Walking without a hip joint

Posted by dzoneill @dzoneill, Mar 10, 2017

Is anyone currently walking without a hip joint?

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I was born with a congenital hip dislocation and had 3 surgeries between the ages of 2 and 15. At the age of 26 (1985) I had a THR. There were 3 revisions, the last in 2006 at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. In 2013 I was admitted with sepsis, a massive mrsa infection which later mutated into visa. March 2014 the prosthesis was removed and I spent 2 1/2 years in a wheelchair and on IV antibiotics most of that time. Last summer my case was taken over by another surgeon who deemed it unwise to try another revision and we agreed. A new infectious disease doctor changed antibiotis and I am now mrsa/visa free. I have no hip and no spacers, the femur is significantly shorter, leg length difference is 3 1/2 inches. The new surgeon has me walking with walker and crutches and a 3 inch lift on my shoe. 3 months physical therapy to strengthen muscles atrophied from so much time in the wheelchair. I am about to move to one crutch, and the goal is a cane. Xrays show excellent build up of scar tissue supporting the leg. My original question was wondering if there are others having the same experience.

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My mother 59yo now had THR surgery in 2016. Within a few weeks she accidentally dislocated her hip joint but the doctor managed to locate it in its place and suggested full bed rest for 3 to 4 months after that she was allowed to start walking using a walker. A year and half forward she started getting infectious wounds, painful leg. dr would dress up the wound and prescribe antibiotics. He once did debridement surgery and after that she didn't really get any wound but severe pain. He said we usually remove the implant but because her body isn't that strong to survive two more major surgeries he refused to do anything except for painkillers. We consult a few other orthopaedic surgeons for pain management all suggested to wait unless the removal surgery is the last resort which was performed in Jan 2019 shortly after her boil around the incsision explode. We got her implant removed it was a hip joint and femoral rod hybrid after the surgery there was a long time *months* of her incsision draining fluids *foul smelling blood, puss* i would dress it up thrice a day her stitches took way too long to heal. After her incsision was healed she was able to walk with lose leg using a walker. In feb 2020 i found a boil around the femoral area where the rod was placed in the femoral bone. The boil explode oozing pus the dr got the pus tested it was staphylococcus aureus bacteria and prescribed different sensitive antibiotics for a month the wound was different than what ive seen on her previously with its spreading patern it spread to be a bigger wound with multiple acne like boil burting into forming a wound. Dr stopped antibiotics and suggested to just do the dressing with fusidin and yusol. A month and half into dressing the wound multiple times a day the wound started to shrink with high hopes we thought its healing now until a bigger boil formed around the hip removal surgery incsision bursting into a hole full of pus. There are currently two active wounds on my mother's hip area, she's taking painkillers, multivitamins. She's also diabetic but her glucose lvls are 100-110 in fasting. The dr asked to wait 3 to 4 days and see if the oozing reduces. If not, he would have to perform debridement surgery again. Its been a year since she's without a hip joint but how is it possible to develop a mrsa infection without any foreign implant in her body.


Well this is very interesting, considering I have been a member of this forum for at least 5 months and have been looking for someone, like me who is living without a hip joint. I have found no one until just now. Everyone else is living with a spacer and awaiting a 2 stage or living without a hip until their staph infection is gone. February will be the one year mark of having no hip joint. My whole saga should be on this site somewhere. Maybe you could try to find it and contact me and then we can share some advice on how we're both getting around. That would be great. It's been a long day of pain and I can't sit in this chair anymore but please, do get back to me. I'm actually very excited to find someone without a hip like me. Robin

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My mom got her THR removed in jan 2019, the removal surgery wound took her months to heal with fluids oozing out the incsision all this time. She was able to walk with a walker until in feb 2020 she developed staph infection wound which has spread and hasn't healed until today. We may have to get her debridement surgery in a few days if the oozing doesnt reduces.


My mother 59yo now had THR surgery in 2016. Within a few weeks she accidentally dislocated her hip joint but the doctor managed to locate it in its place and suggested full bed rest for 3 to 4 months after that she was allowed to start walking using a walker. A year and half forward she started getting infectious wounds, painful leg. dr would dress up the wound and prescribe antibiotics. He once did debridement surgery and after that she didn't really get any wound but severe pain. He said we usually remove the implant but because her body isn't that strong to survive two more major surgeries he refused to do anything except for painkillers. We consult a few other orthopaedic surgeons for pain management all suggested to wait unless the removal surgery is the last resort which was performed in Jan 2019 shortly after her boil around the incsision explode. We got her implant removed it was a hip joint and femoral rod hybrid after the surgery there was a long time *months* of her incsision draining fluids *foul smelling blood, puss* i would dress it up thrice a day her stitches took way too long to heal. After her incsision was healed she was able to walk with lose leg using a walker. In feb 2020 i found a boil around the femoral area where the rod was placed in the femoral bone. The boil explode oozing pus the dr got the pus tested it was staphylococcus aureus bacteria and prescribed different sensitive antibiotics for a month the wound was different than what ive seen on her previously with its spreading patern it spread to be a bigger wound with multiple acne like boil burting into forming a wound. Dr stopped antibiotics and suggested to just do the dressing with fusidin and yusol. A month and half into dressing the wound multiple times a day the wound started to shrink with high hopes we thought its healing now until a bigger boil formed around the hip removal surgery incsision bursting into a hole full of pus. There are currently two active wounds on my mother's hip area, she's taking painkillers, multivitamins. She's also diabetic but her glucose lvls are 100-110 in fasting. The dr asked to wait 3 to 4 days and see if the oozing reduces. If not, he would have to perform debridement surgery again. Its been a year since she's without a hip joint but how is it possible to develop a mrsa infection without any foreign implant in her body.

