Kidney cancer patients: Let's connect and introduce yourself

Posted by koke @koke, May 2, 2023

I have stage 4 kidney cancer. Taking target and immunotherapy drugs. Would love to connect with anyone who is going through the same process or has kidney cancer!

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Hello I’ve just been diagnosed with RCC kidney cancer I find out next month what they will do they were talking about a nephrectomy partial do not know how long I can’t work after operation or what it involves my anxiety has settled but very worried

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Good Evening,
My name is Doug and I too was just diagnosed with RCC. They will “stage” your cancer and determine from that staging what they will do. Some of those on this web site have had biopsies to determine the cancer. I have not had a biopsy. They told me my course of treatment is a partial nephrectomy. I am currently seeking a second opinion. The reason for my second opinion is to see if I lik e the next surgeon better than the first. No question should go unanswered. No question is less valuable than another. They’re amazing people who are part of this support group. All willing to help and support. We are all on this journey. Blessings.


Good Evening,
My name is Doug and I too was just diagnosed with RCC. They will “stage” your cancer and determine from that staging what they will do. Some of those on this web site have had biopsies to determine the cancer. I have not had a biopsy. They told me my course of treatment is a partial nephrectomy. I am currently seeking a second opinion. The reason for my second opinion is to see if I lik e the next surgeon better than the first. No question should go unanswered. No question is less valuable than another. They’re amazing people who are part of this support group. All willing to help and support. We are all on this journey. Blessings.

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Many thanks for your reply please keep in touch
Kind regards Noelene


I will be playing golf this morning. A distraction until I see the surgeon tomorrow. I could surrender a kidney without even knowing who the enemy is. Question. Has anyone had a partial nephrectomy? Any complications? Were you given a choice? Take on the day. Each one of you are a true blessing.

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Hi. I have had 2 PN. I was diagnosed with bi lateral kc in March of 2023. Tumors in both kidneys. The tumors were not similar in mass and location. Had two separate procedures one in May and one last week. Currently recovering and doing great.


Hello I’ve just been diagnosed with RCC kidney cancer I find out next month what they will do they were talking about a nephrectomy partial do not know how long I can’t work after operation or what it involves my anxiety has settled but very worried

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I have had two partial nephrectomys, as I had tumors on both kidneys , two different cell types of renal carcinoma. They were 90 days apart. The actual surgery was using robotics and had multiple small incisions on my abdomen. I was up and moving, slowly, very slowly, within 4 hours after surgery. I went home after 2 days. I was on a soft food diet in hospital, normal at home. Pain was mostly tolerable and after first day limited pain meds to night for day or two. None besides tylenol after. No nsaids like ibuprofen as they are hard on kidney. Was able to go up stairs when I got home , but limited activity for week.
Going back to work will likely depend on your job type, your tumor size and surgery outcome and current health, but generally I was back to my almost my normal activity level by 6 or 7 weeks. Just got more fatigued easily and quickly etc. Couldn't lift things etc. Harder after 2nd surgery.
You may need some help the first week home with meals etc. Rest is key to recovery during that time and its important in giving your kidney time to recover from the shock. Write your questions down ɓefore you go in to appointments. I just put them in my phone app so I'd remember everything. I also suggest taking someone with you to key appts to write down things and help you remember details. It's a stressful time , but you've got this!
Hoping your holding up well !


I have had two partial nephrectomys, as I had tumors on both kidneys , two different cell types of renal carcinoma. They were 90 days apart. The actual surgery was using robotics and had multiple small incisions on my abdomen. I was up and moving, slowly, very slowly, within 4 hours after surgery. I went home after 2 days. I was on a soft food diet in hospital, normal at home. Pain was mostly tolerable and after first day limited pain meds to night for day or two. None besides tylenol after. No nsaids like ibuprofen as they are hard on kidney. Was able to go up stairs when I got home , but limited activity for week.
Going back to work will likely depend on your job type, your tumor size and surgery outcome and current health, but generally I was back to my almost my normal activity level by 6 or 7 weeks. Just got more fatigued easily and quickly etc. Couldn't lift things etc. Harder after 2nd surgery.
You may need some help the first week home with meals etc. Rest is key to recovery during that time and its important in giving your kidney time to recover from the shock. Write your questions down ɓefore you go in to appointments. I just put them in my phone app so I'd remember everything. I also suggest taking someone with you to key appts to write down things and help you remember details. It's a stressful time , but you've got this!
Hoping your holding up well !

