How did you wean off Metoprolol?

Posted by kenny48 @kenny48, May 11, 2018

I've been taking both flecainide and metoprolol now for eight years, as a prophylactic for Afib. I recently moved to North Carolina and have a new Cardiologist. Have had a lot of PVC's this past two months, and had to wear a heart monitor for an entire month. He said that although I had a lot of PVC's I didn't have even one PAC! He also noted that my BPM was low in the low fifties most of the time. He asked why I was taking metropolol. I told him that the only thing my previous doctor had said was " it makes the flecainide, work better". He suggested I stop taking the metoprolol to see how I do without it. Unfortunately I read a lot of information on the internet. I read that it can be very dangerous to stop taking it. I take 25 mg metoprolol succinate, split in half. Once in the morning with my flecainide, and then again in the evening for a second dose. He wants me to take half in the morning and skip the evening dose for two days, then stop entirely. Has anyone else stopped taking this drug in a similar manner? I'm worried that the cut off is too soon.

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i would go by your gut feeling. i went by what a few drs about what they thought i did wrong with my meds for afib . with no luck on their advice i went back to what i was doing now i take less mudication with fewer side affects so now i break up my metropolol and keep my pulse in the fifties. i only take the flecainide acetate if it gets too strong and long, wer they waned me to take it twice a day with onle 25mg once a day . i ended up taking more medication to control it and my bracardia was worse. now i take less meds and doing much better . i decided to go by my gut feeling . they believed that my flecainide acetate would not work if i did not take it 2x a day and felt i was taking too much metropolol. everyone is different


Hi, thanks for you comment. Glad to see you are slowly coming down and your Afib isn’t showing anymore. Yes, I’ve done multiple echocardiograms, EKGs, a stress test and lots of blood tests and a holter monitor, but only for 3 days since each day was like $100. But with all of those tests, it doesn’t show any heart condition. My naturopath believes it’s a chronic infection somewhere so just running blood tests for other concerns ruling out lyme and other stuff. Only tough thing is being on metoprolol for over 3 years makes it much harder to get off because your body is so dependent on it and feels like a deadly situation at times without it.

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For your information I am 78 years old. My next step is to talk to my cardiologist in the middle of January about replacing metoprolol with food that can do the same thing for my body without the side effects. I'm talking about fish, garlic, hawthorn berries, etc. I'm not experiencing any serious side effects at this point but I am concerned about side effects in the long term even when taking a small amount of metoprolol on a regular basis. I hope you keep trying to reduce the amount that you are taking. I am no doctor but I am thinking that you should go on 12.5 mg a day for a while before you go off of it completely. In addition I have read information that would indicate that flecainide is also a problem in the long term. I don't know how much research you have done in that area but I would encourage you to do so if you have not.


I had AFib and had it corrected with an ablation. After that I was on 25 mg of metoprolol per day but then worked with my cardiologist and I am now down to 12.5 mg per day. I have a meeting with her in the middle of January to discuss getting off of metroprolol in total. I did wear a heart monitor for 30 days that showed that I was no longer in afib. That was about a month and a half ago. You might think about a heart monitor and or an echocardiogram if you haven't done so recently. That might make you comfortable in your decision. I think you are doing the right thing to explore getting off of metoprolol.

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Hi, thanks for you comment. Glad to see you are slowly coming down and your Afib isn’t showing anymore. Yes, I’ve done multiple echocardiograms, EKGs, a stress test and lots of blood tests and a holter monitor, but only for 3 days since each day was like $100. But with all of those tests, it doesn’t show any heart condition. My naturopath believes it’s a chronic infection somewhere so just running blood tests for other concerns ruling out lyme and other stuff. Only tough thing is being on metoprolol for over 3 years makes it much harder to get off because your body is so dependent on it and feels like a deadly situation at times without it.


Hi everyone, I’m a 25 year old male that has been on 25mg Metoprolol Tart twice a day for tachycardia. I was in bed one night and my heart just started racing, so I panicked and went to the ER. That’s where the doctor at the ER prescribed me this medication. Honestly, the worst side effect medication ever but slows my heart rate so I’ve been dealing with it since I was 22 years old. Tried switching meds and those didn’t slow it down, so was put back on Metoprolol again. All I was told is to keep taking this medicine and do test after test after test. Everything comes back fine, which I’m happy about, but frustrated that there’s no solution. Slowly started weening myself off, 25 in the morning and 12.5 at night for a while. Currently on 12.5mg in the morning and 12.5mg at night. Been on this for about the past 8 months. I’m worried about coming off of it fully, but that’s the goal. I’ve went to a naturopath who believes we can get off of it after fixing a few deficiencies and running a few rare tests, so I still have hope. I have noticed hair thinning, dizziness, brain fog, sensitivity to light, sensitivity to heat, irritability, and irregular rhythms. 2023 goal is to ween down to 12.5mg once a day, and eventually come off of it and see how the rate is doing then. Goodluck to all and wish me luck haha. God Bless, we got this. Always believe that things can be reversed. I never will believe that it’s permanent.

