Weaning off Hydrocodone

Posted by clemsonbabe @clemsonbabe, Oct 24, 2023

I have been on Hydrocodone for over a year after back surgery. My Gastroenterologist believes it is causing my nausea and lack of appetite and recommends I get off of it. I still have lots of pain. Any suggestions on ways to wean off and other options for pain management. I also see a Pain Management doctor who is advising me. Trust your feedback on this. Thank you!

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Is this doc a pain specialists? If not find one.

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Yes, he is a pain mgt specialist. He felt like the patches would not be best since my entire back hurts. My scoliosis fusion was from T4-ilium. Is your pain more localized to one area? Thanks for your advice!


I’ve got spinal osteoarthritis, spinal column narrowing, and peripheral neuropathy. I change my patch every 7 days and couldn’t be happier with my regime. I started at 15mcg and after 2 weeks increased to 20mcg for over 2 years. I used to need 6 oxycodone a day for breakthrough pain but since incorporating cannabis into my regime I only need 1-2 a week. The big plus for me was adding in exercising and walking. Walking is my go to for low back pain relief.


You might consider looking into buprenorphine for your chronic pain. I too was on Percocet for about 17 years following back surgery. But due to the acetaminophen in the medication I was concerned about my liver. I first switched to long acting morphine sulfate pills following the Percocet but they didn’t tamp my pain sufficiently. I went to a rehabilitation/pain doc who prescribed buprenorphine patches. The drug in pill and film form is used in addiction medicine while the patch is used to treat chronic pain 24/7. Please read https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4675640/

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I can vouch for the Ease and efficacy of the (film) stuff.
I tried the patch but was dissatisfied that it left no options for dosage timing. Patch was either off or on.
Film however is starting to be effective for me. Rx'd by pain management For chronic pain control. So yes.


Glad you found relief and in a formulation that met your dosing needs. I need 24/7 relief so patch is perfect.


Thanks for the advice and the prayers! I have asked about going back on Tramadol but the pain mgt dr does not think it will hold the pain. May ask again, though. I had less gastro issues with it. Gabapentin at night seems to help some. Thankful I can at least get out of bed! Bless you!

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Have you tired the Oxy without the tylenol? All those fillers just destroy my stomach. The Dr.s put me on when. in a clinical trial for Cancer. The Immuno drugs went right after my stomach.....my Gall Bladder died during trial, very painful!! And they make them in small mgs. I started on 5 mgs. when I would have pain. Obviously it's hard to tell sometimes where the pain is coming from, but I also had alot of my system messed up! I think if they will give you those, it will be easier to get down on them? It's so hard, you never know what do.......If you take them, it's bad....if you don't it hurts???? I know walking and hot detox tubs help?

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