Visual snow and vertigo
I started experiencing visual snow syndrome back in March of 2024. I was struck in the back of my head with a weapon at work in January of 2024, got sick for about a week in February, then a whole host of mental health issues thereafter (brain fog, dissociation, migraines, tinnitus, body aches, short term memory issues, fatigue, abdominal pain, anxiety, panic attacks, health anxiety, increased heart rate, blood pressure spikes, etc.).
I've been doing a lot better since all of this has been happening but I'm still dealing with the visual snow (palinopsia, static in my vision, light sensitivity, migraines, tinnitus, neck tension), some anxiety, and now vertigo. The vertigo happens when I go into public places like grocery stores, ball games, parking garages, and malls) which feels like I'm walking on a trampoline or the ground d is bouncing under me. The problem is, I could start my day fine and once I leave the house and into some of these places, I immediately get a migraine in the back of my head and the vertigo sensation kicks in. I got a CT scan of my brain which came back normal.
What I'm doing for all of this is CBT therapy as I was diagnosed with PTSD, herbal teas, herbal tinctures (hawthorn and milky oats), guided mindfulness meditation, and overall keeping myself busy.
Anyone else experience this or know some tricks and tips I can do?
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My issue is different, but I have been really impressed at the therapy offered at Fyzical Dizziness and Balance Therapy here. There might be something similar available where you are. I was referred by my neurologist.
I went to Fyzical for my balance. I had to do 8 weeks because my balance was off so bad. They were amazing. My numbers were so low when I started and they improved tremendously. I know that they are on the east coast, not sure about the rest of the country. I have sensorial (sudden) hearing loss. Only 20% left in my right ear. Still working on a solution.
@tjm520, Dr. Carrie Robertson, a Mayo Clinic neurologist, is a leading specialist on visual snow syndrome. She explains the rare disorder and what can be done to treat it in this video that may be helpful for you.
You may also be interested in these related groups on Mayo Clinic Connect:
- Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Support Group
- Headache & Migraine Support Group
To update - the short story is that all of my balance, dizziness and visual problems were caused by a high dose of Tegretol for small fiber neuropathy pain. My neurologist had me on 1000 mg/day to control the pain. It worked great for the pain, but unbeknownst to me, was causing chaos in my brain. I seriously thought I had developed MS. Lowering the dose immediately stopped all the issues. I am now on 600 mg/day with poorly controlled neuropathy pain, but no dizziness or vision problems at all.
Wonder how many people are actually experiencing side effects from medications that they are taking and being treated with additional medication for the side effects. I know people have seen this before. for 8 months had horrible dizziness/horrible vertigo etc. house bound for 4 months until I did some deep research on a new medication that I was taking. Found a 2023 NIH research publication and 8 case studies and quit taking the Eliquis........haven't been dizzy since. Be your own advocate and do due diligence in researching your treatment plan.