Very, very scared to have knee surgery and hip surgery

Posted by cindiwass @cindiwass, Jul 6, 2021

I am in constant pain, usually when I walk or stand, knee and hip. Of course, when I am on my recliner I'm not in much pain so I stay there a lot. I used to swim until about 5 years ago, but I notice the hip pain was even worse after I swam.
When I was much younger (I'm 77) I had a torn cartilage (basketball game where some kind soul [yes, sarcasm] pushed me down), and subsequently the cartilage was removed. That's what I remember the doctor told me. I was young (16) and healthy, I recovered quickly enough, but had swelling and trouble for years until finally it became unbearable. I would get cortisone shots lbut eventually stopped doing that. (They were painful anyway.) But about 5 years ago, pain extended to my right hip, excrutiating, more so than the knee. (Don't know why.) I've seen several doctors and they all tell me to get hip and knee replacement. I am scared. But the problem I'm having now is that the doctors (I've seen quite a few) all tell me that I need to have a replacement, that I have arthritis. One doctor got upset when I asked him for more detailed information. And I didn't know how to ask the surgeon for detailed info, like what would he do and could he please explain what the x-rays showed. (Also, why do I have pain?) But the pain really impedes me from living a normal life, that is, cleaning, organizing, straightening up, etc. I made an appointment with a surgeon near enough who has a reputation of being very kind and compassionate. So I hope he'll bear with my questions.

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I would give it a good year before I would make such a big decision…. I am 14 weeks post operation…. They keep telling me it is a long healing process, I wish they would have told me all this prior to surgery..
Take your time in the thought process…

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Forgot to mention on my earlier response…. I am 65. And in excellent health ….
Take your time in thinking it through!!


Hi, darlas1967. You did not offend me at all. I am sorry that I did not respond sooner. I'm beginning to feel a little better, the first few weeks were excruciating. I bought silky type sheets so I could turn over more easily. I'm almost 80, I can't believe it -- I still limp when I walk, I'm afraid of losing my balance sometimes but I am feeling a little better. So I look forward to it getting even better, but as I said, I am far - far - from perfect. One doctor told me I should have my knees and other hip done, too, but -- I'll wait and see, even if a surgeon will work on me, sometimes they stop at 80. But little by little it's getting better. Take care.

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Sounds like a plan. Good luck to you and I’ll keep you in my prayers.


Just make sure you do some research on the surgeon who wants to do this.
Good luck to you!


You are correct to be concerned. TKR was a terrible mistake for me so make sure you have exhausted all alternatives before this. In my case the alternatives were weight loss, cortisone, Hyaluronic Acid, PRP and stem cell. It's been 8 months since my surgery and scar tissue has built up inside for the second time causing loud noises. I am extremely active and in good condition. In hind sight, I could have solved the knee pain problem with weight loss. I have read that Mayo tucks the Saphenous nerve which avoids lots of post op nerve problems. Unfortunately, I didn't learn of this till after surgery and my surgeon didn't do it.


Write your questions down. If you have the luxury, find a doctor that will answer your questions and explain the procedure. I am 4 months out of a TKR and wish I had asked more about what would happen during and after. Think I would have been better prepared. Good luck!

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I am 14 weeks out, I also wish I would have asked more questions. They did not tell me much about post surgery. Only that most people see a big improvement within 3 months…. Well, no one mentioned the tightening of the IT band. That is another symptom to work through…I just hope with my 7 days of week therapy I can work through it so that I can get back to enjoying things !!


I am 14 weeks out, I also wish I would have asked more questions. They did not tell me much about post surgery. Only that most people see a big improvement within 3 months…. Well, no one mentioned the tightening of the IT band. That is another symptom to work through…I just hope with my 7 days of week therapy I can work through it so that I can get back to enjoying things !!

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Keep working thru it. I had my surgery 8 weeks ago. At first i thought, I will never do this again, BUT now after exercising and the tight feeling is gone - I will do it again.
Keep bending knee no matter how tight it feels. It will get better!!!!


Keep working thru it. I had my surgery 8 weeks ago. At first i thought, I will never do this again, BUT now after exercising and the tight feeling is gone - I will do it again.
Keep bending knee no matter how tight it feels. It will get better!!!!

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Thanks!! I have full mobility of knee…. Hopefully that tightness will work it’s way OUT!! Thanks for your response!! I am working hard but still enjoy the support I get here!!!


To all,
I’m 89 years old in April and had both my knees replaced, it at the same time. Right now I can walk for miles and if I did not have COPD I venture to say I’d be mountain climbing .
The secret to success is of course, first you need a good surgeon, then make very sure you follow all the instructions from your surgeon, exercise before and after as instructed.
Do all this and you will be fine.
Me last summer!


To all,
I’m 89 years old in April and had both my knees replaced, it at the same time. Right now I can walk for miles and if I did not have COPD I venture to say I’d be mountain climbing .
The secret to success is of course, first you need a good surgeon, then make very sure you follow all the instructions from your surgeon, exercise before and after as instructed.
Do all this and you will be fine.
Me last summer!

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That is great news. You sure don't look 89 in that beach photo. I totally agree with you about the importance of finding a great surgeon. I also think that new technology that makes robotic and minimally invasive surgery possible is very helpful. Yet, the bottom line is still those pre and post-surgery exercises. I have to think twice when someone asks me about the difference between my earlier TKR ten years ago (left) and the MAKO one I had last year (right). My right knee feels like it has always belonged to me. The left one has some squirrely behavior once in a while.

Did you catch any fish?

May you have happiness and the causes of happiness.


To all,
I’m 89 years old in April and had both my knees replaced, it at the same time. Right now I can walk for miles and if I did not have COPD I venture to say I’d be mountain climbing .
The secret to success is of course, first you need a good surgeon, then make very sure you follow all the instructions from your surgeon, exercise before and after as instructed.
Do all this and you will be fine.
Me last summer!

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