Walking without a hip joint

Posted by dzoneill @dzoneill, Mar 10, 2017

Is anyone currently walking without a hip joint?

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Hi Jenny...I'm thankful you didn't get bone infection as I have chronic osteomyelitis now in my femur and pelvis and will be on antibiotics for 5 years at least, but most likely lifetime per my Infectious Disease Doctor. The strange thing was that I didn't even know I had infection up until 5 days before emergency surgery was done. Surgeon had 2 options, remove all hardware, muscle and clean out as much infection as he could, or amputate at that hip. I was walking and hiking daily with no idea I had a raging infection in me for probably at least a year! I mostly use my rollator in the house because I then have a seat to sit on or carry things on the seat, etc. When I go out, I use regular crutches or recently started using forearm crutches too. I went walking at a small park with husband last week and only used one forearm crutch for part of the time. I practice in the house with just a cane and do pretty good with that too. I can probably take 10-15 steps with nothing at all, but it's pretty gimpy. I do think it's getting better though. I live in Michigan, USA. What part of UK are you in? It's interesting to talk with someone outside the USA. I've never been out of this country. Keep me posted on how you're doing and I wish you wellness! Cindy

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Hi Cindy from a wet and miserable Lincolnshire. I'm on the east coast of England in a rural area surrounded by crop fields, sheep and cows! Still waiting for an appointment to be fitted with a shoe heightener and then I can start walking upright and straight with crutches rather than the penguin lurch habit I've got into. My other problem is my weight which I'm sure is creeping up due to lack of exercise and general movement. Needless to say I can't stand on regular bathroom scales so I have no idea how much I weigh. Did you have to cope with this until you became more mobile? I'm trying hard to stick to 3 small meals and 2 snacks a day with plenty of fluids, but its hard when kind friends bring me cakes and chocolates to cheer me up! Its the boredom and depression that get me down on top of the fact that my husband of 47 years died suddenly last January. How does one manage it? I try to remain positive and pray for a new implant as I'm not sure that I'll be able to cope without a hip bone. Thank you for being there to voice my worries to - I don't like to burden my family and friends. Jenny


Hi Jenny....I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your husband. I can see why this entire situation is so hard for you with the loss of him. I have been very fortunate to have a supportive husband and 2 kids within a 100 miles from us. I looked up the area in which you live and it looks beautiful! I too struggle with weight now and have gained 20# since my surgery last year. Unfortunately at our age, it is so hard to lose weight. I don't really eat unhealthy, I just like a few sweets now and then too! Ice cream is my downfall, but when I do have some, it's a tiny baby size cone with one scoop! Oh well....my daughter reminds me of all the things I can be thankful for, and she is right. I was very depressed the first few months and was on Prozac (fluoxetine) for that but have recently weaned myself off it and doing fine without it. It really did help me with my depression and I had been on that med 2 other times in my life for major events and always successfully weaned off it within 6 -12 months. I will keep you in my prayers also that you are able to get a new hip. I have a friend in the next state over that I met online through a Facebook Group and she is 2 weeks post op from a new hip after being without one for 9 years! So far she is doing well. She is only 58 years old and this all started in her early 20's after a severe auto accident, several hip revisions and then finally removed due to infections for 9 years. She has been a real encouragement to me and we have become Facebook friends and chat privately on Facebook Messenger. If you are on Facebook and want to become friends, we could also do that if you like. I don't always check this email that the Mayo Clinic Connect has for me, but I'm hear for you and praying for you.....Cindy


