mgr pm) and was reading that most people take only 25 mgr. quite a difference in mgr. so far I have no side effects except insomnia if that can be a side effect. Would prefer to be on a lower dose of metoprolol.

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