How did you wean off Metoprolol?

Posted by kenny48 @kenny48, May 11, 2018

I've been taking both flecainide and metoprolol now for eight years, as a prophylactic for Afib. I recently moved to North Carolina and have a new Cardiologist. Have had a lot of PVC's this past two months, and had to wear a heart monitor for an entire month. He said that although I had a lot of PVC's I didn't have even one PAC! He also noted that my BPM was low in the low fifties most of the time. He asked why I was taking metropolol. I told him that the only thing my previous doctor had said was " it makes the flecainide, work better". He suggested I stop taking the metoprolol to see how I do without it. Unfortunately I read a lot of information on the internet. I read that it can be very dangerous to stop taking it. I take 25 mg metoprolol succinate, split in half. Once in the morning with my flecainide, and then again in the evening for a second dose. He wants me to take half in the morning and skip the evening dose for two days, then stop entirely. Has anyone else stopped taking this drug in a similar manner? I'm worried that the cut off is too soon.

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Definitely, I’m now in possession of a $75,000 loop heart monitor implanted in my chest just above the left Atrial Chamber. Because of my 1 in a million birth defect, the top Electrophysiologist Cardiologist in the Major Hospital near me took a keen interest in my case. My heart is monitored 24/7 by the company who watches my heart thru my recorder out in Oregon with their plant in Germany. It records every heartbeat my heart produces to map out where the short circuit is, so a very rare procedure can be preformed on me when the mapping is completed. I’ll be strapped onto an operating table because the procedure is so delicate, I can not move for roughly 10 hours. Then he’ll slip a special device down thru my neck into my right Atrial Chamber and destroy every Heart Cell involved in the short circuit, one heart cell at a time. Interesting, you bet, my heart is so rare, I doubt any doctor in my state has ever performed a procedure like my doctor will get a chance to do, a once in a lifetime kind of operation. To think I never would have found out about my birth defect had I not done my research and learned I was going to the wrong cardiologist.

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What an amazing opportunity for both you and your doctor! You must be so glad that you took the time to explore other options rather than just take meds.

Do you know long it will be before the mapping is completed?


So far I been good still a little bit anxious about the fact that my brain keep telling me 7 days wasn’t enough to wean off this medication I was taking for 2 months and it was metoprolol succ 50 mg most of the time I m anxious thinking it was to soon to wean it off and I will have a heart attack or any issue any minute 🙁 this may be my health anxiety kicking in I don’t know

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These types of changes are difficult, and when you have anxiety problems it seems to be even more of a challenge.

During this time when you are going off the med completely are there things you can do to occupy your mind? I'm thinking of enjoyable activities like having lunch with a friend, going to a movie, spending time in meditation, taking walks, etc. ?

Please remember that if you have symptoms that are uncomfortable you can always go to Urgent Care or to an ER and be checked out to be sure there are no heart issues that need to be addressed.

Will you post again as you go through this process and let me know how you are doing?


Hello @becky1024

I'm glad that you posted your experience with heart rhythm problems and the benefit of seeing an Electro Cardiologist. It sounds as if you effectively became an active participant in your health care when you did "weeks of research" and found the correct specialist. Good for you!

Did this specialist change your treatment plan at all?

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Definitely, I’m now in possession of a $75,000 loop heart monitor implanted in my chest just above the left Atrial Chamber. Because of my 1 in a million birth defect, the top Electrophysiologist Cardiologist in the Major Hospital near me took a keen interest in my case. My heart is monitored 24/7 by the company who watches my heart thru my recorder out in Oregon with their plant in Germany. It records every heartbeat my heart produces to map out where the short circuit is, so a very rare procedure can be preformed on me when the mapping is completed. I’ll be strapped onto an operating table because the procedure is so delicate, I can not move for roughly 10 hours. Then he’ll slip a special device down thru my neck into my right Atrial Chamber and destroy every Heart Cell involved in the short circuit, one heart cell at a time. Interesting, you bet, my heart is so rare, I doubt any doctor in my state has ever performed a procedure like my doctor will get a chance to do, a once in a lifetime kind of operation. To think I never would have found out about my birth defect had I not done my research and learned I was going to the wrong cardiologist.


Hi @anacarel2018

I am glad to know that you are making this change under the supervision of your doctor. Do you have any other concerns regarding this change?

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So far I been good still a little bit anxious about the fact that my brain keep telling me 7 days wasn’t enough to wean off this medication I was taking for 2 months and it was metoprolol succ 50 mg most of the time I m anxious thinking it was to soon to wean it off and I will have a heart attack or any issue any minute 🙁 this may be my health anxiety kicking in I don’t know


I was born with a 1 in a million heart birth defect that I didn’t know about until 2021 and I’m 78yo now. I wish I knew that an Electrophysiologist Cardiologist is a specialist that deals with heart rhythm issues. Regular Cardiologist simply prescribe Metoprolol for heart rhythm problems instead of referring you to an Electro Cardiologist. I ran into this issue with 3 different regular cardiologist and finally decided to be my own health activist. I did weeks of research before I stumbled onto an explanation of an Electro Cardiologist. That’s who every person on this forum should have for ANY heart rhythm problems NOT a regular cardiologist. This is just my opinion and not a diagnosis of your heart problem.

