Treatment for generalized anxiety: Is tough-love ever used?

Posted by talbot @talbot, Oct 4, 2022

Is tough love-ever used for someone with anxiety.

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@talbot. I'm curious about your question. What do you mean by tough love? And are you asking if a therapist would use this approach with someone who has been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder?


I don’t think tough love is appropriate here.
Anxiety is not bad behavior. I suffer from generalized anxiety, and I promise you it’s not something I would choose to have. Many times my anxiety may appear to others to be unreasonable and ridiculous.

Gentle love and understanding is what is called for here.


I don’t think tough love is appropriate here.
Anxiety is not bad behavior. I suffer from generalized anxiety, and I promise you it’s not something I would choose to have. Many times my anxiety may appear to others to be unreasonable and ridiculous.

Gentle love and understanding is what is called for here.

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I too suffer from anxiety and am no familiar with "tough love" as a way to manage it. I can say however, that someone recently taught me some deep breathing exercises and that has made a huge difference. I also have many hobbies such as painting, gardening, making cards with pressed flowers and things of that nature. I put music on, wear headphones and get "lost" in my creative process. My daily walks, which are shorter now than usual, are also a good way for me to release my anxiety. Anxiety is nothing to be ashamed of. Admittedly, I do have medication to help me when I need the same.


@talbot Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. As you can see, a few members have already expressed their thoughts on "tough love".

I am curious as to the basis for your question. Is this something that has been suggested to you or a loved one? How do you define "tough love"? If you would share a bit more information, we will be happy to chime in with collective experiences!


@talbot Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. As you can see, a few members have already expressed their thoughts on "tough love".

I am curious as to the basis for your question. Is this something that has been suggested to you or a loved one? How do you define "tough love"? If you would share a bit more information, we will be happy to chime in with collective experiences!

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56yr old son who can’t bring himself to get a job. Therapist encouraging I. Stop sending $$. Son says he respects this I don’t know if I can follow through. I will try. My conscience questions how this will help or hurt.


He has. No money to seek help. I think cognitive therapy would help.


He has. No money to seek help. I think cognitive therapy would help.

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@talbot This is a difficult spot to be in, isn't it? A parent wants to see their child succeed, and be happy. And at the same time, you want to be able to help if needed.

I know there will be others who step in to this conversation, sharing their experiences. From what you have said, the generalized anxiety is your son's issue, and the therapist is recommending the "tough love" of not sending more money to him. And your son respects this idea, even if he is not happy with it. Is this right? Are you concerned how he will react if you follow through and stop sending money? Is he using funds you send him for getting help, now?


Money I send covers rent ,food,child support Everything except medical help. He has no insurance. Therapist only wants me to follow through with stopping support. Son thinks he’ll get a job by end of month . I am worried if he doesn’t what will I do?


Tough love never helps a highly sensitive and anxiety life child or adult. Tough love from a parent who had tough love rather than boundary’s supported by love is the easy but harmful way to raise a child. It also included slapping and hitting the children.


Money I send covers rent ,food,child support Everything except medical help. He has no insurance. Therapist only wants me to follow through with stopping support. Son thinks he’ll get a job by end of month . I am worried if he doesn’t what will I do?

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@talbot Perhaps an honest discussion with your son about how he can help pull himself up, will help you both. I am sure you support your son in his efforts to get a job, and it seems there are so many available these days. Perhaps helping him set up a budget, and allocate monies where needed, will be an eye-opener to him. End of the month is a long way off! We always want to see our children succeed, but sometimes there needs to be motivation to get moving, don't you agree?

If there is a reason your son has not been able to get/hold a job, perhaps there is a training program though your county services that can assist him?

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