How do you halt the progress of osteoporosis?

Posted by coppertonelady @coppertonelady, Oct 21, 2012

I want to mention that for stong bones as well as muscles you have to have a good diet eating foods that are loaded with calcium and minerals look up a list of them and eat them , you have to do weight resistance also I would recommend using a weight vest. it makesbone stronger if you wear it while just walking or doing any activity. The vest is very comfortable because it is actually made for a womans body my doctor said my bone is getting stronger from doing my weight vest walkng with nyknyc. I am so happy because I am afraid of drugs.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Osteoporosis & Bone Health Support Group.


I also have pretty bad negative numbers in the spine. My hope was to avoid meds, also. However, recently had a consult with a Mayo specialist who stated the data shows taking the osteoporosis meds reduce fractures by 50%. I thought that was a pretty good outcome, but still am not sure if I want to take the medication. I wonder if anyone out there has experienced improvement in their T or Z scores by diet and exercise modifications?

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Mya I ask who you saw at Mayo? Thanks


Thank you Teri for this info. I just got my LifePro Waver vibration plate....looking forward to seeing how it goes. The company offers free advice and I'll take them up on also comes with a lifetime warranty. I'm just finding the best place to put it...then I'll post as to how I find this machine and it's ease of use. So far it looks like fun!

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I eagerly await reading your, and others', experiences too. A friends broken neck stopped healing after several months while he wore a carbon-steel halo screwed into his skull. The doctor added an ultrasound-genetating collar and he healed 100% within 3 months. Had an excellent neurosurgeon which helped, one who's consulted with sports M.D.s about healing bone. The vibration principle may be analogous to ultrasound though different.


I hope this is OK to post. Here's a link to a Harvard Health website that lists the various types of drugs to treat osteoporosis. It has a chart for comparing them for a quick overview. If the link doesn't show, search for Harvard Health "osteoporosis-drugs-which-one-is-right-for-you"

For over 65 like me those discounts aren't offered. I rely on Radius Assist for Tymlosand Amgen does not have an Assist program. So glad you got the financial help!

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Hi @windyshores Same here, I'm 66. I was lucky on the last Prolia discount, that's over! I've not heard of Radius Assist but will definitely look them up!


Two of the more integrative providers I have communicated with, Lani Simpson and Keith McCormick, have used or are planning to use medications. Menopausal decreases in estrogen are a main cause of osteoporosis. It is reasonable and healthy to avoid medications for osteopenia, and even early osteoporosis. But for more severe DEXA scores or for those who have fractures, medications may prevent pain, disability and even loss of independence. I am posting here for balance, thinking of others who may be reading this thread. There are powerful physical forces behind bone loss and it may require powerful meds to counteract- not forever though. Once density is improved, then it may be possible to use "whole body" approaches. This forum includes people with diverse DEXA results: some who are posting may indeed be wise to try natural first. Others really may find they need meds.

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Thanks for posting that. We all need to prevent osteoporosis I think but, if not in time, fix it where possible with the best medical support we can find.


Thank you @windyshores ! Sorry I got your injection timing wrong. Reading the summary notes of my consult doc yesterday and wondering if we were in the same room. I inquired about Tymlos several times, no answer. That might be a good query to the group: "Is your Doctor listening to you?"

I was able to get an assistance card from Amgen (Prolia/Evenity) to pay $25 vs. $250 after my insurance paid their portion. It's noted on the card after age 65 it's not applicable. My doc was able to get that extended for Prolia. I think a number of these drugs have other funds available. as the costs are outrageous. The legwork on my part was worth it and big kudos for my doc for pushing it through.

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I am on a Medicare Advantage Plan that includes drugs. So far, the most I have had to pay for any drug is $9.65. Prolia was at no cost to me. Of course, when selecting insurance, there are other considerations besides cost of drugs. I decided against continuing Prolia after one injection.


