How did you wean off Metoprolol?

Posted by kenny48 @kenny48, May 11, 2018

I've been taking both flecainide and metoprolol now for eight years, as a prophylactic for Afib. I recently moved to North Carolina and have a new Cardiologist. Have had a lot of PVC's this past two months, and had to wear a heart monitor for an entire month. He said that although I had a lot of PVC's I didn't have even one PAC! He also noted that my BPM was low in the low fifties most of the time. He asked why I was taking metropolol. I told him that the only thing my previous doctor had said was " it makes the flecainide, work better". He suggested I stop taking the metoprolol to see how I do without it. Unfortunately I read a lot of information on the internet. I read that it can be very dangerous to stop taking it. I take 25 mg metoprolol succinate, split in half. Once in the morning with my flecainide, and then again in the evening for a second dose. He wants me to take half in the morning and skip the evening dose for two days, then stop entirely. Has anyone else stopped taking this drug in a similar manner? I'm worried that the cut off is too soon.

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I took propranolol 10mg 4 times a day for a week. Had horrible side effects, was switched to metoprolol succinate 25mg once a day for 2 weeks, felt a little better but still many side effects, so I was on them for about 3 weeks only. I tapered down and took the last dose 6 days ago. The first day was horrible, then a little better the second, same on the third. However, I’m still having palpitations, dizziness, head feeling weird, some tachycardia (somewhat less today), weakness. I’m much better than when I was on the medication, that’s for sure. I had almost all of the side effects I could get and even ended up dehydrated in Urgent Care, also got anxiety for the first time in my life which has been horrible. So, my main question is: am I any close to the end of this road? I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to feel like myself again. I was put on this for occasional hypertension and tachycardia, which I believe was caused by stress. I would appreciate it so much if someone could help me with their experience. Thank you so much

I’m listing all the side effects I had with these medications, sorry for the long post:
✔️Blurred vision
✔️chest pain or discomfort
✔️like electrical current in head
✔️tingling, chills like on arms, back and head
✔️dizziness, or lightheadedness when getting up suddenly from a lying or sitting position
✔️hair loss
✔️dry mouth
✔️hot flashes/heat intolerance
✔️unusual tiredness or weakness
✔️insomnia, nightmares
✔️soft stools
✔️difficult or labored breathing
✔️difficulty with speaking
✔️extreme tiredness or weakness
✔️fast, pounding, or racing heartbeat or pulse
halos around lights
✔️overbright appearance of lights
✔️lose weight
✔️seeing, hearing, or feeling things that are not there
✔️tightness in the chest
✔️tingling of the hands or feet
✔️troubled breathing
✔️continuing loss of appetite that got to the point when only could eat liquids
✔️continuing abdominal pain
✔️continuing nausea
dark urine
✔️difficulty with moving
✔️general tiredness and weakness
✔️increased frequency of urination
✔️muscle pain
✔️sore throat
✔️sores, ulcers, or white spots on the lips or in the mouth-white tongue
✔️unpleasant breath odor

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I am so sorry for you. I hope you keep plugging at this, baby steps,and are free of the med


A new cardiologist put me on Metoprolol, as he indicated I had an unrealized heart attack in the past. 25mg every 6 hours . (I took 50mg twice daily at first, but had bad reactions)
If I take enough to lower my blood pressure along with the Lisinopril I am taking, my heart slows into the 30's.

I take 10 mg Lisinopril. daily.
To wean off Metoprolol is impossible for me as after 6 hours of my last tablet of Metoprolol, my blood pressure goes up over 200 over 100, and I am not supposed to take my old Verapamil with Metoprolol in my system.

I would like to get back on my Verapamil which I took for years but cannot figure a way to do it.

Any medical people have an opinion on my taking another 10 mg of Lisinopril 12 hours after my morning tab, in order to wean off the Metprolol?

I feel horrible on this Metoprolol, and cannot work out a dosage that controls but does not put me in the Brady cardia zone..



Yes but I reduced it slowly over a period of eight weeks. I feel better and have more energy and not all the other side effects associated with it. I also take flecanide 100 morning and 100 evening.


