Vagus Nerve: What helped you?

Posted by johnbluffside @johnbluffside, Nov 24, 2022

I believe my vagus nerve is inflammed with IBS . rx , cognivite gut therapy , mediation, accuptunture , anyone have luck with anything?

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What is the injection therapy, and what is its purpose ?


When I have acid reflux, my esophagus becomes inflamed and I have terrible pain in my vagus nerve which makes me dizzy and weak and I feel like I am going to pass out from the pain. You talk about the CCI and CCS. Could those be causing my problem?


Oh my goodness, smatthews, I have never heard of these disorders, but that sounds like it could be exactly what's going on with me. I also have a reversed lordosis in my cervical spine, which I have known about for decades. I definitely have an injury at the C0-C1 level from my childhood neck accident, and I definitely have laxity along the rest of the cervical spine. Thank you so much for sharing this!

It happens that you sent me this message an hour before I had an appointment with a pain management specialist at Mayo. He was unfamiliar with the disorders and dubious about injections, but he said he would ask his colleagues about it. It's been about a week, and I have not heard back, so I will do my own research.
I did tell him how I get temporary relief when I lie on my back and my son and husband hold the back of my head with their hands, applying a tiny bit of pressure with their fingers along the occipital ridge where the spinal cord begins. Sometimes it is the only way to release the nerve cascade that happens when points further down on the vagus nerve get irritated, and I can't sleep. He was very curious about that, and glad that that provided some relief, but it's something I can't do for myself (I have tried multiple ways), and I feel bad imposing on my family members day after day, so I like to figure out another strategy.

Are these injections something you have tried? Can you tell us about your experiences? I am so grateful for your sharing this information, and very hopeful that it has worked for you. I'll be really happy if it works for me too!


It’s huge amounts of deep , wet ( meaning liquid like that tastes like stomach lining ) belches that are one after other and very harsh . You cannot stop them and my gut is churning non stop at same time and usually making alien 👽 like crazy noises ( that actually wake me up ). It’s also extremely exhausting.
I take Ambien 5 mg to sleep but I only stay asleep 💤 2 hrs on it then up w/ gut and symptoms every 2 hrs all night .
It’s hell . No Dr. Can figure it out and I have no food allergies as I was just tested . I eat small , clean and healthy. Doesn’t matter . Even at 6 am on empty gut , I’m just as bad .
Someone is missing something. Until then I suffer and just do my best to cope w/ it .

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@rozy288 have you tried sleeping with the head of your bed raised? I have done that the past few years and it has helped tremendously. Recently we got an adjustable bed and that is even better because I can raise the head of the bed higher on nights I experience worse GERD symptoms.

Bed risers are available on Amazon and any store with a bedding department. You need just one under each caster or leg of the head of your bed. I tried bricks, books, etc. before, but they just shifted around. The risers are more effective and steady.


@rozy288 have you tried sleeping with the head of your bed raised? I have done that the past few years and it has helped tremendously. Recently we got an adjustable bed and that is even better because I can raise the head of the bed higher on nights I experience worse GERD symptoms.

Bed risers are available on Amazon and any store with a bedding department. You need just one under each caster or leg of the head of your bed. I tried bricks, books, etc. before, but they just shifted around. The risers are more effective and steady.

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I have 3 big pillows and a small memory foam pillow that I sleep with , so I’m sleeping very raised for years . I even have a huge wedge pillow but I found that less comfortable.
I’m practically sitting up .
My body produces so much gas , although I’ve tried everything they make and then some .
Thanks for suggestion .
I’m doing the best I can but honestly it’s tough .


I have 3 big pillows and a small memory foam pillow that I sleep with , so I’m sleeping very raised for years . I even have a huge wedge pillow but I found that less comfortable.
I’m practically sitting up .
My body produces so much gas , although I’ve tried everything they make and then some .
Thanks for suggestion .
I’m doing the best I can but honestly it’s tough .

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@rozy288 have you tried Beano tablets? My husband had a huge problem with gas. He stopped eating all beans and started taking Beano with all meals and snacks. It took a few days but that has helped considerably. We also switched to lactose free milk which he doesn’t drink by the glass but just added to cereals, etc.


No milk at all of any kind 10 years .
I’ve tried Beano and everything Rhett make for gastric health on the market .
I don’t eat beans or many foods , esp gassy foods !
My body just produces so much gas when I eat or don’t eat .
It’s disturbing to be in constant distress. Tks for caring


@rozy288 have you tried Beano tablets? My husband had a huge problem with gas. He stopped eating all beans and started taking Beano with all meals and snacks. It took a few days but that has helped considerably. We also switched to lactose free milk which he doesn’t drink by the glass but just added to cereals, etc.

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What ingredients are in
beano , is it known under any other name, I am in Australia. Thank you.


What ingredients are in
beano , is it known under any other name, I am in Australia. Thank you.

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@ani04 I am in Canada.

I checked Amazon Australia and unfortunately it’s not available there either, but perhaps you have some other online shopping source that may have it …? However, your pharmacist may be able to tell you if there is an equivalent, containing its main ingredient, alpha-galactosidase. Apparently the main ingredient should not be taken just as alpha-galactosidase alone, but again, your pharmacist would know better. I find pharmacists are a better source of medication information than doctors - naturally, as they deal specifically with pharmaceuticals - and a pharmacist is easier to talk to than a doctor, especially if you befriend one at your local pharmacy. 🙂

Here are two links - one to the Beano website that gives you all the information on it, including ingredients, and the other from Very Well Health website.

@rozy288 you may find these links of interest too …?


Hi! I hope this isn’t a duplicate comment bc I just lost the one I was working on!! But I just wanted to say that I am so sorry that you are dealing with all that. I am seeing a PT that specializes in myofascial release and she has a therapist that I will be working with soon that deals with vagus nerve problems and helping to release pain associated with it. Maybe this could help? I find my PT sessions to be very helpful in relieving pain and helping me to relax and get a good nights sleep:) Check out this link if you’re interested. My PT trained under John Barnes and there is a link where you can look up if there is a PT in your area that does this. I hope this helps! Prayers for you and all that are suffering…❤️

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