We miss our Mayo Phoenix... Ever since Medicare kicked in

Posted by Paul @phoenixpal, Oct 20, 2022

We really do! We miss the professionalism, the focus on the patient, not feeling like we're using up the doctor's time....

But then 2 years ago I had a Total Knee Replacement and the billing nightmare began. Before turning 65, we never saw a bill. Aside from $20 copay, our Blue Cross policy took care of it all.

Then came Medicare and major surgery. It took 2 years 100s of phone calls between Blue Cross, Mayo billing and Medicare. And we still paid over $1000 out of pocket.

We want to come back to Mayo and will try a simple office visit.

My question is: Is there a service that will take the plethora of Medicare checks sent to us, random checks for $1.50 to $500, checks for who knows what part of the procedure and bill, a service that can work with Medicare, Mayo billing and secondary insurer to sort all the confusion? We would gladly pay for the service! However since all parties insist on only speaking to us, I'm not sure how it would work.

Our plan at the moment is to come back to Mayo for simple checkups, but go to another hospital/provider, that accepts Medicare payments for any major procedures.

Anyone have a solution for this problem?


Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Visiting Mayo Clinic Support Group.


We are still trying to resolve the out-of-network billing issue we have and the dismissive response we got from Billing is that we need to work it out with our insurance! However, our insurance says Mayo has to submit the claim properly in order for the member to get the in-network benefit covered under our plan!! May I ask who is your contact at Mayo who is helping you resolve your billing issues at Mayo? I'd like to get in touch with him/her to see they can possibly help us with our billing issue. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks!

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Yes I actually after multiple phone calls turned to my Social Worker Lisa in Transplant Social worker dept. She contacted the finance people and now I'm working with one of them. So I would say begin by getting an Apt with the Social Workers in your particular area and see if they could help. I don't have a direct contact phone number to the person helping me but his name is David and I receive calls from him typically but did get a message to him once via the main Mayo number. I suggest using the Social Workers as a beginning as all the phone calls I made directly to finance sound like the ones you also have gotten. I'll be honest I feel that the Finiance dept is in my humble opinion not easy to work with. I have found 2 people I have talked with on the phone who were very helpful but rare. I'm sad to say. I truly love Mayo and all the great healthcare Workers I've met but I think the finance department could improve a bit.
Hope that helps


Yes I actually after multiple phone calls turned to my Social Worker Lisa in Transplant Social worker dept. She contacted the finance people and now I'm working with one of them. So I would say begin by getting an Apt with the Social Workers in your particular area and see if they could help. I don't have a direct contact phone number to the person helping me but his name is David and I receive calls from him typically but did get a message to him once via the main Mayo number. I suggest using the Social Workers as a beginning as all the phone calls I made directly to finance sound like the ones you also have gotten. I'll be honest I feel that the Finiance dept is in my humble opinion not easy to work with. I have found 2 people I have talked with on the phone who were very helpful but rare. I'm sad to say. I truly love Mayo and all the great healthcare Workers I've met but I think the finance department could improve a bit.
Hope that helps

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@danab, totally agree with you. Love the care we get at Mayo Az but its Billing dept can be a deal breaker. A friend warned us too late about this so now we have to live with it! No insurance billing issues with other providers(and my husband has numerous other) but Mayo Az!!! Thank you for your suggestion,


I have traditional Medicare and AARP United Health care Supplemental, Plan F and am a Patient of AZ Mayo Clinic. I had Ablation Surgery and have 5 Doctors who have done many tests and imaging and a ER Visit for various different Medical Problems.. I have been charged a total of $549.00..I am not sure why but feel for the excellent care I have received I just paid it.. I am scheduled for TKR Surgery in February and have had no billing so far for the PT, Imaging, Shots, and office visits preparing me for the Surgery.


@ MercuryRose...I am so hopeful when reading your comment 🙂 thank you for providing that detail. That was my understanding too that Medicare A&B covered, but must have high end supplemental plan in the F & G level and also a high end Part D for RXs to cover the amAZing care at Mayo ...then hopefully not as many issues as in others comments...Thank you, Shawn


Looking into resources offered by AARP is a good idea, @wessells.

I found this place to help people get started:
- Health Care and Coverage (AARP) https://www.aarp.org/health/health-insurance/

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Hello, I have read some of your replies. Great Info. Thank you.

I am Medicare eligible 1/1/23 and am a patient in AZ.

I am working with a licensed broker who stated that as Mayo, though private and non profit, has Federal Contracts they to accept traditional Medicare
Part A/Hospitalization.

But that Part B/outpatient - individual care by a Doctor at Mayo - that the in individual Dr. can choose to accept Part B or not. Is this true?

I have sent a note tonight in the the portal to all of my individual specialists at Mayo, which is many, to see if they accept the Part B.

I need to be fully informed before I make decisions to sign up for the right plans for me going into the new year.

Any insight on this issue is greatly appreciated. Or do I just call billing?

It is my understanding that Mayo does NOT accept Medicare Advantage plans though ( that there may be some pilot programs happening in MN but otherwise, no)

Thank you in advance for the reply.

Also, I attended a 3 hour AARP seminar last week and got some great knowledge and insights from that live webinar!

I felt so much more informed before talking to a broker.

Thank you,
Shawn Elaine


Hello, I have read some of your replies. Great Info. Thank you.

I am Medicare eligible 1/1/23 and am a patient in AZ.

I am working with a licensed broker who stated that as Mayo, though private and non profit, has Federal Contracts they to accept traditional Medicare
Part A/Hospitalization.

But that Part B/outpatient - individual care by a Doctor at Mayo - that the in individual Dr. can choose to accept Part B or not. Is this true?

I have sent a note tonight in the the portal to all of my individual specialists at Mayo, which is many, to see if they accept the Part B.

I need to be fully informed before I make decisions to sign up for the right plans for me going into the new year.

Any insight on this issue is greatly appreciated. Or do I just call billing?

It is my understanding that Mayo does NOT accept Medicare Advantage plans though ( that there may be some pilot programs happening in MN but otherwise, no)

Thank you in advance for the reply.

Also, I attended a 3 hour AARP seminar last week and got some great knowledge and insights from that live webinar!

I felt so much more informed before talking to a broker.

Thank you,
Shawn Elaine

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@shawnelaine, I believe you can find providers who accept Medicare assignment on Medicare.gov, click on "Providers & Services" link on the top right. Fill in the information for the doctor such as name, address, etc. Here is an example, copy this link and paste it in your browser's url.


@shawnelaine, I believe you can find providers who accept Medicare assignment on Medicare.gov, click on "Providers & Services" link on the top right. Fill in the information for the doctor such as name, address, etc. Here is an example, copy this link and paste it in your browser's url.


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Thank you so much for the reply ant this info. I will check it out for sure....

I did find out that all of my specialists at Mayo AZ 57th street and Shea take Part B as Mayo accepts Medicare Part A - hospitalization and Part B - /doctors outpatient

but ....that my Arrowhead Family medicine group where my 8 year PCP is does not 🙁 They have an "opt out" for the whole facility there so thats a bummer as even just a regular dr. appt. can be between 300-500 dollars but that any tests ordered etc would be covered by medicare. It's OK. I get it...my husband and I will adjust accordingly.

Just so happy that we can still go to Mayo and our plan is to get my cadilac supplemental plans/s going into the New Year!

Thank you again for the info.

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