Yes it is. After wearing a heart monitor for a month, he said I did not have one single pac the entire time, although I did have many pvc's. He doesn't think it's necessary for me to continue taking it. I am supposed to have an echo done the end of the month. He said he wanted me to be off it for at least two weeks prior. Evidently my last stress test showed something to do with reduced ejection fraction. Also he said my pulse rate is way too low. Thinks it's because of the metoprolol.

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Yes, Metoprolol does reduce your heart rate. My pacemaker is set to kick in at 60 bpm I can’t imagine a lower heart rate, I am surprised you haven’t
passed out.


Sorry to hear about your daughter. Did she also get the Pfizer vaccine? It is...scary. And to hear the ER doctor tell me how many patients this has happened to after getting the my antenna up. I am glad I am vaccinated; however, now they want everyone to get the booster...scary. I am now only taking 120 mg of my verapamil since the 240 mg was lowering my heart we'll see.

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She had moderna, she has talked to her doctor about it all, I think there is more going on with her medically, she may need to see a specialist. Thanks for your support!


I take eliquis and 1/2 metoprolol in the am and eliquis and 1 metoprolol in pm I am having afib episodes quite frequently and am afraid of side effects of other meds. Was told electrocardiogram is perfectly normal. Want least side effect med. Suggestions? ( Afib episodes have become more frequent--sometimes days apart or sometimes weeks apart. They can last from a few hours to 8+) Metoprolol is the safest drug but I am discouraged with these episodes that always occur the first thing upon awakening. I do not know what to do next--given my medication anxiety.

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Had a familly member that had Afib but their Afib was diagnosed by ECHO not electrocardiogram. They had a conversion done that got them out of Afib. It only lasted 4 weeks and they were back in Afib. Had a second cardiac conversion by getting a cryoablation and it worked. They also take eliquis. Good luck to you. God Bless!


This happened to my daughter with her first vaccine for covid, at night, had to call 911 an ambulance came and she regulated so did not go to the hospital, she passed out twice, very interesting to say the least.

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Sorry to hear about your daughter. Did she also get the Pfizer vaccine? It is...scary. And to hear the ER doctor tell me how many patients this has happened to after getting the my antenna up. I am glad I am vaccinated; however, now they want everyone to get the booster...scary. I am now only taking 120 mg of my verapamil since the 240 mg was lowering my heart we'll see.


I take eliquis and 1/2 metoprolol in the am and eliquis and 1 metoprolol in pm I am having afib episodes quite frequently and am afraid of side effects of other meds. Was told electrocardiogram is perfectly normal. Want least side effect med. Suggestions? ( Afib episodes have become more frequent--sometimes days apart or sometimes weeks apart. They can last from a few hours to 8+) Metoprolol is the safest drug but I am discouraged with these episodes that always occur the first thing upon awakening. I do not know what to do next--given my medication anxiety.


Hi! New to this site. I have PSVT paroxomal Supra ventricular tachycardia. Had since I was 12. Had heart ablation at 44. Ablation caused PVCs and PACs but heart rate normal. I am a Physical Therapist a d have been vaccinated Pfizer. After 1st vaccine heart rate increased in 100s. 2nd vaccine HR 133bpm ended up in ER. ER MD reports that I am 553rd patient he has seen with waking up out of sleep with h racing HR. Went to new Cardiologist .as my regular one was no longer covered under my plan. New cardiologist did pre and post nuclear study of my heart and found nothing, no blockages and put me on 25 mg metoprolol twice a day and verapamil 120 mg. Took this metoprolol 25 mg twice a day with Verapamil 120 mg for 1 year. My hair started falling out, memory loss etc but heart rate under control. I am now being Weened off metoprolol from twice a day to once a day snd verapamil increased 240 mg and I am to do this for 2 weeks. Then ween to 12.5 mg metoprolol for two weeks then discontinue metoprolol. Just woke up snd HR 46-52 bpm. Prob due to increase of verapamil. Will be calling cardiologist today. Would welcome feedback and/or questions. I am only day 3 of initiating weening process. Thank you! God. Less!

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This happened to my daughter with her first vaccine for covid, at night, had to call 911 an ambulance came and she regulated so did not go to the hospital, she passed out twice, very interesting to say the least.

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