How did you wean off Metoprolol?

Posted by kenny48 @kenny48, May 11, 2018

I've been taking both flecainide and metoprolol now for eight years, as a prophylactic for Afib. I recently moved to North Carolina and have a new Cardiologist. Have had a lot of PVC's this past two months, and had to wear a heart monitor for an entire month. He said that although I had a lot of PVC's I didn't have even one PAC! He also noted that my BPM was low in the low fifties most of the time. He asked why I was taking metropolol. I told him that the only thing my previous doctor had said was " it makes the flecainide, work better". He suggested I stop taking the metoprolol to see how I do without it. Unfortunately I read a lot of information on the internet. I read that it can be very dangerous to stop taking it. I take 25 mg metoprolol succinate, split in half. Once in the morning with my flecainide, and then again in the evening for a second dose. He wants me to take half in the morning and skip the evening dose for two days, then stop entirely. Has anyone else stopped taking this drug in a similar manner? I'm worried that the cut off is too soon.

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I was on metoprolol Er 25 mg for about 3 months. My ep then lowered it to 12.5 and now I split that. How long do the side effects last for? I’ve been weaning for about a month now and it is still kicking my butt. Get lightheaded, nausea, been to the ER with tachycardia and they do the normal tests and all come back normal. Scheduled for an ablation on March 5 th to take care of this and the PVCs I’m having. Any help is greatly appreciated!!! I’m also on flecainide and losartan. Just need to get off all of these horrible medications!

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I've been on Metoprolol ER for about 4 months. The hospital started me off at 50 mg December 1st then the cardiologist lowered the dose about 7 weeks ago to 25 mg. I started weening off April 10th. I've been taking one every other day. My last dose was on the 14th. I've noticed my heart rate is high when I stand and walk about the house at first but today everything is coming into range. I told my doctor about all the side effects I was experiencing from this drug but he didn't seem to believe me. I'm hoping after one week without Metoprolol I will be back to normal. Note: I have been walking a mile and a half every day for two months which I think helps.


I was in the hospital for five weeks after getting Covid. I had Covid pneumonia and was on a ventilator two weeks then on a high flow a bit then switched to a lower oxygen supplement. I was also diagnosed as having a heart attack. That diagnosis was made because of a high amount of protein released by my heart while in emergency before being admitted into the hospital. To make a long story short, three months later I have weened off the oxygen but have remained on taking Metoprolol ER 25mg once a day. Like many others on this blog I too have suffered with most of these side effect. I was told that you weren't supposed to split these pills in half because they were extended release. So I started to skip a day and take one every other day for a week and now I'm on day two of not taking Metoprolol at all. My blood pressure is very good and my heart rate is in the mid 70's. My head is starting to clear and my attitude about life is much better.


Can you tell me why the metoprolol was prescribed in the first place? BP or heart beat regulation or something else? And have you asked the doctor for alternatives? What is the feature of beetroot supplements that interests you?

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Hello to you. I too have been having unwanted side effects from the metoprolol which most ppl in here seem to be describing and I also have been concerned about weaning off. I was told the reason for the prescription was because a CAC should a fair amount of plaque build up in my LAD and the medicine would help slow my heart rate in case some of the plaque were to break loose. I was only taking 25mg's to begin with and I have been taking half a pill now for several months and the last week I've been taking half of a half. It seems ridiculous writing it out lol....but I just don't know for sure how long you are supposed to safely reduce for. I go to see my cardiologist in a week actually anyway but I really want to quit this medication asap. Ever since I started this and the statin a year ago its literally been the worst year of my life. And I had no symptoms before I started these pills or was even diagnosed. I just asked my doctor during a routine visit since I'm in my 50's and have diabetes and have been struggling with cholesterol should I maybe have a CAC and he said sure. I passed all the other tests stress, echo cardio, ultra sounds etc...anyway. Thank you.


Have you considered contacting the nearest university medical school and hospital system? They may have a clinic that can see you.
It is very common in most parts of the US to have to wait and travel for specialty medical appointments. When I needed to see a cardiologist last year, my wait for a call back was 9 days, then another 6 weeks to be seen. For nephrology in our major metro area the wait time is at least 3 months except for emergencies. I am writing this as we are spending our day waiting in a specialty practice for my husband. Yesterday the wait plus visit was 3.5 hours. Really hoping for a shorter time today. Unfortunately it takes years and many dollars to train and equip doctors and their clinics and support staff. As we age, and add the burden of post-Covid patients, I predict this will be a long term thing.
Do you have a university medical school near you?

