Using AI to find new drugs to treat pulmonary fibrosis

Posted by hikerguy62 @hikerguy62, Jul 16, 2023

Having lost six family members (my mom, three of her siblings, a cousin and my grandma on my mom's side), I'm always hopeful they'll find a cure for this horrible disease.

Today I came across an interesting article I wanted to pass along. It concerns using AI to develop drugs to treat pulmonary fibrosis. It's very interesting what is being done today.

A company named Insilico used AI to come up with a possible drug to treat IPF in 1/3 of the time it normally takes.

Right now they're running a very limited Phase 2 trial, but it may be useful to reach out to them to see if they have further clinical trials coming up. Below is the article:

The company's website is:

You might also check out the following URL for more clinical trials. You first enter the disease, any other search terms you want to filter by, the click Search.

On the next page, you cal filter further by checking the box on the left-hand side labeled "Recruiting" and also enter your country as well.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Lung Health Support Group.

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