I would really like to halt the progress of bone loss. I am 79 and have had many bone density test over the years, Each time there is more bone loss. I took Fosamax for over 8 years with no results and Boniva for 3 years or so, also with no results. I had not had a test for 2 years and I really worked during that time. Lifting weights ,walking, Getting on the ionic free motion machine at the gym. (trainer said it was recommended). Taking gobs of Calcium (plant based), D,K, Magnesium etc. And it was even lower this time too. I really am afraid to take anymore Meds. because of the side effects. I am really way down on the scale. Does anyone have any recommendations? NM

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I am 81 and took one Prolia injection and decided against anything further because of side effects. I asked about the odds, and the doctor didn't have an answer. Last week I ran across a statistic: for someone with osteoporosis, the odds of getting a life-threatening fracture is 26%; the odds of getting a less serious fracture is 62%. I've accepted the odds. I continue to do the things that are good for my bones and take extra care with risky behavior, such as climbing ladders, going up and down stairs, etc. I recently read that Tai Chi is excellent for improving balance, which reduces chance for a fall. I plan to begin that soon. At my age, I am at risk for any number of ailments or accidents. A dietitian at my local hospital called my attention to research that stated calcium supplements can cause clogged arteries. I discovered the diet I adopted several years ago for building immunity gives me as much calcium as I need. I've done everything I can about my osteoporosis, so I just set that worry aside and select another worry from my menu of old-lady worries. And I keep a gratitude journal to remind me of everything that's right in my world.


I eagerly await reading your, and others', experiences too. A friends broken neck stopped healing after several months while he wore a carbon-steel halo screwed into his skull. The doctor added an ultrasound-genetating collar and he healed 100% within 3 months. Had an excellent neurosurgeon which helped, one who's consulted with sports M.D.s about healing bone. The vibration principle may be analogous to ultrasound though different.

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Good Morning Callaloo~
Thanks for your interest in the vibration plate therapy. I hope your friend is continuing to heal. As we all have experienced the drauge that pain has on our days and nights..ever so tiresome, at best...I'm always looking for what has worked for individuals as well as physicians and clinicians. Since I have deplorable DXA scores..-4 and -3.5, in hips and lumbar. I've been in constant pain that's worse at night. For my own peace of mind..I cannot do the meds for osto. I've tried everything I name it..I've done it. I'm also an older I'm trying to keep my activity up to ameliorate the symptoms and pain. THEN I started reading up on the vibration plate and what NASA had to say about what they developed for their astronauts that lost so much bone density while being in space. I did go for a complimentary visit to OsteoStrong and did their workout as well as got to stand on their vibration plate. Oh was wonderful!!! I was exhausted by the end of my day..but slept without hip pain waking me up..first time in a year! While I feel that my bones aren't strong enough for their workout...I feel that I really benefited mostly from the vibration plate. I did more research and found one that I thought would work for me and not be just another 'toy' around the house..that I can't even hang clothes a treadmill! I've used the "LifePro" Waver machine for three days now....15min..2x a day and I can't keep my excitement down! No more hip pain!! I've had three nights of uninterrupted sleep! This company is impressing me with their outreach to their customers as well as their lifetime warranty. It was easy to set up..just take it out of the box...even comes with a roller for easy moving it around. I joined Amazon Prime to get the added discount and free shipping and return. I'm 77 and don't expect to be pain free all the time...but maybe getting a little 'shake-up' going on was just what I needed to feel like the ol'me. I would strongly suggest that you all do your own due diligence when it comes to different modalities in achieving better health and vitality. The articles that have been listed by other members were most informative and interesting. I'm so glad I got this 'easy' to use machine..and that I can already feel the benefits of using it. Finally...some hope for a better tomorrow! BTW...folks that also took the meds for osteo had even better results on the vibration machines then those of us who are there ya go...some hope for us all! Bless you all...have a great day!!!


