Muscle Weakness with PMR, can I resume working with weights?

Posted by priscillat @priscillat, Jan 26, 2022

This is my second bout with PMR. I had so much energy the first time on prednisone . I’m reducing much slower this time, but feel weak in my hands and arms. I asked my doctor if I could lift weights, and she said no more than 1 pound. I feel like my muscles are atrophying. Anyone else? When I’m finished my course of prednisone (another year) can I resume working out with weights, or will that bring the PMR back? Thanks for any advice.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.

Hi @priscillat, My PMR is currently in remission but when it was active I still tried to do some exercise and activities to keep moving. I had the same feeling of my muscles seemed like they are agtrophying. I also had 2 bouts with PMR. The first one was the worst and lasted 3-1/2 years. I didn't exrecise as much the first time around but when it came out of remission six years later I knew I didn't want the weight gain and started making lifestyle changes with more exercises and better nutrition eating habits. I do think it's sound advice not to do heavy lifting and overdo exercising until you ache so I stuck with mild exercising, walking, working in the yard and some moderated resistance training. If you are looking for ideas, this might be helpful.

3 Strategies for Coping with Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR):


Hi @priscillat, My PMR is currently in remission but when it was active I still tried to do some exercise and activities to keep moving. I had the same feeling of my muscles seemed like they are agtrophying. I also had 2 bouts with PMR. The first one was the worst and lasted 3-1/2 years. I didn't exrecise as much the first time around but when it came out of remission six years later I knew I didn't want the weight gain and started making lifestyle changes with more exercises and better nutrition eating habits. I do think it's sound advice not to do heavy lifting and overdo exercising until you ache so I stuck with mild exercising, walking, working in the yard and some moderated resistance training. If you are looking for ideas, this might be helpful.

3 Strategies for Coping with Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR):

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Thank you John. I take a 3 mile walk each day (and really enjoy it), do daily household chores, and manage to get 10,000 steps in everyday. My legs and hips have never been a problem; can hardly lift dishes now - or hold on to a full cup with one hand. Very different from last time, but then I’m older.


Hi, so I am 59 and was always in great shape with lean, defined muscles from all types of workouts I did most of my life with light weights, pickleball, yoga, etc, Now 6 weeks after onset of PMR, I am shocked today to notice that my muscles are shrinking in a such a way that my skin is hanging loose. Arms and legs are getting skinny. I now understand why I have been loosing weight on the scale. Is anyone else going through this? Is this was PMR does? attacks the muscles? or do I have something else? Everyday there is something new to worry about it seems.


Hi, so I am 59 and was always in great shape with lean, defined muscles from all types of workouts I did most of my life with light weights, pickleball, yoga, etc, Now 6 weeks after onset of PMR, I am shocked today to notice that my muscles are shrinking in a such a way that my skin is hanging loose. Arms and legs are getting skinny. I now understand why I have been loosing weight on the scale. Is anyone else going through this? Is this was PMR does? attacks the muscles? or do I have something else? Everyday there is something new to worry about it seems.

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Hi Abbey @abbeyc, You will notice that we merged your discussion with a similar discussion on the same topic so that could meet @priscillat and share experiences and other information. Losing muscle mass is also one of my concerns but for me I think it's due to my age and other factors - I'm 78 and am not quite as active as you two. I do have a bluetooth scale that shows body fat, muscle mass, water weight and BMI. The only thing consistent for me is the muscle mass at 25% which is low 🙁 I know I need to do more work with weights but it's a little out of my league so I keep riding my cross fit trainer exercise bike to help with strength and cardio but it's not helping with the muscle mass.

I did post an article above to 3 Strategies for Coping with Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) but I'm guessing you might being doing all the right things from and exercise perspective. Have you done any weight lifting or training to see if that helps or possibly talked with your doctor for suggestions?


Hi Abbey @abbeyc, You will notice that we merged your discussion with a similar discussion on the same topic so that could meet @priscillat and share experiences and other information. Losing muscle mass is also one of my concerns but for me I think it's due to my age and other factors - I'm 78 and am not quite as active as you two. I do have a bluetooth scale that shows body fat, muscle mass, water weight and BMI. The only thing consistent for me is the muscle mass at 25% which is low 🙁 I know I need to do more work with weights but it's a little out of my league so I keep riding my cross fit trainer exercise bike to help with strength and cardio but it's not helping with the muscle mass.

I did post an article above to 3 Strategies for Coping with Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) but I'm guessing you might being doing all the right things from and exercise perspective. Have you done any weight lifting or training to see if that helps or possibly talked with your doctor for suggestions?

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Thank you. I had been in too much pain to do normal exercise and use weights. But yesterday out of fear of what I was seeing, I picked up the light weights with the hope that regular use might help build back the muscles. But I did a lot of online research this morning and it appears that muscle atrophy is a common symptom of PMR especially in the beginning before you get put on Prednisone. Hoping mine gets under control now. I already read to make sure you get enough protein in your diet to help with building the muscles. But there is still that lingering question of another possible underlying condition behind PMR. As apparently PMR is not the disease, it is the name given to the symptoms of an underlying cause.


