Thumping/drumming in one ear

Posted by kerryf88 @kerryf88, Mar 15, 2019

It started about a week ago, I was walking my dog and suddenly I hear this rapid drumming sound in my right ear, twice, it doesn’t match my heartbeat at all, the second time it happened I covered my right ear with a finger and it’s gone. And since then I’ve been having occasional rapid thumps (3-4 thumps) in the right ear, maybe once or twice a day or sometimes none in a day, no common trigger, just happens randomly during the day. I don’t know why? When the thumping happens it feels like that ear is partially blocked like under water.

I’m currently experiencing slight dizziness due to bad postures from a few weeks ago, which leads to sore neck and shoulder, not sure if this could be related?

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Zoomer. I know how you feel with regards to your pulsatile tinnitus. I have had it on occasion when my regular 24/7 tinnitus adds a pulsatile component. To learn more about tinnitus you can research the subject on the internet. Also join the Américain Tinnitus Association to get lots of info. There is also information on ototoxic medications that may be relevant to you. I have learned to live with tinnitus but it did change my life, my ability to socialize since I am also hard of hearing and have hyperacusis, which is extreme sensitivity to sounds above a certain decibel, and my inability to tolerate concerts, clubs or other noisy places. You are not alone in your distress. When I feel really bad I remind myself that there are over 6 million Americans with this condition many of whom find it impacts significantly on their quality of life. There is plenty of research being done to search for a cure. The main problem is that tinnitus is really coming from the brain, not the ears. Sometimes nature opens another avenue of pleasure. In my case I enjoy art and rely more on my eyes than my ears.


Zoomer. I know how you feel with regards to your pulsatile tinnitus. I have had it on occasion when my regular 24/7 tinnitus adds a pulsatile component. To learn more about tinnitus you can research the subject on the internet. Also join the Américain Tinnitus Association to get lots of info. There is also information on ototoxic medications that may be relevant to you. I have learned to live with tinnitus but it did change my life, my ability to socialize since I am also hard of hearing and have hyperacusis, which is extreme sensitivity to sounds above a certain decibel, and my inability to tolerate concerts, clubs or other noisy places. You are not alone in your distress. When I feel really bad I remind myself that there are over 6 million Americans with this condition many of whom find it impacts significantly on their quality of life. There is plenty of research being done to search for a cure. The main problem is that tinnitus is really coming from the brain, not the ears. Sometimes nature opens another avenue of pleasure. In my case I enjoy art and rely more on my eyes than my ears.

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I always had a feeling that it could also be brain related but it’s surprises me how I can make it pulsate on demand like when I yawn,burp or sometimes talk, it’s almost like I feel like it has lots to do with my jaw that connects to your ear if that makes sense ? Your jaw and ears play a big role together my doctor in Beverly Hills thinks there could be some inflammation between the two so that’s why we’re trying Botox out. I’m aware our ears and brain work together. I’m aware there’s these tiny receptors in your ears that tell your brain things so it’s always possible that could be the issue but I always had great hearing never had any head trauma within that year when it started. For some reason I’m convinced the silicone ear plugs did it cause I would use them for a long time and I mean a handful of years and that’s how it all started I had them in one morning and felt my ears pulsating with them in. I strongly encourage people to be careful when using them. There’s 100s of American Soldiers who say ear plugs damaged their ears as well lots of lawsuits, so I’m also convinced it was the ear plugs possibly too much pressure on the ear. Hopefully they can determine what caused it but it’s pretty hard for a doctor to actually determine that cause they generally go off what you explain to them.. I am prescribed medication I’ve tried muscle relaxers with no results, currently prescribed benzodiazepines and Mirtazapine for sleep and it helps but it doesn’t cure the problem, I also don’t recommend Xanax really to anyone unless it really helps for you but so far it doesn’t do much for me not even a high dosage, I’m almost not in the position to be getting addicted to drugs I’m not in the right mind state for that I am very vulnerable. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life on controlled substances,anywho I don’t suffer from no ringing in the ears maybe time from time I do, so far my hearing is normal definitely thankful for that at the end of the day but lord ! Does this pulsating make me jump thru the roof makes me super sad to cause I want to make my family and friends proud but I can’t really do much, yes I get some decent hours where it’s peaceful but it’s impossible for me to focus while it’s happening. I haven’t bin able to hold a job cause of it for a few years. It’s taken over my life… anyways I appreciate the comment. Thank you for sharing with me. GOD BLESS.


