Total Knee Replacement: Nervous about the surgery

Posted by reneebridges @reneebridges, Oct 19, 2023

I'm having a right, total knee replacement on November 17th at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida. I've been waiting since May, and can hardly get around. It's stage 4 osteoarthritis, bone on bone, with bone spurs.

I am only 39. I'm still nervous about surgery, and recovering from knee surgery afterwards.
But, I can't take living with this knee pain, and loss of mobility right now.

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Good evening @kgkelly. Just stepping by to welcome you to Connect. It is great to know that you are doing well after your knee replacement TKR. To what do you attribute your good recovery? Exercises? Good attitude? Healthy eating? Everything above? Please share so others can learn from your experience.

May you have happiness and the causes of happiness.

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Hi Chris, I think my successful surgery was a combination of a great surgeon, being fit before the surgery and the willingness to do the exercises required after the surgery. I think a healthy diet and also knowing not to overdo anything is very important too. I was lucky that my legs were fairly strong before the surgery.


Hello Renee. I had a TKA on 9/13. I am now 6 ½ weeks out from surgery.
1. I did 3 months of prehab PT to strengthen my legs and that made all the difference. At my 2 week post-op appointment my surgeon said I was better than most people at 2 months.
2. I had a lot of pain - so my surgeon increased my pain meds to manage it. It worked! Two weeks after surgery I stopped the oxycodone and started with Advil/Tylenol. My advice - follow a schedule and take the meds. DON'T chase the pain - rather, keep on top of it and you will be fine.
3. I lost my appetite. Nothing tasted good but chicken soup. And lemon popsicles. That will also go away.
4. I am a "chatty" person and didn't want to talk to anyone for about 3 weeks. I believe that is part of healing. SO I slept a lot, watched movies and iced my knee.
5. Now I feel better, but still healing. My energy is returning and I am back to playing with my girlfriends in a string quartet, taking piano lessons again and cooking.

I am twice as old as you - 68. You will be so pleased to have the surgery. Just remember to be patient and know that you WILL heal and feel better. I am still in PT twice a week and do my exercises at home. I will be praying for you. BTW I live in Northern Idaho. All the best to you!


You won't regret having it done. I had my right knee done last year and it is so much better now to have a little stiffness compared to excruciating pain. I was up and walking pretty good with a cane in 3 weeks. Be sure to do all of your physical therapy, ice your knee often and continue to be active. The pain meds were the worst part for me. They made me so nauseous. Taper off of them slowly, the sooner you get off of them and onto Tylenol the better you will feel.The healthier you are the faster you will recover. Best wishes for your new knee!!!!!


I to am waiting for a date for the same surgery. Can you tell me how long it took to get your date from the time you were 1st contacted by Mayo? My name is Vance.


I am a year out and had my right knee done. I am 62. I had almost bone on bone, severe arthritis and had gone from getting cortisone shots from once a year to every 3 months so it was getting close to time. I didn't want to do this down the road as I get older. I am happy with my replacement however by evening I still get sore and stiff. I cannot take nsaids and they only take the edge off. Do all your PT and go back if needed. Be careful with the pain meds because I was so constipated at day 9 I had to do a bowel prep. Nothing worked for me. After that I used Tylenol and muscle relaxers. If possible use an ice machine. I drove at 3 weeks out, mowed the yard at 3 months and at 6 months walked all over Universal. I know no limits and push myself probably further than I should. You will do really well and do more than you did prior to surgery but it will take time. Please update us how you are doing after. We're all here for you.


I am a year out and had my right knee done. I am 62. I had almost bone on bone, severe arthritis and had gone from getting cortisone shots from once a year to every 3 months so it was getting close to time. I didn't want to do this down the road as I get older. I am happy with my replacement however by evening I still get sore and stiff. I cannot take nsaids and they only take the edge off. Do all your PT and go back if needed. Be careful with the pain meds because I was so constipated at day 9 I had to do a bowel prep. Nothing worked for me. After that I used Tylenol and muscle relaxers. If possible use an ice machine. I drove at 3 weeks out, mowed the yard at 3 months and at 6 months walked all over Universal. I know no limits and push myself probably further than I should. You will do really well and do more than you did prior to surgery but it will take time. Please update us how you are doing after. We're all here for you.

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I am encouraged by these posts.I will be having TKR at Mayo on November 15. I am very anxious. I hate my current lack of mobility. It seems the only way to continue my lifestyle is to get this fixed. I am 75. Please keep the positive posts coming. They help. It is a difficult surgery to face.


Hi @persia, Just thought I would share my experience on pre-surgery exercises for knee replacement. My Mayo surgeon suggested I do these exercises six weeks prior to my surgery and continue them as part of my rehab after the knee replacement. I believe they really helped with my recovery.

--- Before surgery knee exercises:

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Thank you so much, my TKR is scheduled for December 1. and I am already doing exercises twice a day, same exercises Alina Health is showing, as well.
I am in currently in Naples over winter and getting slowly nervous. They take it very serious, beneath exercises they want you to take Vitamin C, Zinc, Prebiotics, 9 essential Minerals, Miralax ( 3 days prior), Gatorade, m( (day before),…
I had to take an education class about my surgery, after my Pre OP on Tuesday, another information and instruction hour with a nurse…
I feel very well cared.


I to am waiting for a date for the same surgery. Can you tell me how long it took to get your date from the time you were 1st contacted by Mayo? My name is Vance.

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Hey Vance I most likely live in a different part of the country, but it does seem that wait times for good surgeons for joint replacement have soared. I had both knees replaced in early 2022 and the wait from the time I said yes was about 3 months. Now it is 6 or 7 months to get the procedure done from the time you give approval.

I'm sure the reasons vary. My surgeon is very good and so demand is high. His assistant told me there is also competition to schedule an OR. We baby boomers are all requiring procedures like joint replacement - knee, hip, shoulder - and we're also requiring surgery for other ailments. The supply of surgeons is also not keeping pace.

So don't be surprised if the wait is as long as six months. If the joint has lost all or almost all of the cartilage, I'd just get the replacement scheduled. Injections like cortisone and new techniques involving stem cells just don't cut it and put off the inevitable.

All the best. On the plus side, TKRs can be life changing. I'm a 69 y/o male and in the gym almost everyday doing weight training or cardio (rower, spinning). Never felt better.


Thank you so much, my TKR is scheduled for December 1. and I am already doing exercises twice a day, same exercises Alina Health is showing, as well.
I am in currently in Naples over winter and getting slowly nervous. They take it very serious, beneath exercises they want you to take Vitamin C, Zinc, Prebiotics, 9 essential Minerals, Miralax ( 3 days prior), Gatorade, m( (day before),…
I had to take an education class about my surgery, after my Pre OP on Tuesday, another information and instruction hour with a nurse…
I feel very well cared.

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That's great to hear. I read too many complaints on here and it's usually because the patient simply didn't do the pre and post surgery exercises required (this varies with knee, hip, and shoulder - but ya gotta know the work).

I'm also amazed at people getting replacements who don't understand the procedure at all. Educate yourself and be committed to recovery and all will be well!


Mine is scheduled for November 29. Doing all I can pre-and will do all I can post. Wish I wasn’t also recovering from hip replacement eight months ago.

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