Hi Jenny....I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your husband. I can see why this entire situation is so hard for you with the loss of him. I have been very fortunate to have a supportive husband and 2 kids within a 100 miles from us. I looked up the area in which you live and it looks beautiful! I too struggle with weight now and have gained 20# since my surgery last year. Unfortunately at our age, it is so hard to lose weight. I don't really eat unhealthy, I just like a few sweets now and then too! Ice cream is my downfall, but when I do have some, it's a tiny baby size cone with one scoop! Oh well....my daughter reminds me of all the things I can be thankful for, and she is right. I was very depressed the first few months and was on Prozac (fluoxetine) for that but have recently weaned myself off it and doing fine without it. It really did help me with my depression and I had been on that med 2 other times in my life for major events and always successfully weaned off it within 6 -12 months. I will keep you in my prayers also that you are able to get a new hip. I have a friend in the next state over that I met online through a Facebook Group and she is 2 weeks post op from a new hip after being without one for 9 years! So far she is doing well. She is only 58 years old and this all started in her early 20's after a severe auto accident, several hip revisions and then finally removed due to infections for 9 years. She has been a real encouragement to me and we have become Facebook friends and chat privately on Facebook Messenger. If you are on Facebook and want to become friends, we could also do that if you like. I don't always check this email that the Mayo Clinic Connect has for me, but I'm hear for you and praying for you.....Cindy

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Thanks Cindy - I'd love to link up with you both on F/Book. What would you like me to do next? Jenny


Thanks Cindy - I'd love to link up with you both on F/Book. What would you like me to do next? Jenny

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Hi Jenny...lets connect on this site through the "Private Messsages" first so only you and I can see it...then we can exchange names to find each other on Facebook. In the upper right hand of the Mayo Connect Site there should be 3 icons. A "bell", "envelope" and "a person". The person is your profile and settings. I sent you a message through there once, but you didn't see it. You an also send a message through the "envelope" icon. Right now, as we chat back and forth on this link, anyone who belongs to Mayo Connect can see our conversation. I'll send you another "private message" and you can try to open it. I hope that made sense. I'm not always the best at explaining...especially tech things...haha! Cindy


Hi Jenny....I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your husband. I can see why this entire situation is so hard for you with the loss of him. I have been very fortunate to have a supportive husband and 2 kids within a 100 miles from us. I looked up the area in which you live and it looks beautiful! I too struggle with weight now and have gained 20# since my surgery last year. Unfortunately at our age, it is so hard to lose weight. I don't really eat unhealthy, I just like a few sweets now and then too! Ice cream is my downfall, but when I do have some, it's a tiny baby size cone with one scoop! Oh well....my daughter reminds me of all the things I can be thankful for, and she is right. I was very depressed the first few months and was on Prozac (fluoxetine) for that but have recently weaned myself off it and doing fine without it. It really did help me with my depression and I had been on that med 2 other times in my life for major events and always successfully weaned off it within 6 -12 months. I will keep you in my prayers also that you are able to get a new hip. I have a friend in the next state over that I met online through a Facebook Group and she is 2 weeks post op from a new hip after being without one for 9 years! So far she is doing well. She is only 58 years old and this all started in her early 20's after a severe auto accident, several hip revisions and then finally removed due to infections for 9 years. She has been a real encouragement to me and we have become Facebook friends and chat privately on Facebook Messenger. If you are on Facebook and want to become friends, we could also do that if you like. I don't always check this email that the Mayo Clinic Connect has for me, but I'm hear for you and praying for you.....Cindy

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Oh my gosh, I have almost the same story as your Facebook friend! I had my first hip replacement at 21 (RA). I'm 58 now and facing hip resection. The 1st and 2nd surgeon opinion both say there's almost no chance I'll get a new hip -- ever. I'm so scared. I can't even imagine what it would be like not to have a hip. I'm so thankful for this forum. I didn't even know this procedure was done until the surgeon told me a week ago that I needed it. I've asked to meet with an OT to learn how I will be able to live day to day. Do you know any other resources besides this discussion?


Oh my gosh, I have almost the same story as your Facebook friend! I had my first hip replacement at 21 (RA). I'm 58 now and facing hip resection. The 1st and 2nd surgeon opinion both say there's almost no chance I'll get a new hip -- ever. I'm so scared. I can't even imagine what it would be like not to have a hip. I'm so thankful for this forum. I didn't even know this procedure was done until the surgeon told me a week ago that I needed it. I've asked to meet with an OT to learn how I will be able to live day to day. Do you know any other resources besides this discussion?

