Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) and heart rhythm issues

Posted by army1172 @army1172, Oct 25, 2024


I have been struggling with atrial tachycardia, flutter and fibrillation since an ablation in July '24. A few weeks ago, I had an intense episode of dizziness with other symptoms that lasted approx 7-10 minutes. Since then, I was emergently hospitalized and discharged after 5 days in the hospital. I am having a lot of mental "fog" - inability recalling dates/names/experiences, inability to concentrate and short term memory loss/recall (I will forget what I am doing while I am doing it). I am also having balance issues and continued dizzy spells, although these are pretty straightforward.

Has anyone experienced a TIA/mini-stroke and what was your experience - in terms of symptoms, follow up, any treatments?

My congenital cardiologist did order a brain MRI/A which I am hopefully having next week at my appointment.


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Hi, I had a TIA jauari last year. Had problems with memory for a long time before but became much worse after my TIA. While I was talking or walking, I couldn't remember where I was going or what I was talking about.
In June-July-August this year, I was hit for the first time by severe rotational vertigo attacks with vomiting that lasted for about 5 hours each time. I became unsteady and wobbly when I walked but worse when I closed my eyes. The first 2 times I went to the emergency room and they suspected a new TIA but it wasn't, an emergency CT-angio showed no signs of a TIA/stroke but on the other hand I have changes in my large arteries in my neck and also in my brain i.e. Fibromuscular dysplasia (congenital and not so common, i.e. thickened muscles in the vessels so they become narrow, stenoses.
My memory is still bad and also unsteadiness and headaches and tinnitus daily.
It's good that you get a brain x-ray soon, it's so hard to just wait.
There are headache diseases that cause the same problems as Morbus Meniere's, within 3 months I will examine it with an otolaryngologist.
Hugs of strength💗 greetings Patrica


I get fast high pulse sometimes, not sure why.


One should always check for blood clotting disorders when experiencing TIAs. My father had TIAs and they were a result of 2 blood clotting disorders. Blood thinners stopped that right away. I inherited one of the clotting disorders, Factor Five Leiden. But when you have multiple disorders is when you really risk clotting.


One should always check for blood clotting disorders when experiencing TIAs. My father had TIAs and they were a result of 2 blood clotting disorders. Blood thinners stopped that right away. I inherited one of the clotting disorders, Factor Five Leiden. But when you have multiple disorders is when you really risk clotting.

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The nausea and vertigo might be Ménière’s disease. I was diagnosed 40 years ago after several bouts of nausea and vertigo. It started with tinnitus then loss of hearing and balance. Diet and exercise helps. Low salt diet. In my seventies I was diagnosed Afib and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy but I have had no TIAs.


Brain scan showed a mini-stroke (TIA), white matter development and some tissue softening. Nothing much to do, but was referred to Neurology. Apparently, cardiac corrective surgeries prior to 2000 were done differently and without much consideration to long term effects throughout the body, as correction/palliation were the main objectives. My congenital Cardio said that lots of patients with early Fontan connections (mine was in 1986) have restricted blood flow to the brain which eventually leads to memory and balance issues among others. I have all the symptoms of a TIA, so it makes sense. I also am struggling with ascites, which explains the nausea. Thanks for all your responses!


I feel for you bc I have struggled with afib for about 20 years, with all the extra symptoms you mentioned. I have had 4 ablations and am still on meds, the one that works now is one I heard about on a site like this and it’s called Flecainide. No side effects and taken twice a day it controls my heart rhythm very well. My original goal in doing the ablations was to get off all heart medications, but that has never been able to happen. After each one, my condition seemed to worsen, ironically. I do not have experience with the TIA that you mentioned, but I hope you can get that figured out!!


I suffered a TIA 2022 and found out that I had a 99 percent carotid artery, then suddenly months later my heart failing with high heart rate. In tachicardia constantly on emergency meds to decrease blood pressure and heart rate and angina pain. It all goes down hill after a stroke. Lucky that I live through the first one and I hope I don’t have a second one


The nausea and vertigo might be Ménière’s disease. I was diagnosed 40 years ago after several bouts of nausea and vertigo. It started with tinnitus then loss of hearing and balance. Diet and exercise helps. Low salt diet. In my seventies I was diagnosed Afib and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy but I have had no TIAs.

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Exactly always check for blood disorders and clotting. I’m a clotted mess! Plaque everywhere in my arteries.

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