Can tinnitus trigger seizures?

Posted by gimmegum @gimmegum, Jan 26, 2020

Can tinnitus trigger seizures...?
The ringing is just like before I lose conscience, after I sense the, "aura".
Hate to dwell on the never ending ringing because it's TOO CLOSE to the same sound. Like it's wanting/trying to suck me back in to a seizure.
Freaking SCARY.

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Im sorry you feel that feeling! It is freaking scary!!! I have it when I'm having an aura before a grand mal and it makes me very anxious. It makes me think that I'm going into a seizure too 😞


Im sorry you feel that feeling! It is freaking scary!!! I have it when I'm having an aura before a grand mal and it makes me very anxious. It makes me think that I'm going into a seizure too 😞

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We're never alone.


Im sorry you feel that feeling! It is freaking scary!!! I have it when I'm having an aura before a grand mal and it makes me very anxious. It makes me think that I'm going into a seizure too 😞

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Hello @lynette1975

While I have not had seizures, I have read about seizures being preceded by auras. Could you explain to me what an aura is like? Is it something you see or just feel? Is it like dizziness?


Hi @hopeful33250
There are many types of auras (also called petit mal seizures). When I was younger I thought they were panic attacks. My auras start with a blank stare and a lightheaded/dizzy feeling, I get nauseous and feel my stomach "drop" like a sense of doom. My hands get sweaty. Lately I have been having ringing in one of my ears at the start of the aura. Sometimes I have de ja vu. It's an overall weird feeling. Sometimes they are very quick and sometimes they last a couple of minutes. It makes me have extreme anxiety because for me, it can lead into a grand mal seizure. I used to try to distract myself by getting up and moving around to think about something else. But it doesn't help all the time. Hope my description helps, but it can be different for everyone 💜


Thanks, @lynette1975. I'm sure that you are right in that it is different for each person. I appreciate the information you provided. It helps me to understand it better.


Hi @hopeful33250
There are many types of auras (also called petit mal seizures). When I was younger I thought they were panic attacks. My auras start with a blank stare and a lightheaded/dizzy feeling, I get nauseous and feel my stomach "drop" like a sense of doom. My hands get sweaty. Lately I have been having ringing in one of my ears at the start of the aura. Sometimes I have de ja vu. It's an overall weird feeling. Sometimes they are very quick and sometimes they last a couple of minutes. It makes me have extreme anxiety because for me, it can lead into a grand mal seizure. I used to try to distract myself by getting up and moving around to think about something else. But it doesn't help all the time. Hope my description helps, but it can be different for everyone 💜

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Hi everyone,
I am having exactly similar condition, where also my thinking can launch the seizure. The only difference is that i don’t hear my tinnitus a lot. Instead i get an aura like feeling sometimes in right ear/brain and other times in the left one.
Can anybody explain to me what condition is this and whether it might lead to dangerous outcome/death?
Here is my condition described:

1- Sensitivity to certain noises and a brain or ear aura feeling that suddenly launches when i focus on it (even in very calm places)

2- persistent Feeling of aura (electromagnetic and when it becomes more intense it is like squeezing) in the ear that make me confused and makes me feel that maybe i have lack of Oxygen in my brain 🧠. So i feel uncomfortable and start having panic.

3- The aura disappears or is reduced when i willingly clog my ear; by inhaling air, but still i can get seizure attacks at any moment

4- Generally is present when in a still position (sitting, not moving or doing sports) sometimes because of bad posture or my neck, when ears unclogged. Aura Feeling Disappears while in sports or running or when clogged ear.

4- description of the seizure: sometimes sudden feeling of acoustic shock in the ear when i inhale, or when i think of this aura, or when i think of a bizarre thing.

-That’s why i my breathing Rhythm becomes slow and uncoordinated/messy.

-My automatic reflex to the seizure is to directly try to close my ears and try to think i must change my focus from this seizure.

5- when the seizure becomes intense i try to close my ear and sometimes it is so squeezing muscles of my hands become so tight and shaky.

6- solution: i try suddenly and fast to change my posture, close my ear and to stop thinking of it. My brains becomes stuck. Cant think of anything else while this seizure.

7- generally only 1 side of the brain/ear is having this attack, not both. Sometimes right side and sometimes left side.


Does anyone experience kind of a numbness and tingling in the roof of their mouth and or one or both cheeks before a seizure?
I am experiencing the noises in my ear that aren’t external too. I didn’t realize they could be related so I’ve never mentioned them to my doctor.


Hi Everybody, Good Morning
I share here a link with more information about the symptoms of auras:
What I myself have experienced in my auras: deja vu, strange feelings, strange taste in my mouth and different smells. I remember that some auras were even pleasant. But over the years my auras have changed. they became much shorter and do quickly evolve to complex partial seizures, so that I can not remember the symptoms of my auras anymore.
Like @lynette1975 said, when I just had auras, I tried to move, either by getting up from the chair or walking. Sometimes, I could interrupt my auras, sometimes not, evolving to a complex partial seizure, when consciousness is affected.
With the practice of hatha yoga (which has taught me to listen more to my body and its sensations), I can today feel my prodromes (phase before auras) and when they happen I already take a lot of care, avoiding any possible triggers in the coming hours and days.
Have all a nice weekend!
Chris (@santosha)


Hi everyone, a very Good Morning
Just to share that yesterday, I watched a wonderful movie based on a true story called "Lucca's World". It is on Netflix. Here the link with more information:
This gives me hope to all of us with epilepsy. I confess I have not yet searched enough about it, but I will certainly do it.
Have all a wonderful Sunday!!!
Chris (@santosha)


I had my first seizure the other day and I am convinced it is related to my tinnitus. It's such a relief to come across people with similar issues. My tinnitus is constant and varies in tone, volume and annoyance depending on how focused I am on it at that moment. Regarding my seizure, I had no warning signs leading up to it and was told by my partner that it lasted several minutes with me foaming at the mouth and my eyes being totally separate entities independent of each other. I came round and had no idea of what had happened to me. I really need more information about both conditions and if they are related, I believe they are.

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