Hello everyone I suffer from this ear pulsing in both ears for almost id say since 2018. Woke up one morning with ear plugs in and my left ear was thumping very similar to a muscle spasm if I had to describe it, doesn’t match my heartbeat I’ve self diagnosed myself in many ways possible,from going vegan seeing if it’s blood pressure related and it still continued, I added magnesium in my diet for months and still no improvement. I don’t drink alcohol nor do i smoke. I am under lots of stress generally from the ear,It originally started in my left ear and my left ear only and now I experience it in both ears,sometimes they go off at the same time, sometimes it’s just one ear, I noticed what triggers it on demand is when I burp or yawn other then that it will spasm out the blue. I’ve done MRIs and found nothing. I went to Stanford University only to get looked at funny by a doctor telling me it’s just all in my head and I’m fine haha Dr Sherago is the man, real wonderful guy …NOT… avoid !
I then gave up with Stanford and made my way to UCSF who also didn’t really give me many options besides wanting to do surgery and I declined only cause I’ve done my research and there’s other options out there available like Botox but the doctor completely was against it which I found pretty funny cause there’s forums out there saying Botox is the best way to start prior before surgery to see if it actually targets the muscle, from there if the Botox works it’s possible surgery could work as well, keep in mind no one at the end of the day wants to do surgery so I’m not really up for it unless I had a clear diagnosis stating I’ll be okay or for say the surgery could go 80% well then that’s something I may consider as of right now most of these so called doctors with degrees just want to crack my ear open and make me worse then what I am now. I then realized that UCSF gets terrible reviews and falls I think maybe the 13th best clinic in the United States in other words your not in good hands,
That’s why I’m on the Mayo Clinic’s page cause they have a pretty decent reputation and fancy equipment other clinics don’t have. Keep in mind I’m in Northern California so I’m not 100% sure if I can just visit the Mayo Clinic,it may be my last option if I have to do surgery. As of now ! I’m seeing a doctor in Beverly Hills who actually encouraged me to not do surgery basically gave me the crazy look and we will be doing Botox soon ! If that fails he recommends these hearing aids but nonetheless he’s not up for surgery doesn’t even mention it to me nor does he feel comfortable of doing it. So far I’m diagnosed with this crazy ear pulsating that I think he may have diagnosed it as tittnitus and as well as hypercusis cause I have ear sensitivity in the left ear which is the worse ear , I can’t tolerate dishes or the dog door slamming back and fourth. If I’m in a room quiet and a plate drops for example it really makes me ear uncomfortable, no it doesn’t it set the pulsating off, it just feels sensitive. I notice sometimes when I put pressure in my ears it will stop but not right away how ever it does make it a little bit more comfortable when I do put pressure on it but then there’s the fear of me damaging my ear even more cause I’m almost convinced that it was the ear plugs that damaged my ears ! Why ? Cause when ever I use one or for say mimic a ear plug it somewhat stops. I bin suffering with this condition for years ! I’m 30 years old and I feel like a vegetable I can’t take on any big tasks I barley have enough energy to get work done during the day, it’s messed up my social life and everything else ! I’m not to sure how much I can take and I could just only imagine if I had to deal with it 24/7 I don’t think I would be writing this message right now. Sad to say but it’s the honest truth, this impacted my life to the max ! Almost to the point there’s no sense of living anymore since I can’t be normal… anyways I don’t encourage suicide to anyone, anyone out there just no your not alone

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Zoomer925, your post totally describes my same symptoms. I'm curious on how effective the Botox treatment is. I too read that surgery is a last resort, I agree. I started taking B12 and Magnesium as well along with herbs to calm my stress level down. My issue started about 1 month ago and so far I'm hunting for answers, like yourself. I saw an ENT that pointed out that I was clenching my jaw, perhaps at night. The ENT said that clenching/grinding will cause pressure on your inner ear, thereby causing ear pain, loss of hearing, ringing and inflammation. He suspects that that could cause the ear spasm or Tensor Tympani Tremor (The medical term) Tensor_tympani_muscle
BTW: in that same link, I've found this: on wikipedia , Tonic_tensor_tympani_syndrome

which if you google: Tonic_tensor_tympani_syndrome it leads to
a web site called:

That being said, I confirm my ENT's finding with my dentist and he also agreed. So, I'm getting a custom mouth guard made by my dentist. In addition, I've started to cut back on caffeine and try to manage my stress levels. I'm a type A personality, so I tend to push myself a bit too much.

