tinnitus cure. found something that works for me. why???

Posted by awilst @awilst, Jul 29, 2023

I am a senior with severe hearing loss who has has had tinnitus for many years. mine sounds like a truck engine idling, low frequency rumble sound. i especially hear it at bedtime.
recently, I tried placing my index fingers in each ear (blocking external
sound), & then made a loud hum sound in my throat. did that for few minutes. Tinnitus (loud rumble) disappeared.. stopped dead.
have been doing this for several nights & works for me. does not last.
but it does STOP the rumble.
so can you readers try this & confirm if it works for you?
also any researchers might consider looking at why this method turns my brain off to the tinnitus?

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still doing the hum. works for me. I notice if you do hum for longer time, repeating it several times, it seems to suppress my tinnitus longer. why??? also works day or night. anyone else having any success? feedback?


SHORT STORY: AS reported low-pitch humming lessens my auditory hallucinations -- sometimes dramatically. MORE: I have severe hearing loss and constant intrusive audio hallucinations. Ear sounds are rhythmic, musical ... hurdy-gurdy at all pitches. Crazy-maker. Ear sounds are worse at night. My local hospital docs say no treatment / solution exists , though in extreme instance these sounds have ( apparent ) influence on breathing and heart-beat pattern. Spooky -- I have pacemaker. I say apparent, cause machine-tests ( EKG / MRI etc ) show nothing. Certain musical songs seem to containing the humming ( frequency/patterns? ) and also incidentally degrade my ear-noise.


Hi have ear issues too along with other issues; tinnitus for years on and off but last few years almost steady and checking during night if either fridge running or furnace or air conditioning inour housee - sometimes runnings smetimes not; (also have eustachian tube pain and moderatehearing loss) so as I think I posted elsewhere on here - years ago thought neighbour playing radio , long story short, heard when they were away - and turns out it is "MES Musical Ear Syndrome." Right now as I type right ear (but really brain) is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star over and over an over an can be a variety of songs. So, checkng on line and as told by a hearing specialist last year, the music we hear (again, not our hearing) can be a hymn, Christmas carol, nursery rhyme etc etc. and I am wonering to myself : calling on everyone who "hears music or singing or a musical instrument" when none there: "name that tune." Why is it then that certain types of music is heard?? What if we club togegther and find out exactly which tunes - and if there is a link - WHY?
National anthems are O Canada and God Save The Queen/King - can be in background for hours, all night; Christmas carol is "O Come All Ye Fathful." Nursery rhyme as above Twinkle twinkle.... and I can name the other few if anyone interested in pursuing this. They say it is not a mental health problem but hearing loss - so why is it only 3 per cent of us are affected, why not all hearing impaired? Honestly this is enough to drive a person round the bend! After daily nap it is waking to bongo drums and sped up voice I cant find out words.. every day, similar time.... this "had" to be more than a lost of hearing problem???? (help!)


Hi Valerie....I have tinnitus as well, with sounds like the television testing going on (high pitch noise). I also have high frequency hearing loss, and a doctor thinks the tinnitus is the body over-compensating for that loss with the tinnitus sound. Anyway, I wanted to ask you if you have tried "white noise?" I have tried running a fan during sleep time, and it seems the tinnitus is not a factor in getting or staying asleep....so I'm not sure if white noise has helped me, how about you?


Hi have ear issues too along with other issues; tinnitus for years on and off but last few years almost steady and checking during night if either fridge running or furnace or air conditioning inour housee - sometimes runnings smetimes not; (also have eustachian tube pain and moderatehearing loss) so as I think I posted elsewhere on here - years ago thought neighbour playing radio , long story short, heard when they were away - and turns out it is "MES Musical Ear Syndrome." Right now as I type right ear (but really brain) is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star over and over an over an can be a variety of songs. So, checkng on line and as told by a hearing specialist last year, the music we hear (again, not our hearing) can be a hymn, Christmas carol, nursery rhyme etc etc. and I am wonering to myself : calling on everyone who "hears music or singing or a musical instrument" when none there: "name that tune." Why is it then that certain types of music is heard?? What if we club togegther and find out exactly which tunes - and if there is a link - WHY?
National anthems are O Canada and God Save The Queen/King - can be in background for hours, all night; Christmas carol is "O Come All Ye Fathful." Nursery rhyme as above Twinkle twinkle.... and I can name the other few if anyone interested in pursuing this. They say it is not a mental health problem but hearing loss - so why is it only 3 per cent of us are affected, why not all hearing impaired? Honestly this is enough to drive a person round the bend! After daily nap it is waking to bongo drums and sped up voice I cant find out words.. every day, similar time.... this "had" to be more than a lost of hearing problem???? (help!)

