Very strange symptoms in ears and nose

Posted by nodine4 @nodine4, Mar 8, 2024

First - you’ll find these symptoms hard to believe, but please - I need someone somewhere to say I’m not the only one who ever experienced this! My ears get covered in a waxy substance that hardens and can be picked off. Under this cover, in every crevice and opening are pieces of stuff like very small pebbles or a cottony substance. Right under the wax there is another “cover” made up of a wire-like substance. My nose at times has a putty-like substance that hardens and can also be picked out. After pulling any of these things out of my ears or nose, they come right back. A big disadvantage for me is that I have an OCD concerning skin picking. I find my self pulling at these symptoms sometimes without even realizing it. Please - if anyone knows anything about this, let me know. Here’s the main reason that no one believes me: I feel all these substances with my fingers as solid objects, but they can not be seen at all. I feel pretty hopeless about finding any help. I do have an appointment with a psychiatrist this month. Maybe she can help me.

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I just want to tell you that I’m so very sorry you’re dealing with this problem. I don’t have any answer for you but just wanted to tell you to hang in there!

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