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Hi @hirachohan and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. It sounds like you and your mom are going through a horrible ordeal with infection, possibly MRSA. I'm bringing fellow members @heaven4me8 @nicoleb21809 @gibbler and @lynzze into this discussion as they too have had issues with hip replacement and infection.

Hirachohan, has the oozing become less over the past 4 days? Did your mom see the doctor again?


Hi @hirachohan and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. It sounds like you and your mom are going through a horrible ordeal with infection, possibly MRSA. I'm bringing fellow members @heaven4me8 @nicoleb21809 @gibbler and @lynzze into this discussion as they too have had issues with hip replacement and infection.

Hirachohan, has the oozing become less over the past 4 days? Did your mom see the doctor again?

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I'd seriously love to hear from these people their stories. Both me and my mom are so helpless, stressed and mentally disturbed for as long as she met an accident our lives have gone upside down.
As for the oozing, its still there as day 1. I got in touch with her doctor he said he wants to avoid surgery. He asked to get the puss cultured and give another go to the antibiotics that come sensitive to the bacteria. Meanwhile i have to dress her wound 3 times day sometimes 4. Can it be that the bone is infected which keeps getting these wounds coming? Attaching an Xray of a sight of implat removal.


I'd seriously love to hear from these people their stories. Both me and my mom are so helpless, stressed and mentally disturbed for as long as she met an accident our lives have gone upside down.
As for the oozing, its still there as day 1. I got in touch with her doctor he said he wants to avoid surgery. He asked to get the puss cultured and give another go to the antibiotics that come sensitive to the bacteria. Meanwhile i have to dress her wound 3 times day sometimes 4. Can it be that the bone is infected which keeps getting these wounds coming? Attaching an Xray of a sight of implat removal.

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Hi @hirachohan, I removed your mom's x-ray image because it contained patient and institution identifying information. Mayo Clinic Connect is a public website and we take your security seriously. You can certainly repost the image if you like, but please remove the identifying info at the bottom.
Keep in mind, that we are fellow patients and caregivers and cannot diagnosed. I'm glad that your mom's doctor is pursuing the issue and getting a culture.


Hi @hirachohan, I removed your mom's x-ray image because it contained patient and institution identifying information. Mayo Clinic Connect is a public website and we take your security seriously. You can certainly repost the image if you like, but please remove the identifying info at the bottom.
Keep in mind, that we are fellow patients and caregivers and cannot diagnosed. I'm glad that your mom's doctor is pursuing the issue and getting a culture.

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Ohh, I'm very sorry for causing an inconvenience. Thankyou for your response and you kind words. But i was only asking for opinions of someone whose situation is any similar to my mom. Attaching the image now.


Xray post implant removal surgery.


So my mother's culture came back negative, no bacterial growth found, no growth yield on repeat subculture at 37c & Co2 incubation.
Dr said no need to for an antibiotic since there is no basteria found just keep dressing the wound until it heals. I still can't believe it how has the bacteria gone on its own?


So my mother's culture came back negative, no bacterial growth found, no growth yield on repeat subculture at 37c & Co2 incubation.
Dr said no need to for an antibiotic since there is no basteria found just keep dressing the wound until it heals. I still can't believe it how has the bacteria gone on its own?

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Hi hirachohan, I am so glad that your mom's culture's came back negative. We can only thank that in this day and age we have antibiotic and the grace of God. Did she have some kind of surgery? lilypaws


Hi hirachohan, I am so glad that your mom's culture's came back negative. We can only thank that in this day and age we have antibiotic and the grace of God. Did she have some kind of surgery? lilypaws

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Hi. Yes mother had THR back in 2016. We've been dealing with Staphylococcus aureus infection ever since but still after removal or her THR she tested positive for staph infection in Feb 2020 to which dr prescribed antibiotics for a month after that she was on no medication only wound dressing until a few days back when dr did pus culture and it came negative.

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