Vibration when laying down

Posted by jomd @jomd, Aug 23, 2023

Okay, I’ve read a lot about internal tremors and vibrations when sleeping but here’s my issue.
I don’t feel it my wife does. She has a very sensitive back due to arthritis and when I lay down she says I cause the bed to vibrate even if I’m awake. We’ve changed to two twin beds separated by 2 feet with mine on a custom airbag isolation that I devised. Most nights this suffices but occasionally this is not enough.
I’m seeing a Neurologist who has put me on trazodone 50mg. This worked for about 2 months then the vibrations started again.
He boosted the dosage to 100 mg (I’m 6’2” 250lb so he figures I can handle it.
Unfortunately it didn’t fully help, I still vibrate when I lay down but it stops after I fall asleep.
The weird part is I feel nothing.
I’m waiting to get into a sleep lab but I’m in Canada and social medical dictates it could be months before I get in.

For background history this started about a year ago and last June I retired so if it was somehow job stress that’s gone enough though I never felt stressed at work or at home.
Also I tend to go to bed late (12:30/1:00) and wake up early 5:30 to walk my dog. Since retiring I’m trying to go to bed earlier ( 11:30) and waking up between 7 to 7:30 to no avail.
I’m open to any suggestions or theories.

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I’m not certain who’s talking in your post, you or your wife since you said she had the tremors? Sleep issue I recommend you see a sleep specialist to discuss your sleep hygiene (their term) to prepare for sleep. You might consider meditation for a start and change your dogs walk time to suit you not the dog.


I said I have the tremors, she feels it. The neurologist has me booked for a sleep lab but good old Medicare means I’ll get in someday.
The problem isn’t how or when I go to sleep. I simply vibrate when I lay down but I don’t feel it.
I have a vibration analyzer that I’m setting up this weekend to see if I can quantify the intensity and vibration frequency.
I don’t know if knowing the intensity and frequency will help but at least I’ll be able to say with better clarity what’s happening.


I hope you obtain a repeatable result so you can seek treatment.


Well, the frequency I vibrate at is in the 3 to 4Hz range. I measured the bed without me and then with me laying down. In the middle of the day my Wife does not feel the vibration but at 11:30 pm she feels it. Both the afternoon and evening test with me laying on the bed shows pretty much identical vibration frequencies in 3 to 4 Hz.

So I seem to always vibrate laying down but my wife only feels it when her lower back pain is bad at night...


When I am lying down trying to fall asleep or upon waking, my body core may begin vibrating internally. It does not hurt. It mostly goes away when I get up but a few times the trembling continued for awhile, which concerned me.

I’ve asked my husband to put his hands on me to see if he can feel it, but he cannot. Just an unknown thing!


I have been having “vibrations” in my legs that I feel when sitting in my recliner and when I lay down. I describe it as feeling like my legs are a tuning fork. I was in my chair recently and flexed my feet up and the vibration went away! I am going to try to see a doctor, not sure which specialty to see why this happened. Might it be vascular in nature?

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