Hi, so I am 59 and was always in great shape with lean, defined muscles from all types of workouts I did most of my life with light weights, pickleball, yoga, etc, Now 6 weeks after onset of PMR, I am shocked today to notice that my muscles are shrinking in a such a way that my skin is hanging loose. Arms and legs are getting skinny. I now understand why I have been loosing weight on the scale. Is anyone else going through this? Is this was PMR does? attacks the muscles? or do I have something else? Everyday there is something new to worry about it seems.

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It has affected my muscle mass, and I found that the treatment prednisone has thinned my skin and made me tired so I cannot do the exercise that I use too, thus losing mu muscle tone/mass. If you are still taking large doses of prednisone do not do heavy lifting until you get down, so you do not tear a tendon, is the instruction from my physical therapist. Sadly it has forever changed us,
and I don't think that we can go back. I have been taking collogen for a year with no noticeable results. It has also affected my lungs so that I look and sound like I have run a long way when I have only gone up 5 steps. But all tests by MD's say that my lungs are fine. ? I can no longer sing and hold notes like a good soprano? I hope this will change when I am of the meds and in remission.


Thank you for sharing and your advice. Do you think your lungs are affected from the PMR or from Prednisone side effects. It's just so hard to figure out what is causing what and every day it's something new to worry about. It is frightening when you say, it has forever changed us. I can't even comprehend this yet. I've only had this for about 2 months and partially in denial that I can't go back to how I was. crying emoji.


Thank you for sharing and your advice. Do you think your lungs are affected from the PMR or from Prednisone side effects. It's just so hard to figure out what is causing what and every day it's something new to worry about. It is frightening when you say, it has forever changed us. I can't even comprehend this yet. I've only had this for about 2 months and partially in denial that I can't go back to how I was. crying emoji.

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Hello@abbeyc and @quilterdar I had PMR and GCA undiagnosed for a year. These are autoimmune diseases that attack the blood vessels so decrease blood flow throughout the body. The pain with PMR was so extreme I could only manage a walk in the morning. After a while that was exhausting. I had anorexia and anemia caused by PMR and GCA. Before that, in addition to walking, I strength trained on a regular basis, did Pilates, and even some Judo. With PMR and GCA my muscles were hanging and wasting away. I also got a diagnosis of osteoporosis. I did not go back to strength training until, taking prednisone, my pain decreased. I bought specific targeted workout DVDs for osteoporosis and have been working with light weights for about six months now. I also purchased a Whole Body Vibration Exercise machine to build bone density. My muscles are coming back, no longer hanging. I do pace myself though. I alternate walking with strength training workouts, but use the vibration exerciser six days a week. In the past people have posted that once their PMR was under control and they went back to super hard workouts, they got flareups. I am just grateful to be working out and doing something good for my bones. Now I'm down to 4 mg of Prednisone from 40 mg with no pain, and I'm 71. Best to you both. You'll get through this.


Hello@abbeyc and @quilterdar I had PMR and GCA undiagnosed for a year. These are autoimmune diseases that attack the blood vessels so decrease blood flow throughout the body. The pain with PMR was so extreme I could only manage a walk in the morning. After a while that was exhausting. I had anorexia and anemia caused by PMR and GCA. Before that, in addition to walking, I strength trained on a regular basis, did Pilates, and even some Judo. With PMR and GCA my muscles were hanging and wasting away. I also got a diagnosis of osteoporosis. I did not go back to strength training until, taking prednisone, my pain decreased. I bought specific targeted workout DVDs for osteoporosis and have been working with light weights for about six months now. I also purchased a Whole Body Vibration Exercise machine to build bone density. My muscles are coming back, no longer hanging. I do pace myself though. I alternate walking with strength training workouts, but use the vibration exerciser six days a week. In the past people have posted that once their PMR was under control and they went back to super hard workouts, they got flareups. I am just grateful to be working out and doing something good for my bones. Now I'm down to 4 mg of Prednisone from 40 mg with no pain, and I'm 71. Best to you both. You'll get through this.

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Oh my gosh, thank you for sharing this. Yes, the muscles are hanging - exactly! So frightening! and like over night! I know the pain you must have felt. I'm so sorry. I too have osteoporosis so I will look into these body vibration machines - has it made a difference in your bone density or too early to tell? Is it the Power Plate brand I just looked at?

But you bring up another concern: decreased blood flow throughout the body. I wonder what other organs are being affected as a result. and is the blood flow then improved I wonder once on the Prednisone?


Oh my gosh, thank you for sharing this. Yes, the muscles are hanging - exactly! So frightening! and like over night! I know the pain you must have felt. I'm so sorry. I too have osteoporosis so I will look into these body vibration machines - has it made a difference in your bone density or too early to tell? Is it the Power Plate brand I just looked at?

But you bring up another concern: decreased blood flow throughout the body. I wonder what other organs are being affected as a result. and is the blood flow then improved I wonder once on the Prednisone?

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Hi @abbeyc have you started prdenisone yet? On the proper dosage your symptoms should lessen or disappear as it calms the immune system which is attacking the blood vessels. The muscle weakness from PMR is due to the pain we experience. I
researched Whole Body Vibration (WBV) machines and bought the Eilison Bolt from Amazon. It had a five year warranty, weighed 11 pounds and works on carpet, although I put it on a yoga mat. It has 3 programs that reportedly build bone density. I worked up to using them gradually. It's too early to tell if the WBV is working. I don't qualify for another Bone Density for a couple of years. It has definitely tightened up my thigh and leg muscles though. I hope you feel better soon. Teri

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