Tightness back of head/neck

Posted by breithauptj @breithauptj, Sep 15, 2023

Hi there I have been having tightness in back of my head and by base of skull and tight shoulders and I feel like its starting to affect me differently like some dizziness or vision problems nothings working i did chiropractor a while then something changed where now my neck is always tight and dizzy and affect vision im not sure what to do? I tried PT for a while it did not help! I don’t have headaches or pain or its a dull ache more and just tight … has anyone had this????

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I use a DoTerra essential oil blend, Deep Blue, for my neck stiffness and pain. I put it on as soon as I get out of a warm shower. I also keep a heating pad on the back of my chair and apply heat off and on during the day. Ive been reading about the vagus nerve and wonder if it has something to do with my pain and stiffness.


In the past I experienced back of head and neck tightness and discomfort when my blood pressure was elevated. I already had neck issues causing shoulder pain but the neck and back of head pain went away when I got my BP down. Good luck.


I had the same symptoms that came on suddenly among other symptoms. Working with my neurologist was very helpful. Maybe that is the best route!


This happened to me and at that time I could not even look up after going to a different chiropractor while mine was out of town. I had went to a chiropractor because my neck has been injured over the years with more than one whiplash. I had found my chiropractor by accident and she practiced what is called the Blair technique which is an upper cervical adjustment. It is a specialized technique where they take x-rays to see if your upper cervical is misaligned and then they adjust it and it involves NO twisting the neck. That is what happened to me when I visited a different chiropractor for a couple months that practiced a different techique - I couldn't even look up my neck was so stiff and I developed motion sickness which I have never had before and it felt like my neck was cement. When I returned to my Blair technique chiropractor she explained to me that I cannot have my neck twisted. She did the regular adjustment (side lying with a drop table) and it was fixed instantly. That may be something for you to investigate?? If you can find a doctor in your area and consult with them, they can determine if it should work for you.


Oh thank you i will try to ask my chiropractor i was considering going back to talk to him about options since nothing helps i can feel im out of alignment!


I had the same symptoms that came on suddenly among other symptoms. Working with my neurologist was very helpful. Maybe that is the best route!

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Hi i have a neuro appt this week i hope she has info


I would try a chiropractor with great reviews and advanced certification in Active Release Technique (ART). In my experience, PTs can sometimes make muscle tightness worse through overly aggressive stretching that creates more micro tears in the muscle and hence more pain and tightness. You can tell the chiropractor that you only want ART (a massage technique). I'm not a fan of chiropractic adjustments in the neck area. Years ago, ART helped me recover from disabling muscle tightness in my neck and shoulders when physical therapy did not. You should know within 3 visits if ART is helping. I knew immediately.


Oh thank you i will try to ask my chiropractor i was considering going back to talk to him about options since nothing helps i can feel im out of alignment!

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Not all chiropractors do the " Blair" technique so maybe you would want to google upper cervical chiropractor Blair technique?? Or just ask your chiropractor about this technique?? Good luck to you 🙂


Have you ever looked into Arnold Chiari Malformation?

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