Total Knee Replacement: Nervous about the surgery

Posted by reneebridges @reneebridges, Oct 19, 2023

I'm having a right, total knee replacement on November 17th at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida. I've been waiting since May, and can hardly get around. It's stage 4 osteoarthritis, bone on bone, with bone spurs.

I am only 39. I'm still nervous about surgery, and recovering from knee surgery afterwards.
But, I can't take living with this knee pain, and loss of mobility right now.

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Sorry for your arthritis, I have had 7 joint replacements, the easiest ones were my knees. April of this year , I had gotten the 2nd knee replaced. Really the pain makes the decision, by now you've exhausted other means of treatment. Best advice is do what you are told and follow instructions. I wish you a good outcome. Be positive!


Hi I had my first tkr when I was 59 I had bad experience…. Ended up having second opinion and revision year later…
I hear good reviews of the Mayo Clinic…..everyone is right exercise before very important…my second surgeon used mako robotics what a difference with recovery was amazing …..My flexion is 100 extension is just about full….I did everything by the book exercise everyday few times a day , did pt for months , myofascial release , water therapy, chiropractic …. Two years out I have modified things I exercise and stretch twice a day , still go to the chiropractor once a week she helps with tightness in thigh and hip…. I am still work in progress lol …. But good luck to you I did not want to discourage you but just let you know things happen ….best advice keep moving


Hi I had my first tkr when I was 59 I had bad experience…. Ended up having second opinion and revision year later…
I hear good reviews of the Mayo Clinic…..everyone is right exercise before very important…my second surgeon used mako robotics what a difference with recovery was amazing …..My flexion is 100 extension is just about full….I did everything by the book exercise everyday few times a day , did pt for months , myofascial release , water therapy, chiropractic …. Two years out I have modified things I exercise and stretch twice a day , still go to the chiropractor once a week she helps with tightness in thigh and hip…. I am still work in progress lol …. But good luck to you I did not want to discourage you but just let you know things happen ….best advice keep moving

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Thanks for the advice, and I'm sorry you had a rough first experience.


Thank you …. Just keep going any movement better than none …. If you can get your dr to give you script for pool pt so much easier to move in pool …. Maybe can do before surgery……I hear ya you are in a lot of pain this will help take pressure off when walking and moving …. Stay positive it does get better ….


Hi Persia, I had knee replacement about 14 months ago. My knee had bone on bone and I was slowly giving up all the physical activities I enjoyed. I was still lifting weights, doing pilates and riding a stationary bike. I had given up running, Pickleball, rowing. When I had difficulty just going for walks I scheduled the appointment. I was 64 at that time and now I am back to everything but running every day of the week. Try to get the leg as strong as possible before hand and know it takes time to get everything back. I could play pickleball at 4 months but it really was a bit longer before I was running all over the courts and never thinking about my knee. Best of luck to you

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Good evening @kgkelly. Just stepping by to welcome you to Connect. It is great to know that you are doing well after your knee replacement TKR. To what do you attribute your good recovery? Exercises? Good attitude? Healthy eating? Everything above? Please share so others can learn from your experience.

May you have happiness and the causes of happiness.


Just wondering if anyone has experienced significant pain in SI joint area following TKR. I had a right TKR 4/23, & now I have extreme difficulty walking. (I had none before surgery). As soon as I stand or put weight on my new TKR, I have pain in my SI joint. (I never had back pain or SI joint pain prior to my TKR.) My orthopedist tells me my knee is doing well, (good ROM, though still somewhat stiff), but I can't walk more than a very short distance. (I still need a left TKR, & now my left knee also becomes very painful & stiff if I try & walk, which did not happen prior to surgery.) I have done PT for my SI joint, but no real improvement. My right leg is now about 5/8 mm longer than my left, but my orthopedist told me my body would "adjust".


Hi Renee,

I had both knees replaced last year - both bone on bone, both very painful. I'm a 68 y/o male. I have been extremely happy with the results. I had an excellent surgeon and he used the Stryker/Mako robotic assistant. Over one year later, I'm back in the gym 6 or 7 days/week. I can't run anymore, but there are few limitations beyond impact sports. I use a rower and air bike for cardio and weights for strength.

At age 39, you should recover well. My advice, hire a personal trainer at a gym to strengthen the muscles around the knee before surgery (as much as pain allows that is). And then once the surgery is complete, do all of the recommended pt at home 3x a day probably, see your pt for 6 to 8 weeks, and make your recovery your job for a few months. Use a lot of ice and elevate the knee when you're not rehabbing.

Sorry you have to wait so long for surgery, but this is becoming typical. All the Baby Boomers, like me, are facing joint replacement and there just aren't enough surgeons or ORs to handle the demand.

I'm sure you will find it worth the wait. All the best!


Just wondering if anyone has experienced significant pain in SI joint area following TKR. I had a right TKR 4/23, & now I have extreme difficulty walking. (I had none before surgery). As soon as I stand or put weight on my new TKR, I have pain in my SI joint. (I never had back pain or SI joint pain prior to my TKR.) My orthopedist tells me my knee is doing well, (good ROM, though still somewhat stiff), but I can't walk more than a very short distance. (I still need a left TKR, & now my left knee also becomes very painful & stiff if I try & walk, which did not happen prior to surgery.) I have done PT for my SI joint, but no real improvement. My right leg is now about 5/8 mm longer than my left, but my orthopedist told me my body would "adjust".

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Hi, Alexalee. Yes indeed there are others that have SI joint pain on the TKR side and I’m one of them. My rather acute SI joint pain developed 7 months post surgery & I still have it at just over a year out from the TKR. It flares up when I walk more than usual, am on my feet a lot, or doing a lot of stairs. My previous PT thought it was arthritis &/or hip tilt (I don’t think he was right about the arthritis). New PT thinks it has to do with lack of strength in TKR knee & has given me exercises targeting the inner thigh muscles - with some, not great success. The Cedars Sinai SI joint dysfunction webpage has what I think is a good explanation for our pain. From what I gather, other parts of our bodies are trying to compensate for the lack of strength & stability around our new knees and this can throw things out of balance. Next time I’m at PT I’ll ask for exercises that also target muscles around the SI joint & hips. I’ll be anxious to see additional posts from you to see how you progress - and if you have ideas to share. So sorry you need surgery on the other knee. My very best to you.


Hi, I am recovering from total knee replacement surgery. I am not going to lie to you my 1st 2 weeks were heck but barrable. I pray you have someone to take care of you that is strong, caring, loving , but disciplined so they can make sure you take your meds correctly and do your exercises properly . My husband is taking care of me and he has been awesome. Being retired military he had everything in place and made sure I got on my knee machine 2 hours 3 x a day, my other exercises that i had to do. Knee replacement isn't easy for me but i can say i am still healing and going to physical therapy 3 x a week. That also can hurt but so well worth it. But allin all this was the best thing for me and I know i will be fine.. Just make sure you follow your doctors instructions. Good luck on your surgery.


I am two years out out a tkr and revision same knee… I have not always had the pain …. But my chiropractor is very helpful she gave me stretches which i incorporate with my daily exercises and most helpful is tense unit on pulse setting I use 2-3 times a day … has kept si joint paint very much controllable…. Good luck to you all sounds like you are doing wonderful keep up good work ….as you can see it does get better

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