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Hi Valerie, I truly sympathize with you and know how maddening tinnitus is, best thing that specifically has worked 60% or more for me is to listen to relaxing piano music from my phone app, and rest of time, well I've got a ton of strategies. I've had moderate to severe hearing loss since birth in both ears and cannot hear w/o a hearing aid and most times i rely heavily on captions when watching TV, movie or listening on my phone. My story is I started wearing my first hearing aid in 1976, but never had any tinnitus until 2010. I did well with having just one aid but in 2008 i was able to get two aids (state of the art) and was so happy. But suddenly in 2010, while i was driving on the interstate my right ear started popping and it suddenly went totally deaf. I was devastated. Then the very next day the tinnitus started and since then it is 98% NON-STOP. I hear all sorts of weird noises, pulsing, drumming, screeching, voices, music, white noise, etc...and in my mind they are very loud (over a 100 decibels') usually is worst at night. I lose a lot of sleep and it drives me NUTS! I agree it has to be more than just a hearing loss problem !


Hi Valerie....I have tinnitus as well, with sounds like the television testing going on (high pitch noise). I also have high frequency hearing loss, and a doctor thinks the tinnitus is the body over-compensating for that loss with the tinnitus sound. Anyway, I wanted to ask you if you have tried "white noise?" I have tried running a fan during sleep time, and it seems the tinnitus is not a factor in getting or staying asleep....so I'm not sure if white noise has helped me, how about you?

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...I am not sure any more, poochmom... seems sometimes am getting the tinnitus an the musical ear at same time... i have tried white noise etc. but static sounds always bothered me even before i got moderate hearing loss... I have read some articles on musical ear and one doctor explained one "type" is hear spontaneously - out of the blue hearing music etc. and the other "type" is prompte by noise such as a fan, or ruythmic nose of a machine etc., and I get that too. I put my ipad on pillow next to me and listen to you tube relaxatin or such an search for voice only as rain in background, thunder etc., doesnt help.... some days/nights worse than others. Couple days ago quite a few times like the fog horn on a boat in left ear... maybe I should keep a diary of events but also keeping track of food re ibs etc., and other things so gets tiring and nothing adds up anyway. Sometimes the you tubes help an I drift off but sometimes if voice low, the tinnitus is louder... its horrible isnt it?


Hi Valerie, I truly sympathize with you and know how maddening tinnitus is, best thing that specifically has worked 60% or more for me is to listen to relaxing piano music from my phone app, and rest of time, well I've got a ton of strategies. I've had moderate to severe hearing loss since birth in both ears and cannot hear w/o a hearing aid and most times i rely heavily on captions when watching TV, movie or listening on my phone. My story is I started wearing my first hearing aid in 1976, but never had any tinnitus until 2010. I did well with having just one aid but in 2008 i was able to get two aids (state of the art) and was so happy. But suddenly in 2010, while i was driving on the interstate my right ear started popping and it suddenly went totally deaf. I was devastated. Then the very next day the tinnitus started and since then it is 98% NON-STOP. I hear all sorts of weird noises, pulsing, drumming, screeching, voices, music, white noise, etc...and in my mind they are very loud (over a 100 decibels') usually is worst at night. I lose a lot of sleep and it drives me NUTS! I agree it has to be more than just a hearing loss problem !

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..sorry to read cyh... you have been through a lot. I agree it is very hard on our nervous system... I also get ear pain and have to pinch nose and blow to open tubes an then blocks hearing or echo... I recall on here someone mentioning the musical ear and he just goes with the flow but with the whole lot, tinnitus, musical ear, pain and some hearing loss its a bit much on top of other illnesses isnt it? yes, why is it that only some people with same hearing loss as another person gets tinnitus, but the other person doesnt? has to be more to it - and i often think of medications taken over the years; genes; etc. and unless someone actually experiences all of this it's hard for them to understand how upsetting it can be.. yet we are still cognizant of those with life threatening illnesses and try an put it into perspective, but its a challenge and no hope of cure isnt it


Wow! I thought I was almost alone with tinnitus! It drives me crazy at times and when I’m busy, I don’t always notice. But here it comes back!!!!!
I also have MS and I thought my hearing loss and tinnitus were related to that. Who knows?! I also hear voices and occasional music but not as often.
I’m stealing someone’s word here but it is maddening!!!!


Has anyone tried the Lenire device for tinnitus?


I read about it but dont know if it is approved .I suffer from tinnitus for years...mine sounds like the crickets you hear in the summer....horrible but no cure....

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