I've read in this forum that when people put their index finger in their ear, the spams stop. That's the same case with me as well. I suspect that the index finger in the ear puts pressure in the surrounding muscles and stretches' that Tensor Tympani and stops the spams. It's just a guess, but for this past month, I'm leaning towards stress as influencing this issue for myself, but not the root cause. Still working on that.

btw: does your ear spasms stop or is it always happening?

My backgrounds is Electrical Engineering, not a medical doctor. However, I just wish medical doctors were as willing to solve/troubleshoot issues as trained Engineers are.


Zoomer925, your post totally describes my same symptoms. I'm curious on how effective the Botox treatment is. I too read that surgery is a last resort, I agree. I started taking B12 and Magnesium as well along with herbs to calm my stress level down. My issue started about 1 month ago and so far I'm hunting for answers, like yourself. I saw an ENT that pointed out that I was clenching my jaw, perhaps at night. The ENT said that clenching/grinding will cause pressure on your inner ear, thereby causing ear pain, loss of hearing, ringing and inflammation. He suspects that that could cause the ear spasm or Tensor Tympani Tremor (The medical term) Tensor_tympani_muscle
BTW: in that same link, I've found this: on wikipedia , Tonic_tensor_tympani_syndrome

which if you google: Tonic_tensor_tympani_syndrome it leads to
a web site called:

That being said, I confirm my ENT's finding with my dentist and he also agreed. So, I'm getting a custom mouth guard made by my dentist. In addition, I've started to cut back on caffeine and try to manage my stress levels. I'm a type A personality, so I tend to push myself a bit too much.

I've read in this forum that when people put their index finger in their ear, the spams stop. That's the same case with me as well. I suspect that the index finger in the ear puts pressure in the surrounding muscles and stretches' that Tensor Tympani and stops the spams. It's just a guess, but for this past month, I'm leaning towards stress as influencing this issue for myself, but not the root cause. Still working on that.

btw: does your ear spasms stop or is it always happening?

My backgrounds is Electrical Engineering, not a medical doctor. However, I just wish medical doctors were as willing to solve/troubleshoot issues as trained Engineers are.

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Hello yes I’ve gone to TMJ therapy as well and had no good results. I don’t think it’s stress related. It’s possible but I doubt it also for the mouth clenching at night I tried a mouth guard for a while and found no help from it. It comes and goes it’s unpredictable. Sometimes it can be for hours sometimes it’s just a few minutes. You mentioned your a engineer did you you use ear plugs by any chance? cause that’s how it happen for me I woke up one morning with the ear plugs in and felt the thumping.. I also never bin big on caffeine during the time it happened but I do now add caffeine to my diet cause I have almost no energy sometimes during the day… I’ve tried things like CBD before with no results, THC as well but that makes my paranoia levels thru the roof so I don’t recommend phycadelics to anyone suffering with anything cause your going to be to fixated on your problem so avoid that but everyone’s different so you can always try it out. My ENT in Beverly Hills actually mentioned that I try small dosages of mushrooms but I’m not sure if I’m in the right mind state for all of that ..


Hello yes I’ve gone to TMJ therapy as well and had no good results. I don’t think it’s stress related. It’s possible but I doubt it also for the mouth clenching at night I tried a mouth guard for a while and found no help from it. It comes and goes it’s unpredictable. Sometimes it can be for hours sometimes it’s just a few minutes. You mentioned your a engineer did you you use ear plugs by any chance? cause that’s how it happen for me I woke up one morning with the ear plugs in and felt the thumping.. I also never bin big on caffeine during the time it happened but I do now add caffeine to my diet cause I have almost no energy sometimes during the day… I’ve tried things like CBD before with no results, THC as well but that makes my paranoia levels thru the roof so I don’t recommend phycadelics to anyone suffering with anything cause your going to be to fixated on your problem so avoid that but everyone’s different so you can always try it out. My ENT in Beverly Hills actually mentioned that I try small dosages of mushrooms but I’m not sure if I’m in the right mind state for all of that ..