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Hi Janeen 17. ....I'm sorry you are going through this, and at such a young age it all started. "Hip Replacement Complication Forum" is a Facebook group I belong to which has helped me greatly. I'm 70 years old, live in Michigan, USA, had Girdlestone Resection 16 months ago and still continue to make progress with my mobility. If you join that group, you can read my story there if you click on my name, and stories of other people with complications. It helps to know you are not alone and a good support group. If you'd like to send me a private message through this Mayo Website, that is fine too. Living without a hip joint can be done..not always easy, but very possible. I walk with walker or one crutch, depending on what I'm doing, ride exercise bike 10 miles most days and have a tricycle for outdoor riding...the list goes on...Wishing you the best of health....Cindy


Hi, next Friday I'm having my infected artificial hip removed after unsuccessful attempts to get two staph infections under control through antibiotics. I know I need to do this but I'm so scared about how I will be able to move my leg and my body after the surgery. Can anyone tell me about the early days and weeks after hip removal surgery?


Hi, next Friday I'm having my infected artificial hip removed after unsuccessful attempts to get two staph infections under control through antibiotics. I know I need to do this but I'm so scared about how I will be able to move my leg and my body after the surgery. Can anyone tell me about the early days and weeks after hip removal surgery?

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Oh Janeen, you have been through so much! Staph infections are so stubborn. It is hard to remain optimistic when you have been depleted with infections and heavy medication.
You need solid answers.
I too understand why this surgery is so necessary, but the weight of your immediate and longer range future is heavy to consider right now.
You do need some 'straight talk' from others who have gone through this. You have proved yourself a fighter... even if it doesn't feel like that now.
Is there a physio clinic or 'Hip group' that is near you.. could be a treasure of info and support.
For your next appointment a list of questions would be helpful. You need to know a clear picture of what is ahead, what does recovery look like, what equipment will you need, what medications, how long will hospitalization be, etc.
Your doctors should answer all your questions; and the staff might be able to give you suggestions.
Knowledge is power!
After this source of infection is gone, you will regain your stamina and health... so needed for what may lie ahead.
One step at a time. The first big one is on Friday!
Take very best care as you prepare for the surgery. You are moving forward.
Let us know how you do and how your journey unfolds.
Sending you big hugs, and a bucket full of courage and prayers.


Hi, next Friday I'm having my infected artificial hip removed after unsuccessful attempts to get two staph infections under control through antibiotics. I know I need to do this but I'm so scared about how I will be able to move my leg and my body after the surgery. Can anyone tell me about the early days and weeks after hip removal surgery?

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Last year I had my infected hip removed and an antibiotic spacer was inserted. I had severe bacterial infection that was resistant to all antibiotics
I had no trouble with the spacer I have had since Oct
I use a walker or wheelchair to get around
I am scheduled for another surgery to remove the spacer and put in another hip replacement
Hopefully no infection will occur.
I have had 10 surgeries over the last 20 years on that hip
Dr tells me this will be the last as my leg won’t take another and i will lose my leg . I am scared too
But keep exercising and think positive
I know it’s hard


Hi, next Friday I'm having my infected artificial hip removed after unsuccessful attempts to get two staph infections under control through antibiotics. I know I need to do this but I'm so scared about how I will be able to move my leg and my body after the surgery. Can anyone tell me about the early days and weeks after hip removal surgery?

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Hi Janeen...I have been living without a left hip for 16 months now. It's called a Girdlestone Resection. I did reply to one of your posts on May 26th. I'm 70 years old. It wasn't easy those first few months, but it's been amazing as I continue to improve. I can get around with forearm crutches quite well and sometimes only one crutch. Otherwise I use a walker. I only used a wheelchair for the first few months. I would be happy to talk with you if you want to send a private message to me. If you are on Facebook, there is also a great forum you can join with very supportive people called "Hip Replacement Complication Forum". If you join that, you can read my story if you click on my name or I might have posted a story about my condition on this forum also. If you're young, I'm assuming you will be able to get stronger even sooner, but it all comes in baby steps. Wishing you the best of everything and reach out to me if you want to.....Cindy

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