Vagus Nerve: What helped you?

Posted by johnbluffside @johnbluffside, Nov 24, 2022

I believe my vagus nerve is inflammed with IBS . rx , cognivite gut therapy , mediation, accuptunture , anyone have luck with anything?

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Right now I'm trying Lectin Defense
On the bottle it says , Intestinal Health Support.
It says Blocks Interfering Dietary Lectins
Reduces Gas Supports Intestinal Aids Against
And Bloating And Digestive Health Food Cravings

It is by / GoBiotix
I did a search one day why does my body not digest my food. I bought mine on Amazon. There are many out there, this one I keep going back to.
I seems to be about Lectins.
I have been like this all my life. The doctors have tried me on everything.
Hope maybe this will help you.

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I’ve tried everything on Amazon. I’ll look into that …
I’m now trying
now .
Google that too ….
It’s 8 days and my symptoms are still same . I’ve got to give it 30-60 days though .


Good luck my body has always got use to stuff and it would quit working. This has been my life journey.
Hope it helps I also drink Aloe Vera Juice.


Hi @hopeful33250, in response to your question of whether I have ever had pelvic floor therapy, no I have not. I am somewhat doctor shy...and I do a lot of reading about gastric problems and Hiatal hernia issues. (A definite NO NO from any Doctor!) I found this technique, while searching for relief from a sharp pain on the left side of my chest. (I recently saw a cardiologist, and my heart is not at issue) This technique is for a sliding Hiatal Hernia, which causes thoracic pain and doesn't allow lungs the room to completely fill with air. There are a few slightly different techniques given, but I use the one I posted.

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Thank you for this information. I am wondering if you can share a link of the technique you mention. I am struggling with GERD and hiatal hernia, both of which have taken a turn for the worse recently. You sound like you've found a way. Good!


Good luck my body has always got use to stuff and it would quit working. This has been my life journey.
Hope it helps I also drink Aloe Vera Juice.

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I was told by my GI not to drink this that he has seen intestines turn brown . Just sharing


Thank you for this information. I am wondering if you can share a link of the technique you mention. I am struggling with GERD and hiatal hernia, both of which have taken a turn for the worse recently. You sound like you've found a way. Good!

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I copied the links to 2 easy methods of getting relief from discomfort caused by Hiatal Hernia. (I have used when I have chest discomfort and shortness of breath due to stomach coming up into the chest cavity) I haven't done the 1st. one myself, because the 2nd one works for me. Good Luck...I hope it helps!


Has anyone had their cervical spine imaged, esp looking at C5-6?


I copied the links to 2 easy methods of getting relief from discomfort caused by Hiatal Hernia. (I have used when I have chest discomfort and shortness of breath due to stomach coming up into the chest cavity) I haven't done the 1st. one myself, because the 2nd one works for me. Good Luck...I hope it helps!

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Thank you!


Thank you!

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I've got MS and fibro, Celiac, lactose allergy. I don't need or have time for more pain. I'm all full up. Thank you.


About 35 years ago, I was diagnosed with IBS as well as Hiatal Hernia (Gerd). I also have lots of abdominal adhesions. I don't take any prescribed medications for either, and have been fortunate enough to manage my symptoms (bloating, slow moving food through intestines, diarrhea, constipation (sometimes in the same day), and left sided abdominal pain). I use diet, quiet meditation, and conscious elimination of any stress that I am able to. I am dairy and gluten-free for the most part. I have eliminated red meat from my diet, and now only eat well-cooked vegetables, chicken, fish, some fruit, and salads. I try to eat smaller meals slowly and chew well. I have recently found a method of manually manipulating my stomach while lying down, (slowly pressing down from just under the ribs on the left side, several times, moving toward my belly button) when I have discomfort. This helps me... My guess is that when my stomach goes up into my chest cavity, it presses on the Vagus nerve, and causes discomfort accompanied by shortness of breath. I just thought I'd throw this out there, My doctor looked at me kinda strangely when I told him. But hey, we are our own best advocates and I would try a non-invasive measure before any kind of surgery!

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I get some of those same symptoms. I have had 2 fundo hiatal hernia surgery as well. Kudos to you for doing it naturally.


I was told by my GI not to drink this that he has seen intestines turn brown . Just sharing

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What did he tell you not to drink?

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