Weaning off Hydrocodone

Posted by clemsonbabe @clemsonbabe, Oct 24, 2023

I have been on Hydrocodone for over a year after back surgery. My Gastroenterologist believes it is causing my nausea and lack of appetite and recommends I get off of it. I still have lots of pain. Any suggestions on ways to wean off and other options for pain management. I also see a Pain Management doctor who is advising me. Trust your feedback on this. Thank you!

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One other thing I've found helpful when doing things is a stretchy brace. A simple velcro adjustable band that puts pressure where you want it feels good when doing chores or moving and bending. It's helped me realize that some relief is possible from such a brace in the right place.


One other thing I've found helpful when doing things is a stretchy brace. A simple velcro adjustable band that puts pressure where you want it feels good when doing chores or moving and bending. It's helped me realize that some relief is possible from such a brace in the right place.

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Good suggestion!


Laying down and icing work great for me. Trying to keep moving as much as I can so I do not become an invalid. I tried cutting the Hydrocodone with some success, but now have had to go back to the full dose and it is not really holding the pain level. I think my body has just gotten used to it and it is no longer working, which I understand can happen.

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Now's the time to cut back again. After a week or so you'll start feeling it working again. Unless you get withdrawal. I've been fortunate to not have withdrawl symptoms. Today I took 3/4 of the 10-325 Oxy tablet. My script is for four a day, one every six hours. I'd like to take more now because it would feel good but I know it's not the best way to deal with my condition. You have to give your body a chance to adjust. Try it, you've nothing to lose. You can manage it.


I used to switch to Tramadol for two months every eight months as my body would also get used to it. I found that helped to reset the body and then hydrocodone worked much better again. The body is fantastic at getting used to pain medicine, and the positive impact you once felt lessen over time. Resetting the body worked for me as a person who has been on pain meds for 20 years.


I used to switch to Tramadol for two months every eight months as my body would also get used to it. I found that helped to reset the body and then hydrocodone worked much better again. The body is fantastic at getting used to pain medicine, and the positive impact you once felt lessen over time. Resetting the body worked for me as a person who has been on pain meds for 20 years.

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Did you have to wean off the Hydro to start the Tramadol?


Thank you for caring and sharing! A neurosurgeon did my scoliosis surgery a little over a year ago. It was very extensive and he believed it would take a year for recovery. Have had lots of gastro issues and had my gallbladder out a few months ago. That extended my recovery period. I have lost about 15 pounds and need to add that weight back to get healthy. Still doing light physical therapy. Ice packs do help so I rest twice a day with that. My pain mgt dr I'd changing my pain med from hydrocodone to nucynta. Then after a few days psych has recommended Cymbalta. Seeing a counselor. Praying lots and still holding on to God's promises to be with me.

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Cymbalta is very hard to come off of. Research @ Cymbalta hurts worse. I’ve tried for 1 yr and had to go back on to take care of my Mom before she passed and haven’t tried again. They have a protocol to get off. I wish you the best. I just got the Nevro DRG stimulater . Not working. Going tommow to see about the leads with an X-ray . Wish me luck!


Well your dr is probably right about suppressing your appetite. If you been on them for awhile the nausea part usually subsided. Although if you continue taking them I would take with a small snack or meal thirty minutes before taking your pain meds. Some ppl can wean their selves off by just taking one pill out of their daily routine for a week or so then taking out another after another eeek or so, whatever works for you. Some ppl have their drs help to wean them off maybe at a lesser mg after a bit then a smaller mg after that til your off. It prevents withdraw symptoms. Unfortunately I have not found any meds that help with pain like hydrocodone or ocycodone does. Gabapentin makes me lathargetic and feel weird. Meloxicam didn’t help enough to make an impact. Creams, ointments, cbd, kratom all no positive effects on ridding me of my pain. I take ibuprofen to help with inflammation with a tramadol when I’m trying to cut back on anything else. Then I just cut down on my mobility to help prevent any additional pain spells. I sure hope you find something to help you. I will be lifting you up in prayer if you
Don’t mind. Let us know how it
Goes with you.


Well your dr is probably right about suppressing your appetite. If you been on them for awhile the nausea part usually subsided. Although if you continue taking them I would take with a small snack or meal thirty minutes before taking your pain meds. Some ppl can wean their selves off by just taking one pill out of their daily routine for a week or so then taking out another after another eeek or so, whatever works for you. Some ppl have their drs help to wean them off maybe at a lesser mg after a bit then a smaller mg after that til your off. It prevents withdraw symptoms. Unfortunately I have not found any meds that help with pain like hydrocodone or ocycodone does. Gabapentin makes me lathargetic and feel weird. Meloxicam didn’t help enough to make an impact. Creams, ointments, cbd, kratom all no positive effects on ridding me of my pain. I take ibuprofen to help with inflammation with a tramadol when I’m trying to cut back on anything else. Then I just cut down on my mobility to help prevent any additional pain spells. I sure hope you find something to help you. I will be lifting you up in prayer if you
Don’t mind. Let us know how it
Goes with you.

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Thanks for the advice and the prayers! I have asked about going back on Tramadol but the pain mgt dr does not think it will hold the pain. May ask again, though. I had less gastro issues with it. Gabapentin at night seems to help some. Thankful I can at least get out of bed! Bless you!


Thanks for the advice and the prayers! I have asked about going back on Tramadol but the pain mgt dr does not think it will hold the pain. May ask again, though. I had less gastro issues with it. Gabapentin at night seems to help some. Thankful I can at least get out of bed! Bless you!

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Your very welcome wishing you well!


Cymbalta is very hard to come off of. Research @ Cymbalta hurts worse. I’ve tried for 1 yr and had to go back on to take care of my Mom before she passed and haven’t tried again. They have a protocol to get off. I wish you the best. I just got the Nevro DRG stimulater . Not working. Going tommow to see about the leads with an X-ray . Wish me luck!

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I agree Cymbalta is the worst drug ever! And i think ive been on all of them.

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