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After being turned down as a patient by 3 cardiologists in Redding, CA, I called all of them to find out why. The last one's response per the office was "cannot assist, refer to Davis. So I am waiting for an appt at UC Davis in Sacramento, which is about 130 miles. I am also waiting for a call from a Cardiac Rehab center in Redding as recommended by the hospital where I just spent 5 days after going to the ER with sob, chest pains, and extreme weakness. They put me on Digoxen, which is helping. I am still on Metoprolol and the insomnia seems to have gone away - even in the hospital. I've lost more weight though. I am now 98 pounds. I was 127 in Oct. I have so many questions about my condition. I wish I could find a cardiologist I can see regularly, but we'll see how Davis and the rehab goes. Thank you for your support, Sue.


I am experiencing dizziness and nausea, gas and bloating, and insomnia (this is the worst - and I have only found Tylenol PM that I can take with Metoprolol).. I have no appetite and I feel shaky and anxious. I have to admit though I am concerned what others report and the fact that it is hard to wean off of it. Keep in mind, this is the first on-going meds I have had to take, other than antibiotics for a few days etc in the past. I guess the life threatening aspect of it if you don't wean off correctly is scary and the fact that the pharmacist and doctor never explained how dangerous Beta Blockers can be. That's part of my problem too. Not good medical support. We are in Calif and just moved to another town where I could not find a MD primary care provider right away when I had the A-Fib episode. Appts were like months out so I went with a clinic where I see a PA. Also the town does not have any resident cardiologists for the clinic to refer me to and so I wound up driving 45 miles to an 85yr old Cardiologist consultant. I am trying to get referred to a practicing Card, but appts are months ahead or the office just doesn't get back to you. Everyone says to talk with your doctor, but when I called the consultant after I got the Echo report I was told he only works part time and is not in until next Wed. So now I wait another week to go over what I told you earlier - the ejection fraction, mitral valve etc. I probably sound grumpy. Sorry. It's just very stressful and I am trying to stay calm. I know COVID affected the medical field, but this has been going on since the middle of Jan. and it is frustrating to not be able to access professional medical support when I feel my situation is life threatening.

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Have you considered contacting the nearest university medical school and hospital system? They may have a clinic that can see you.
It is very common in most parts of the US to have to wait and travel for specialty medical appointments. When I needed to see a cardiologist last year, my wait for a call back was 9 days, then another 6 weeks to be seen. For nephrology in our major metro area the wait time is at least 3 months except for emergencies. I am writing this as we are spending our day waiting in a specialty practice for my husband. Yesterday the wait plus visit was 3.5 hours. Really hoping for a shorter time today. Unfortunately it takes years and many dollars to train and equip doctors and their clinics and support staff. As we age, and add the burden of post-Covid patients, I predict this will be a long term thing.
Do you have a university medical school near you?


I am experiencing dizziness and nausea, gas and bloating, and insomnia (this is the worst - and I have only found Tylenol PM that I can take with Metoprolol).. I have no appetite and I feel shaky and anxious. I have to admit though I am concerned what others report and the fact that it is hard to wean off of it. Keep in mind, this is the first on-going meds I have had to take, other than antibiotics for a few days etc in the past. I guess the life threatening aspect of it if you don't wean off correctly is scary and the fact that the pharmacist and doctor never explained how dangerous Beta Blockers can be. That's part of my problem too. Not good medical support. We are in Calif and just moved to another town where I could not find a MD primary care provider right away when I had the A-Fib episode. Appts were like months out so I went with a clinic where I see a PA. Also the town does not have any resident cardiologists for the clinic to refer me to and so I wound up driving 45 miles to an 85yr old Cardiologist consultant. I am trying to get referred to a practicing Card, but appts are months ahead or the office just doesn't get back to you. Everyone says to talk with your doctor, but when I called the consultant after I got the Echo report I was told he only works part time and is not in until next Wed. So now I wait another week to go over what I told you earlier - the ejection fraction, mitral valve etc. I probably sound grumpy. Sorry. It's just very stressful and I am trying to stay calm. I know COVID affected the medical field, but this has been going on since the middle of Jan. and it is frustrating to not be able to access professional medical support when I feel my situation is life threatening.

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Thanks for the Bystolic link. I see it is much the same as Metoprolol except for the possibility of sleeplessness, trouble sleeping, unable to sleep, which is my main concern right now with feeling stressed out. The PA told me meds ending in "olol" are similar. I'm glad you told me you did well on Meto though. I had just Googled what is an alternative for Meto and Bystolic was suggested as not having as severe side effects.