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Many thanks for your reply and advice I hope the operation was successful I don’t know when there operating they have been watching it for a year now it’s a very anxious time


Still unsure of having such a radical procedure done at my age of 81+. Doing ok since diagnosis six months ago.


My name is Ron farmer I'm currently battling rcc 2 years ago I went from a yoked 185 lb to 130 in one month time they found a massive tumor on my left kidney it engulfed it they put me on keytruda it's almost been a year the tumor has shrunk I have gained back 35lbs I train just about every day I'm getting stronger as I speak I'm 64 and can still ride my road bike 5 miles in 29 min that's moving for a old man only because of the lion of crys were heard


I had stage 3 cancer on my left kidney, and it was removed at Cleveland Clinic June 20, 2017. Surgery was uneventful, but the surgeon made an error and nicked something that caused kyle fluid to seep into my abdomen. This required a "draining" of fluid every 7-10 days from June to Sept, 2017 as they tried ways to stem the seepage. Finally, doctors fed me through a vein in my arm for 8 hours every night from Thanksgiving and the leak finally sealed itself in January. During this time, I was not being treated for the cancer, and lost 60 pounds from the surgery and subsequent treatment to stop the leak.
Once the leakage was stopped, I was worn out and very debilitated. After a few months, the doctors found "spots" of renal cell cancer in my left lung. Surgery removed three nodules - one cancerous, two were not. After a few more months, they found new "spots" on my pancreas and spleen. During this time, and continuing through today, I have undergone immuno-therapy with Opdivo infusions monthly and Cabometryx pills (started with 40mg, but later dropped to 20mg). MRIs and CT Scans every 3 months showed a slowing and reversal as the cancer started, and continues to shrink.
After 22 months of treatment, the cancer still shows a few spots on the spleen, pancreas and lungs. I have regained my weight and some of my energy, and my coloring has returned. I was told that immuno-therapy (Opdivo) normally ends at 24 months, but the plan is to continue with Cabometryx as long as it continues to work.
So, I am at the best I have been since my surgery, and are coming up to 6 years, after losing almost a year after the surgical issues, which really held back effective cancer treatment.

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May I ask how old u are? I have rcc to last year at this time I dropped from a yoked 185 to 130 in 4 weeks a mri showed this gigantic blob that engulfed my left kidney long story short by the grace of God and good doctors the tumor has shrunk its not in my lungs anymore keytruda and lenvima are kicking the cancers ass I have gained back 34 lbs I ride my rode bike 5 miles in 29 min I'm 64 I'm blessed thank you Jesus


I have just been diagnosed with a kidney cancer. The Doc hasn’t decided what kind of medication/treatment that is applicable for me yet. But I have planned to tell my Doc that I want the cancerous kidney removed by surgery. What do you think? Please comment. Thank you!

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No chill and see I was in the hospital and when I saw the blob that engulfed my kidney I was not leaving till they got that shit out of me I did not know the protocol I have been taking keytruda and lenvima for almost a year so far the tumor has shrunk and its not in my lungs anymore.


May I ask how old u are? I have rcc to last year at this time I dropped from a yoked 185 to 130 in 4 weeks a mri showed this gigantic blob that engulfed my left kidney long story short by the grace of God and good doctors the tumor has shrunk its not in my lungs anymore keytruda and lenvima are kicking the cancers ass I have gained back 34 lbs I ride my rode bike 5 miles in 29 min I'm 64 I'm blessed thank you Jesus

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Hi. I am now 74 years old and was 67 when cancer came to visit. Cleveland Clinic, after the surgery and the follow-up problems, has had me on Opdivo and Cabometryx for the last 2 plus years and the cancer continues to shrink.
After the kidney surgery, renal cancer cells migrated to my lungs and then to my spleen and pancreas, so that is where the emphasis is now.
Cancer never sleeps so that is something to be aware of.
I was about 250 and lost 60 lbs during the surgery and the after-effects, and am around 215-220, which is a better weight for me.
Sounds like you are on your way, but beware and fight to continue your treatment as long possible, to ensure that all cancer cells that are hiding are impacted...

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