Tremors from environment or illness?

Posted by cateye13 @cateye13, Oct 11, 2023

Hello. I am a 42 year old woman diagnosed with Fibromyalgia about 5 years ago. About 3 months ago, I started having tremors. The first episode was my full body and was so strong that my husband thought the bed was somehow vibrating. About a month later, the tremors returned, and became more and more frequent. They are almost constant now, coming in waves that increase and decrease seemingly at random. Headaches followed. They feel like a sinus infection: pain around the eyes, into the jaw, top of the head, etc. At times, my speech is altered. I stumble over words, like I’m talking with a case of the shivers. I have tinnitus in both ears, and sometimes it sounds like something crackling in my ears. So far, CBC and electrolytes are normal. TSH was normal. I even had a normal MRI (no contrast). I have no known health issues other than the extremity pain that has been attributed to Fibromyalgia. Yesterday, I noticed my husband and 2 teenage children are also experiencing tiny hand tremors. When I asked about any other symptoms, they each admitted to one or more of the other symptoms I listed, but they weren’t frequent so they didn’t think anything of it. They hadn’t even noticed the shaking hands. I noticed when my son handed me a piece of paper, and I immediately checked the others. So far, I haven’t been able to see a neurologist. They are so booked up. The ER doctor I went to last night is a bit baffled. He’s wondering if we were exposed to a toxin, since my blood results are normal so far. I’m still awaiting the results of a tick panel. Another possible clue, but maybe a coincidence is that my cat has had tremors of an unknown origin for 3 years. Multiple vets have no clue why. He did suffer a serious head infection as a baby, but perhaps that wasn’t the cause of the tremors. It may be completely unrelated to the human symptoms, but it’s weird that we are all shaking the same way. Any ideas? I’ve ordered every test I can think of for my home. I’m still waiting for them to arrive.

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Please remove your smart meter immediately.

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Hello BSR549. What smart meter are you referring to?


Hello BSR549. What smart meter are you referring to?

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Your electric meter. You can search smart meters & even the brand you have. From what I have found you can request the smart meter be removed at a fee of $19.99 a month.
Look up "EMI & RFI" then look up "Faraday Cage" I had same issues and turned my power off for some remodeling on day 3, I was like a new person. I literally cried when I had to turn it back on. Pretty sure this is your issue. Also look up Shungite. Good luck!


Your electric meter. You can search smart meters & even the brand you have. From what I have found you can request the smart meter be removed at a fee of $19.99 a month.
Look up "EMI & RFI" then look up "Faraday Cage" I had same issues and turned my power off for some remodeling on day 3, I was like a new person. I literally cried when I had to turn it back on. Pretty sure this is your issue. Also look up Shungite. Good luck!

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Look up symptoms of RFI sensitivity & smart meter health issues


Where was your wallboard made? Since you built the house was the soil tested prior to plot selection even if it wasn’t ordinarily required, leaving no stone untouched? I hope the multiple testing will provide you with some answers.


Where was your wallboard made? Since you built the house was the soil tested prior to plot selection even if it wasn’t ordinarily required, leaving no stone untouched? I hope the multiple testing will provide you with some answers.

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I’m not sure where the drywall was manufactured. The soil was not tested. We do live in a large golf course community. Our lot is about 3/4 of an acre. None of the neighbors seem to be having the issues our family is. Our homes were built by the same builder using many of the same materials. What would you suggest we test for in the soil?


I’m not sure where the drywall was manufactured. The soil was not tested. We do live in a large golf course community. Our lot is about 3/4 of an acre. None of the neighbors seem to be having the issues our family is. Our homes were built by the same builder using many of the same materials. What would you suggest we test for in the soil?

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What a frustrating and bizarre mystery. I feel like all of the community suggestions have covered the bases. I hesitate to even throw this out there, but are you on good terms with everyone who comes to your home? Could anyone be tampering with your food, meds or products? Not likely, but not unheard of either. Yikes at even the thought. Hope you can rule that out. Just so weird that it sounds environmental, but no neighbors are having issues. What do you have around you that they don’t?


I’m not sure where the drywall was manufactured. The soil was not tested. We do live in a large golf course community. Our lot is about 3/4 of an acre. None of the neighbors seem to be having the issues our family is. Our homes were built by the same builder using many of the same materials. What would you suggest we test for in the soil?

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The builder may have been required to test the soil before building and you might inquire. My concern was what was on the property you reside prior to being a golf course? Another consideration would be pesticides which may be common in your particular environment. Gold courses are usually kept looking pretty so please check this also as you might be sensitive.


What a frustrating and bizarre mystery. I feel like all of the community suggestions have covered the bases. I hesitate to even throw this out there, but are you on good terms with everyone who comes to your home? Could anyone be tampering with your food, meds or products? Not likely, but not unheard of either. Yikes at even the thought. Hope you can rule that out. Just so weird that it sounds environmental, but no neighbors are having issues. What do you have around you that they don’t?

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I had the same thought, but I can’t think of anyone that we have a bad relationship with. The lack of clues is really frustrating, and definitely leads to some wild explanations. Our doctor is at a loss of where to send us since all tests are coming back normal. I ordered a digital radon monitor to measure levels on a regular basis. It’s still a mystery.

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