Tymlos - how does ANYONE on Medicare pay for this drug?
I have been 'beating the bushes' to find help. I make just over the financial cut-off line for Forteo and Tymlos is worse. Their financial 'cutoff' is 13,000 and change (you can't make more than that per year!!!)
I am disgusted. I have reached out to every possible financial support organization and nothing works. I am not rich but if I pay what they want me to pay I will lose my condo!
I've tried the PAN foundation and all others like it. Social Security's rule is that you not make more than 20k a year to get help.
I have severe osteoporosis. I can't take bisphosenates. I am really angry at these greedy drug companies.
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Well, United Healthcare is infamous for its coverage, or lack thereof.