Wait time for appt?

Posted by angiec1 @angiec1, Oct 10, 2023

Mayo called and said they accepted my son's case and that he is on the wait list at Mayo neurology. Does anyone know how long that wait list is? He is on short-term disability at work and I am hoping he gets in while he has insurance. Thanks so much in advance for any info.

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angiec1 @angiec1

It is hard to say time will be on wait list, differs per dept.

Appointments become available when someone cancels / reschedules or the dept opens up future months for appointments. Most dept schedule out a few months, when they open up schedule for future months, appts that drs have ordered (rechecks) are schedule and then start on other requests (waitlist). The waitlist will vary based on what providers are available for your son's condition.

I am on waitlist for another area, and know they are full through the end of the year. Another dept I called yesterday, the 1st available was Jan.

If you have not created a signon for your son on Mayo portal, I recommend you do so.

I hope your hear soon.


@angiec1 I would imagine that every department at Mayo Clinic is a little different in wait times. I was on a wait list for Orthopedic Surgery in 2019 for about 4 months. As @roch suggested I signed on to the Mayo Clinic Patient Portal after I was placed on the wait list and was assigned a Mayo Clinic Patient number.

I hope your son does see the neurologist while he is on short-term disability. Your son could call the neurology department every few weeks and ask when he might hear back. Is that a reasonable suggestion for your son?


Thank you!! He has a referral by his doctor. He has lesions/white matter abnormalities and the doctor wants to rule out prion disease first of all and other things..and just find out what's going on. It is a struggle making it through every single day, with his dizziness, depression, anxiety, mood swings, etc. We are so desperate for help. They have ruled out MS, Lupus, rheumatoid arth. I'm afraid his insurance and short-term disability will run out before. 🙁


Yes, I will tell him to call them. Thank you!!


I was told that it was easier to get an appointment in Mayo Rochester in January or February because alot of people don't want to travel then due to the weather. That is what I did when I went for brain amyloid angioplasty and tumor. The hotel I stayed in was attached to the clinic so I didn't have to go out in the weather with the exception of going to the St. Mary's hospital which was q mile away. I took Uber to go because the temperatures were 0. I was there for one week in January and one week in February.
The tunnel had access to restaurants and stores.I know it is hard to wait but I pray you will get an appointment soon.


Thank you! His insurance will be up at the end of December. 🙁


I was told that it was easier to get an appointment in Mayo Rochester in January or February because alot of people don't want to travel then due to the weather. That is what I did when I went for brain amyloid angioplasty and tumor. The hotel I stayed in was attached to the clinic so I didn't have to go out in the weather with the exception of going to the St. Mary's hospital which was q mile away. I took Uber to go because the temperatures were 0. I was there for one week in January and one week in February.
The tunnel had access to restaurants and stores.I know it is hard to wait but I pray you will get an appointment soon.

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May I ask the cost estimate for hotel for the week? I assume health insurance will pay for medical tests but I am trying to figure expenses even before I get an appointment. Thank you.


Thank you! His insurance will be up at the end of December. 🙁

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@angiec1 Does your son get his insurance through his employer? If so, then he will have the following opportunities. He can go on COBRA which he will be offered. It’s federal law that he will have this available. COBRA allows your son to continue with the same insurance for a set period of time (6 months in New Mexico )although it is often expensive. The other option is for him to look into the New Mexico’s affordable care act insurance. He can find that on the internet. I have posted the two websites below

New Mexico COBRA Insurance:


Health Insurance in New Mexico


Will you share this with your son?


Thank you!! We are in Georgia. It will be up to me to pay anything and things are already tight. I just wish they could get him in as soon as possible. 🙁


May I ask the cost estimate for hotel for the week? I assume health insurance will pay for medical tests but I am trying to figure expenses even before I get an appointment. Thank you.

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I'm sorry, I'm not sure. I have seen hotels ranging from $80 per night, to over $200.

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