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Hey Zoomer925, nope I did not use ear plugs when I first noticed the ear thumping/spams. Mine just started out of nowhere, I just got done with talking on phone one day, and it just started. It did not stop for 24 hours later. Typically, the thumping will go on for 1.5 days, starts out rapidly at a rate of 2-3 per min, then the rate slowly tapers off and then just stops. I just came from an ENT and they recommend prescription Flonase. Perhaps if could be the eustachian tube, which could also cause/contribute to the ear thumping/spams. Anyhow, I'm going to try that, along with a mouth guard and a serious cut back on caffeine. I've also started taking more B-12, B-6 and Magnesium vitamins. The ENT I visited recommended those for the ear, specifically.

When your thumping is happening, do you notice any changes to hearing, like stuffiness. My ear start to exhibit changes in hearing and fullness/stuffiness. Then, once the thumping stops, my hearing will slowly return.

Yeah, I was considering CBD/THC but glad you mentioned paranoia and fixation, I can certainly see how that could happen. As for mushrooms, hmm, I did not think about that. I agree, I don't think I would venture that far, yet. BTW: That Beverly Hills ENT sounds cool.


I have have this, for the last 2 months it's driving me crazy not to mention concern like heck. And who the heck is going to believe me because it sounds in my head how do I explain it? If pulsates, I can get it quiet, but it's mostly at night time when I'm laying down I don't know if it's the blood rushing to my head your area. From the line down. 4 weeks ago when I explained it to my doctor I thought it was inner ear, but the more I think about it I think it's something else. I go see an ENT next week but they're going to think I'm nuts


Hey Zoomer925, nope I did not use ear plugs when I first noticed the ear thumping/spams. Mine just started out of nowhere, I just got done with talking on phone one day, and it just started. It did not stop for 24 hours later. Typically, the thumping will go on for 1.5 days, starts out rapidly at a rate of 2-3 per min, then the rate slowly tapers off and then just stops. I just came from an ENT and they recommend prescription Flonase. Perhaps if could be the eustachian tube, which could also cause/contribute to the ear thumping/spams. Anyhow, I'm going to try that, along with a mouth guard and a serious cut back on caffeine. I've also started taking more B-12, B-6 and Magnesium vitamins. The ENT I visited recommended those for the ear, specifically.

When your thumping is happening, do you notice any changes to hearing, like stuffiness. My ear start to exhibit changes in hearing and fullness/stuffiness. Then, once the thumping stops, my hearing will slowly return.

Yeah, I was considering CBD/THC but glad you mentioned paranoia and fixation, I can certainly see how that could happen. As for mushrooms, hmm, I did not think about that. I agree, I don't think I would venture that far, yet. BTW: That Beverly Hills ENT sounds cool.

