Two clogged arteries disappear?

Posted by joeschmoe @joeschmoe, Jan 24 7:56pm

Hi all,I am confused about a heart cath test i just had.8 months ago i had a cath and was told i had two 50% blocked arteries.I then had some problems about 3 months ago and had a cardiac heart scan which also showed them two blockages.Well still having a problem i ended up going to the hospital 5 days ago and my cardiologist did another heart cath.Now he is saying them two blockages are gone.I dont see how this is possible and now im concerned about these results.Does anyone know if this is possible?Can these 2 blockages just dissapear?I have been on a diet and lost about 50lbs but just dont see how this can reverse these blockages.
Thanks joe..

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What problems did you have that required you to see a cardiologist at the hospital five days ago?

I have had an angiogram, a MIBI stress test with radio-opaque dye injected (involves two CT scans), and an MRI. I also had a Doppler ultrasound of my carotid arteries. None of them showed any objectionable extent of obstruction or plaque deposition. Your results are confounded, not so much that they disagree, but they suggest that you have somehow reversed your age...which is impossible. I would suggest you consult another cardiologist for a second opinion.


You are hopeful!! I just lost 32 lbs and my liver scan shows I've healed my liver where all the bad cholesterol is made. Perhaps the arteries in my heart and neck are clearer, too.


Honestly, I'd contact each cardiologist separately and say "Dr. so-and-so says my arteries are blocked/unblocked. How can this be?"



This sounds very unlikely. Given two tests said you have blockage and one you don't, I would formally request a review of the data from the last assessment - the system stored the video.


I agree with getting another opinion on results. Please keep us updated.


Thank you all for your help.I am going to confront my doctor about this.I allready have 3 stents so i know how it feels when those kind of problems arise.What worries me is now im walking around wondering if im gonna end up having a heart attack.I cant keep going to hospital there going to just say you had these tests and nothing is wrong,i dont think they will do another cath.Also my cardiologist is actually a very good doc who been around a long time so questioning his ability can lead me to lose him and finding a good one is hard.But of course i will have to bring this up with him know matter what happens.But thank you all again i will post what happens.
Thanks joe..


Thank you all for your help.I am going to confront my doctor about this.I allready have 3 stents so i know how it feels when those kind of problems arise.What worries me is now im walking around wondering if im gonna end up having a heart attack.I cant keep going to hospital there going to just say you had these tests and nothing is wrong,i dont think they will do another cath.Also my cardiologist is actually a very good doc who been around a long time so questioning his ability can lead me to lose him and finding a good one is hard.But of course i will have to bring this up with him know matter what happens.But thank you all again i will post what happens.
Thanks joe..

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If the doctor is not a true liability due to his/her slippage over time, or because he/she thinks you're a 'problem patient', then you should seek clarification. The way to do it is to take both reports and offer your interpretation, AND RECALL of WHAT YOU THINK YOU HEARD, amd just ask for a confirmation. Hopefully, if you are correct, at least one of the reports will be sorted out or explained better.

I say this because you want to avoid offending the good doctor if possible, and to keep him/her enlisted in your health care. Your approach is that you might be confused, or that the reports appear to be contradictory, and could he/she please explain what they mean, and why they appear to differ, once more? This is not a confrontation, but a seeking of understanding, and no reasonable person, whether expert professional or next door neighbour, would/should object to it.


@joeschmoe I am not sure if plaque can go away, but I think you reduce plaque build-up. Congrats on losing 50 pounds as I am struggling to keep mine off.

I had a stress test the other day and my heart did better now than four years ago before I had a major artery blockage. Got a real positive assessment from my cardiologist. So I managed to reverse some serious problems.

Just asking, how do you feel? Do you feel better? Can you do strenuous exercises?

Personally, I agree with the others about getting another opinion. Especially when you mention you are still having a problem.


Depending on what hospital system you are in your doctor may have been using AI software to interpret your results and also to record your office visit with him or her! You should have a medical portal into that system and read the clinical notes as well as the after visit summary. Print both of them out and examine them the AI software does predictive grammar, and it could have done so stating that you don’t have any blockages now! My doctor is using it, and I opted out as there are AI mistakes all over my clinical notes, as well as my after office visit summary before I opted out of having them use this during my visits! An example I lost 32 pounds. It put 22 pounds that I lost. It also has four times mentioning I am very very stressed out, I am not. I mentioned I was just stressed because I was not aware of them using the AI software and it makes it look like I am a very anxious person in my chart.! There were numerous other errors also! Everyone… Be sure to ask your doctor if they are using Dragon speak, or another type of AI recording for your visits!

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