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Hello @becky1024

I'm glad that you posted your experience with heart rhythm problems and the benefit of seeing an Electro Cardiologist. It sounds as if you effectively became an active participant in your health care when you did "weeks of research" and found the correct specialist. Good for you!

Did this specialist change your treatment plan at all?


Yes my cardiologist nurse said to take it for 5 to 6 days then stop completely I took it for 7 days and stopped today it been 3 days without taking it no issue other than anxiety the cardiologist think I don’t need to take any other medication all the heart test were clear only showed a sinus tachycardia a early beat but nothing else wrong since I suffer from ocd anxiety disorder cardiologist think the tachycardia happened due to that and no because a another issue with the heart or body because I got thyroids check ultrasound and blood test and got check for everything in my body lungs disease everything was cleared

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Hi @anacarel2018

I am glad to know that you are making this change under the supervision of your doctor. Do you have any other concerns regarding this change?


Hello @anacarel2018

It is good that you feel concerned. It is very important to talk to your doctor before tapering off (or stopping) any medicine that is being used to treat heart rhythm problems. Have you talked with your doctor about discontinuing this med?

I took metoprolol for about a month and had side effects. I called my cardiologist and he changed to a similar, but different med, for heart rhythm issues. The new med did not have the side effects.

Before you go off of the metoprolol completely please check with your doctor to see if he can substitute a different med that will help with the tachycardia.

Will you call your doctor?

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Yes my cardiologist nurse said to take it for 5 to 6 days then stop completely I took it for 7 days and stopped today it been 3 days without taking it no issue other than anxiety the cardiologist think I don’t need to take any other medication all the heart test were clear only showed a sinus tachycardia a early beat but nothing else wrong since I suffer from ocd anxiety disorder cardiologist think the tachycardia happened due to that and no because a another issue with the heart or body because I got thyroids check ultrasound and blood test and got check for everything in my body lungs disease everything was cleared


I been on metoprolol 2 months 50 mg daily for tachycardia now I m on 25 mg for 7 days until I stop completely tomorrow are there any permanent sides effects or any problems that won’t go away after metoprolol I m so afraid can anything happen to my heart

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Hello @anacarel2018

It is good that you feel concerned. It is very important to talk to your doctor before tapering off (or stopping) any medicine that is being used to treat heart rhythm problems. Have you talked with your doctor about discontinuing this med?

I took metoprolol for about a month and had side effects. I called my cardiologist and he changed to a similar, but different med, for heart rhythm issues. The new med did not have the side effects.

Before you go off of the metoprolol completely please check with your doctor to see if he can substitute a different med that will help with the tachycardia.

Will you call your doctor?


I just want to say that Metoprolol tartrate is causing me a lot of problems. I have bad insomnia from taking 25 mg for 2 months now. It has been tormentful and I'm getting anxiety/ panic episodes. I was put on it to slow my heart rate down. I'm going to talk to my doctor about getting of this tomorrow. I know more side effects are going to come from me winging off it. I just hope I get through all this. I'm also having palpitations I guess. My heart will speed up 105 then 5 minutes later back on the 90's. I'm shacky when this happens. How can I start getting off this medication? This is awful. No sleep in over a week.

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I was born with a 1 in a million heart birth defect that I didn’t know about until 2021 and I’m 78yo now. I wish I knew that an Electrophysiologist Cardiologist is a specialist that deals with heart rhythm issues. Regular Cardiologist simply prescribe Metoprolol for heart rhythm problems instead of referring you to an Electro Cardiologist. I ran into this issue with 3 different regular cardiologist and finally decided to be my own health activist. I did weeks of research before I stumbled onto an explanation of an Electro Cardiologist. That’s who every person on this forum should have for ANY heart rhythm problems NOT a regular cardiologist. This is just my opinion and not a diagnosis of your heart problem.


Hi! New to this site. I have PSVT paroxomal Supra ventricular tachycardia. Had since I was 12. Had heart ablation at 44. Ablation caused PVCs and PACs but heart rate normal. I am a Physical Therapist a d have been vaccinated Pfizer. After 1st vaccine heart rate increased in 100s. 2nd vaccine HR 133bpm ended up in ER. ER MD reports that I am 553rd patient he has seen with waking up out of sleep with h racing HR. Went to new Cardiologist .as my regular one was no longer covered under my plan. New cardiologist did pre and post nuclear study of my heart and found nothing, no blockages and put me on 25 mg metoprolol twice a day and verapamil 120 mg. Took this metoprolol 25 mg twice a day with Verapamil 120 mg for 1 year. My hair started falling out, memory loss etc but heart rate under control. I am now being Weened off metoprolol from twice a day to once a day snd verapamil increased 240 mg and I am to do this for 2 weeks. Then ween to 12.5 mg metoprolol for two weeks then discontinue metoprolol. Just woke up snd HR 46-52 bpm. Prob due to increase of verapamil. Will be calling cardiologist today. Would welcome feedback and/or questions. I am only day 3 of initiating weening process. Thank you! God. Less!

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Hi @bgp . I also woke up out of my sleep with my heart racing. It's very scary. How did it go with weening of this medication? I'm worried about side effects and also my heart racing again.

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