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I had AFib and had it corrected with an ablation. After that I was on 25 mg of metoprolol per day but then worked with my cardiologist and I am now down to 12.5 mg per day. I have a meeting with her in the middle of January to discuss getting off of metroprolol in total. I did wear a heart monitor for 30 days that showed that I was no longer in afib. That was about a month and a half ago. You might think about a heart monitor and or an echocardiogram if you haven't done so recently. That might make you comfortable in your decision. I think you are doing the right thing to explore getting off of metoprolol.


Hi everyone, I’m a 25 year old male that has been on 25mg Metoprolol Tart twice a day for tachycardia. I was in bed one night and my heart just started racing, so I panicked and went to the ER. That’s where the doctor at the ER prescribed me this medication. Honestly, the worst side effect medication ever but slows my heart rate so I’ve been dealing with it since I was 22 years old. Tried switching meds and those didn’t slow it down, so was put back on Metoprolol again. All I was told is to keep taking this medicine and do test after test after test. Everything comes back fine, which I’m happy about, but frustrated that there’s no solution. Slowly started weening myself off, 25 in the morning and 12.5 at night for a while. Currently on 12.5mg in the morning and 12.5mg at night. Been on this for about the past 8 months. I’m worried about coming off of it fully, but that’s the goal. I’ve went to a naturopath who believes we can get off of it after fixing a few deficiencies and running a few rare tests, so I still have hope. I have noticed hair thinning, dizziness, brain fog, sensitivity to light, sensitivity to heat, irritability, and irregular rhythms. 2023 goal is to ween down to 12.5mg once a day, and eventually come off of it and see how the rate is doing then. Goodluck to all and wish me luck haha. God Bless, we got this. Always believe that things can be reversed. I never will believe that it’s permanent.


I take the same, but I have slightly elevated blood pressure. Is your blood pressure normal?


I hope all is well with you. How’s your weaning off journey? I’m trying to do the same because my body hasn’t been itself since Sept 2020 and I’m on 25 mg. I have almost every side effect and it was worse when my dose was higher.

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Same thing with side effects for me too. I have only taken 1 25mg XR in 5 days. I feel this may be a damaging med in the long run. Let us know how you are doing. I care.


I meant I am on 25mgs daily!

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I thought 2mg was strange. I started on 25mg 2X. Next was given 25mg XR 2-3 times daily. I had a heart monitor put on last week to wear for 2 weeks. I can hear the AFIB. I believe it was medication induced in the hospital by giving me IV Zofran for nausea for 2 weeks every 6 hours IV push. Then I was given Zofran for a year at home. I finally read all the side effects. Why would these doctor's continue to give a med that causes AFIB? The doctor said to take the blood thinner Xerelto.last week. Horrid bloody noses and traumatic increased chronic pain and neuropathy symptoms. I hope they subside. I took Eliquis for 10 days after hip replacement with no problems. This cardio doctor said no to taking it. He said to stop all blood pressure meds and reduce HCTZ 25mg to 12.5. That does nothing to lower B/P. I have been on Clonidine .2-,3mg 2 -3X a day unless B/P too low. The Nephrologist approved using on an as needed basis. Told me I have B/P that is not consistent with an on time use. I tried to stop it, but B/P went to 265/132. I took it right away. I woke up to this in horror. Used meditation to help. Some times I think the Metoprolol gives me AFIB. The doctor looked at me as if I was out of my mind. He said NO, Metoprolol cannot do this. I am not so sure. I am suppose to see another cardio tomorrow, but snowing heavy 80 miles north of Seattle. I will have to reschedule. I was also taking Lisinipril 10mg 2X and Diltiazam 120mg 2X. Stopped those when I left an abusive husband. I had to take 150mg of Metoprolol last time I picked up some things with X hubby on the property. Heart rate raced up to 140-160 a minute from fear. I was careful as I thought it might drop too low when I left. It went down to 65 beats. I hope everything goes well for you. I CARE. your friend, Doreen


Hi, I have been taking metoprolol 25 mg since february, and I have been trying to wean off a couple of times, but it is not easy. I freak out every time, with all these heartbeat and feeling awful! Now I have been taking 12.5 mg for 9 days and will try to take every second day for a week and then stop. This is the most terrible medicine i have ever tried and I Will never take it again.

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I hope all is well with you. How’s your weaning off journey? I’m trying to do the same because my body hasn’t been itself since Sept 2020 and I’m on 25 mg. I have almost every side effect and it was worse when my dose was higher.


I am on metoprolol 2mgs daily. When I originally was out on it by my cardiologist, I had chest pain and hypertension. I felt mellow on it, and my BP came down and chest pain subsided. However, I’ve always had bradycardia (I thought it was exercise induced); I began having horrible attacks at night, I felt like I was dying. I’ve had these all my life, but they were mush worse after starting metoprolol. Then I was diagnosed with OSA (48 ahi) and now on a cpap machine. I still get those attacks occasionally, and when I do, they feel pretty bad, and I feel like I’m having a hard time “recovering”, if that makes any sense. Anyone else have any of these issues? I’m a bit desperate. I exercise and have done so for years and I’m just shy of so-called “obese.”

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I meant I am on 25mgs daily!

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