Unruptured Brain Aneurysm

Posted by badnaples @badnaples, Nov 22, 2021

Hello! I recently found out I have a 4mm ACOM during a CT scan, waiting CT angio appointment, question is....live life normally? OK, to travel (fly), exercise etc. Can't get answers from doc, they say all this will be covered during pre-op which is weeks away and in the meantime causing me anxiety not knowing what I should or should not do. Not sure if I have symptoms, various headaches, mild, dull, various areas of the head, but have those often and for long time, and stuffy nose so assume its sinus. Any help is appreciated, suppose to travel in 48 hours. I read all this about rupturing and frightens me. Is it something that would happen suddenly or gradually from a leak. Help! THank you.

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I have an unruptured 6mm berry brain aneurysm. It was diagnosed more than 9 years ago. The neurosurgeon now does a follow up MRI every 2 years to keep tabs on it. I’ve had the CT angiogram . The main thing is to try to live a normal life and not to live in fear. I keep tabs on my blood pressure and stress levels but otherwise try not to stress over it. Make sure you know symptoms of what to watch for…such as sudden severe headache, etc. I hope everything turns out well for you!

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Thanks @jessica79 May I ask why your neurosugeon did not opted for a procedure like coiling or stent? My aneurysm is open neck and he is recommending stent after doing angyogram. Looks like mine is due to genetics since I don't have other known triggers


The surgeon went on with the intent of coiling but thought the risk of rupture was greater than leaving it alone and watching it because of position. My younger sister had a large aneurysm burst and ended up with about 8o coils then later had it clipped. She later passed away from it. Mine is probably genetic. I’ve heard about a new gamma laser procedure that I’m going to look into.


The surgeon went on with the intent of coiling but thought the risk of rupture was greater than leaving it alone and watching it because of position. My younger sister had a large aneurysm burst and ended up with about 8o coils then later had it clipped. She later passed away from it. Mine is probably genetic. I’ve heard about a new gamma laser procedure that I’m going to look into.

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@jessica79 Got you. Sorry for your loss. Interesting to find out about the laser technique.


Hello @raisanicole. I am sure this diagnosis concerns you, so I am glad you have reached out for support. By the sound of it, you have your catheter angiogram today. I hope the information below might help you if you haven't had the procedure yet.

- Brain aneurysm: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/brain-aneurysm/diagnosis-treatment/diagnosis/dxc-20361596

I want to invite in members @smilton and @badnaples can rejoin the discussion to share some of their journey with you. When is your appointment?

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@amandajro thank you. So they are intervening with a stent on my aneurysm. Anybody cares to share any post procedure recovery and experience?


My wife had a rather severe brain aneurysm that bled for a number of hours in 2005. She spent five weeks in ICU. She was coiled at the time. She made a full recovery from this issue. She was monitored with mra,s every other year until she had a stroke in 2015. At that time she got a stent put in at the aneurysm site. She fully recovered from the stroke due to immediate treatment. There have not been any other incidents at the aneurysm site, but they continued to do mra,s each year to monitor it. There is a new small bulge that they have been watching for a couple years. She had the stroke in 2015 because the doctor took her off blood thinners. Since that time she has been back on blood thinners and no more stroke or aneurysm issues. Unfortunately, last month she was diagnosed with brain cancer. We are baffled by the sudden emergence of that because there was no indications until the diagnosis via an mri last month. In summary, I would say that she fully recovered from each of the aneurysm and stroke issues and led a normal active life until recently.


Really sorry to hear and hoping for the best.


My daughter has a brain aneurysm but very small so they say. This was discovered two years ago. First they said they would monitor it every three yrs which I thought was a long time. Now it's every two yrs. She has only seen a neurologist. I am trying to convince her to also see a neurosurgeon. I think it is extremely important to see both for opinions on this matter. Your thoughts please.


My wife had an aneurysm that bled and ultimately resulted in 4 weeks in ICU. It was repaired fortunately. Several years later she had another procedure, a coiling of the same site and that has been fine for five years. She has an MRA every year to monitor the site and two years ago they found another small aneurysm elsewhere. Her main neuro surgeon does not recommend doing an intervention on that site, however another surgeon from a different group recommends it be taken care of. My point is that different doctors are going to have differing opinions. It never hurts to get another view point. We trust the docs who have treated her for many years versus one who saw her once. I agree three years between monitoring sounds too long an interval.


All info on brain aneurysms and waiting vs surgery.


I found out a little over a week ago that I have an 8mm brain aneurysm after a MRI followed by a MRA. I was shocked as the test was for something completely different. I was referred to a Neurologist that can't see me until December 20th. I guess there is no urgency? In the meantime I plan on living my life enjoying family at Thanksgiving, enjoying a planned 7 day caribbean cruise the week after and then a 4 day Walt Disney World trip the first of December. Stress and anxiety changes nothing so try to not let it consume you. I wish you well.

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