Good Morning Callaloo~
Thanks for your interest in the vibration plate therapy. I hope your friend is continuing to heal. As we all have experienced the drauge that pain has on our days and nights..ever so tiresome, at best...I'm always looking for what has worked for individuals as well as physicians and clinicians. Since I have deplorable DXA scores..-4 and -3.5, in hips and lumbar. I've been in constant pain that's worse at night. For my own peace of mind..I cannot do the meds for osto. I've tried everything I name it..I've done it. I'm also an older I'm trying to keep my activity up to ameliorate the symptoms and pain. THEN I started reading up on the vibration plate and what NASA had to say about what they developed for their astronauts that lost so much bone density while being in space. I did go for a complimentary visit to OsteoStrong and did their workout as well as got to stand on their vibration plate. Oh was wonderful!!! I was exhausted by the end of my day..but slept without hip pain waking me up..first time in a year! While I feel that my bones aren't strong enough for their workout...I feel that I really benefited mostly from the vibration plate. I did more research and found one that I thought would work for me and not be just another 'toy' around the house..that I can't even hang clothes a treadmill! I've used the "LifePro" Waver machine for three days now....15min..2x a day and I can't keep my excitement down! No more hip pain!! I've had three nights of uninterrupted sleep! This company is impressing me with their outreach to their customers as well as their lifetime warranty. It was easy to set up..just take it out of the box...even comes with a roller for easy moving it around. I joined Amazon Prime to get the added discount and free shipping and return. I'm 77 and don't expect to be pain free all the time...but maybe getting a little 'shake-up' going on was just what I needed to feel like the ol'me. I would strongly suggest that you all do your own due diligence when it comes to different modalities in achieving better health and vitality. The articles that have been listed by other members were most informative and interesting. I'm so glad I got this 'easy' to use machine..and that I can already feel the benefits of using it. Finally...some hope for a better tomorrow! BTW...folks that also took the meds for osteo had even better results on the vibration machines then those of us who are there ya go...some hope for us all! Bless you all...have a great day!!!

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I have the Life Pro Percussion Massage Gun, selected from them because of features, price and excellent on-going customer service. Hearing about their Vibration Plates is interesting. What model did you choose? Did Life Pro help you in the selection?


Good Morning Callaloo~
Thanks for your interest in the vibration plate therapy. I hope your friend is continuing to heal. As we all have experienced the drauge that pain has on our days and nights..ever so tiresome, at best...I'm always looking for what has worked for individuals as well as physicians and clinicians. Since I have deplorable DXA scores..-4 and -3.5, in hips and lumbar. I've been in constant pain that's worse at night. For my own peace of mind..I cannot do the meds for osto. I've tried everything I name it..I've done it. I'm also an older I'm trying to keep my activity up to ameliorate the symptoms and pain. THEN I started reading up on the vibration plate and what NASA had to say about what they developed for their astronauts that lost so much bone density while being in space. I did go for a complimentary visit to OsteoStrong and did their workout as well as got to stand on their vibration plate. Oh was wonderful!!! I was exhausted by the end of my day..but slept without hip pain waking me up..first time in a year! While I feel that my bones aren't strong enough for their workout...I feel that I really benefited mostly from the vibration plate. I did more research and found one that I thought would work for me and not be just another 'toy' around the house..that I can't even hang clothes a treadmill! I've used the "LifePro" Waver machine for three days now....15min..2x a day and I can't keep my excitement down! No more hip pain!! I've had three nights of uninterrupted sleep! This company is impressing me with their outreach to their customers as well as their lifetime warranty. It was easy to set up..just take it out of the box...even comes with a roller for easy moving it around. I joined Amazon Prime to get the added discount and free shipping and return. I'm 77 and don't expect to be pain free all the time...but maybe getting a little 'shake-up' going on was just what I needed to feel like the ol'me. I would strongly suggest that you all do your own due diligence when it comes to different modalities in achieving better health and vitality. The articles that have been listed by other members were most informative and interesting. I'm so glad I got this 'easy' to use machine..and that I can already feel the benefits of using it. Finally...some hope for a better tomorrow! BTW...folks that also took the meds for osteo had even better results on the vibration machines then those of us who are there ya go...some hope for us all! Bless you all...have a great day!!!

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This is great news, Bundy. Thanks for posting the information. There's an OsteoStrong within few miles so I can check them out but the idea of having something at home that I can use whenever is very appealing. And, for some reason, vibratory help just sounds intuitively right. Maybe because medicine is using so many other energy and frequency things now. I had a permanent stuffy nose and didn't want surgery. An ENT used a new radio-frequency technique last year to remodel cartilage and I've been breathing more easily ever since. No surgery, no pain, no blood, no swelling, no wait time for healing.

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