Here is what Mayo has to say about Bystolic:
Are you having adverse effects from Metoprolol, or are you just concerned because you see what others report? I can tell you that I took it for 7 years without any issues, until it interfered with a new asthma med and I had to stop. I wish I could have it back - nothing else we have tried has been able to regulate my heart beat without nasty side effects!
Have you seen the doctor yet for a complete evaluation of what you need to take?

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I am experiencing dizziness and nausea, gas and bloating, and insomnia (this is the worst - and I have only found Tylenol PM that I can take with Metoprolol).. I have no appetite and I feel shaky and anxious. I have to admit though I am concerned what others report and the fact that it is hard to wean off of it. Keep in mind, this is the first on-going meds I have had to take, other than antibiotics for a few days etc in the past. I guess the life threatening aspect of it if you don't wean off correctly is scary and the fact that the pharmacist and doctor never explained how dangerous Beta Blockers can be. That's part of my problem too. Not good medical support. We are in Calif and just moved to another town where I could not find a MD primary care provider right away when I had the A-Fib episode. Appts were like months out so I went with a clinic where I see a PA. Also the town does not have any resident cardiologists for the clinic to refer me to and so I wound up driving 45 miles to an 85yr old Cardiologist consultant. I am trying to get referred to a practicing Card, but appts are months ahead or the office just doesn't get back to you. Everyone says to talk with your doctor, but when I called the consultant after I got the Echo report I was told he only works part time and is not in until next Wed. So now I wait another week to go over what I told you earlier - the ejection fraction, mitral valve etc. I probably sound grumpy. Sorry. It's just very stressful and I am trying to stay calm. I know COVID affected the medical field, but this has been going on since the middle of Jan. and it is frustrating to not be able to access professional medical support when I feel my situation is life threatening.


Hello Sue, Thank you for your response. I was put on Metoprolol after an A-Fib episode in Jan (my first) to lower BP and heartbeat regulation. I didn't want to be on prescription drugs, but seems I am too late to even think about Beet supplements. I just found out my Echocardiogram shows I am significantly below ejection fraction, which (from what I read online) calls for a regimen of a Beta Blocker, Ace Inhibitor, and Diuretic. Also possibility of a pacemaker. I also have left atrium mod dilated and right atrium mod to severe dilated - also calls for Beta Blocker. The report also said (re: ejection fraction) possible heart valve problems (not sure if that is surgery or???). Also Mitral Valve - which (again online) calls for surgery) I have not met with doc yet to go over Echo report , but I still plan on asking for a change from Metoprolol. So looks like I'm on prescription drugs for the long haul. Guess I'm lucky having gone this long (77yr) without them. Does anyone know anything about Bystolic?

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Here is what Mayo has to say about Bystolic:
Are you having adverse effects from Metoprolol, or are you just concerned because you see what others report? I can tell you that I took it for 7 years without any issues, until it interfered with a new asthma med and I had to stop. I wish I could have it back - nothing else we have tried has been able to regulate my heart beat without nasty side effects!
Have you seen the doctor yet for a complete evaluation of what you need to take?


Can you tell me why the metoprolol was prescribed in the first place? BP or heart beat regulation or something else? And have you asked the doctor for alternatives? What is the feature of beetroot supplements that interests you?

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Hello Sue, Thank you for your response. I was put on Metoprolol after an A-Fib episode in Jan (my first) to lower BP and heartbeat regulation. I didn't want to be on prescription drugs, but seems I am too late to even think about Beet supplements. I just found out my Echocardiogram shows I am significantly below ejection fraction, which (from what I read online) calls for a regimen of a Beta Blocker, Ace Inhibitor, and Diuretic. Also possibility of a pacemaker. I also have left atrium mod dilated and right atrium mod to severe dilated - also calls for Beta Blocker. The report also said (re: ejection fraction) possible heart valve problems (not sure if that is surgery or???). Also Mitral Valve - which (again online) calls for surgery) I have not met with doc yet to go over Echo report , but I still plan on asking for a change from Metoprolol. So looks like I'm on prescription drugs for the long haul. Guess I'm lucky having gone this long (77yr) without them. Does anyone know anything about Bystolic?


I had similar things happen to me after about 3 months of taking Metoprolol tartrate. I lost around 30 pounds in a couple of months from the gastro problems and I had chills while taking it. I have been told to stop taking it now and am worried about side effects. I only take 25 mg split up into 2 doses. I was wondering how you are doing now and how long it took you to feel better after you stopped taking it. Thanks for any input.

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I hope your weaning off journey was very successful. I’m currently looking to ask my doctor to weaned me off of this medication too. I’m having back problems, prickling sensation, red rashes … a lot of things I’ve never had before until the medication 😩

How was your weaning off journey?

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