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Well my left ear is really sensitive to loud noises like plates doing dishes etc. My rights decent no sensitivity. It all started in my left ear then months later I eventually got in the the right. I always though it may be my estasiaun tube as well but when I was at UCSF they looked at it and said it looked normal but I’m not sure how they can even figure it out within that time frame, these doctors only spend like 10 minutes with you if your lucky. I barley even have enough time to explain my self. Better be careful cause they will hurt you !! I’m curious to see if the vitamins will help like the B12 etc. right now I’m on magnesium, stress b complex etc still no sign of relief. I notice my ears will feel plugged almost like my inner ear is moving in some ways. By any chance does your spasm on demand from a yawn or burp ? Cause mine does. Today I’m going thru hell, this made my life a living mess. I can’t get anything done I’m constantly suffering always worried. My life sucks I hate it. I’d be homeless right now if it wasn’t for my father. I can’t even hold a 9-5 anymore that’s how bad it is. And from what I’m seeing I’m not the only one dealing with this I see pages and pages and there’s no ENT that can help ? Crazy!! ..
They all got these degrees and can’t get shit done this is almost funny to me..
Make it seem like it’s all in my head like I’m some type of insane maniac.. I’m not tho.. I’m 120% convinced my ears are messed up they don’t feel normal .. not sure what to do anymore cause this has impacted my life so bad the beginning of it starting I got absolutely no sleep I stopped eating and then I started to have seizures cause I was so messed up.. no I’m not epileptic to they came from no sleep and no food that’s how bad this ear disease has impacted my life !!! I feel for anyone who has to go thru this and quiet frankly with the amount of technology we have and seeing that the military can grow a whole new ear in someone’s arm amazes me how this crappy medical industry is !!! They all carry them selfs so highly everyone looks up to a doctor like they’re a hero with a cape but not all of them are !! Like I said they will hurt you !! Some are weird and want to work on you cause of the anatomy behind it not cause they want that person to find comfort !!! These idiots got degrees and still not worth anything if you want my opinion!!! Anywho looks like my anger got the best of me today, forgot to mention I tried other medications like muscle relaxers and benzodiazepines still no help , I tried nasal spray &no help at all and I did allergy medications same to the ones your going to try.. I’m curious to see if anything helps ?? Not trying to burst your bubble but don’t get your hopes up with anything..


I have have this, for the last 2 months it's driving me crazy not to mention concern like heck. And who the heck is going to believe me because it sounds in my head how do I explain it? If pulsates, I can get it quiet, but it's mostly at night time when I'm laying down I don't know if it's the blood rushing to my head your area. From the line down. 4 weeks ago when I explained it to my doctor I thought it was inner ear, but the more I think about it I think it's something else. I go see an ENT next week but they're going to think I'm nuts

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Welcome to the show pull up a seat and join the rest of us that suffer from the same thing… chances are you won’t be getting any better anytime soon and chances are a doctor looking at you nuts is more likely then none.. there going to make it seem like you have to deal with it and it’s part of life.. I’m sorry but it’s the truth.. I’m sure these doctors with degrees are looking at this and shaking their head but like I said it’s the truth .. none less stay on top of it and seek help, see a therapist and let them know how this impacted your life.. it did with me . So far all I have done is cash out and cash out on these dumb asses with degrees that can’t get nothing done. At all. There’s a big possibility you may have to deal with this cause that’s all you can do. I’m sorry.
Nonetheless I will make sure I keep people updated on my behalf of my treatments. Hopefully it goes well, by all means I want everyone to find comfort as well so I will keep you guys informed.
Stay strong & god bless


So, I’ve been looking at this thread for a couple months and thought I would finally join in. It’s sucks to see so many suffering but it also helps I’m not alone. My thumping started a little over a year ago, in my left ear. I feel like it had gone away for some months and then last summer it seemed to start happening more regularly. It would last 30 min to 1 hour maybe. Over time it started lasting longer and it also eventually moved to my right ear. As others have mentioned, burped, hiccuping or yawning seems to trigger it, but it does start thumping on its own sometimes. I wonder if maybe acid reflux plays a part in all this as I do have gerd. All I know is I’m tired. Saw an otolaryngologist and had a hearing test done. He said everything is fine and I just have “super hearing” (I couldnt believe he said that). He also walked out mid me asking a question, so never going back there again. Also tried Flonase for a week and it seemed to help and then it came back. I’m just not sure anymore. I’m sure I have MEM, not looking for surgery but if that’s the case then so be it. I’ll be calling ENTs in my area to see if they’ve dealt with MEM. My spasms happen usually every 2 or 3 days, but I’ll have a few thumps on the off days so to speak. When it happens in my right ear, it’s a lot softer than when it happens in my left, which I find interesting. Anyways, I hope we all can find a solution, it really is tough, especially when it lasts more than a few hours (have had it last for 12 hours or so before).


So, I’ve been looking at this thread for a couple months and thought I would finally join in. It’s sucks to see so many suffering but it also helps I’m not alone. My thumping started a little over a year ago, in my left ear. I feel like it had gone away for some months and then last summer it seemed to start happening more regularly. It would last 30 min to 1 hour maybe. Over time it started lasting longer and it also eventually moved to my right ear. As others have mentioned, burped, hiccuping or yawning seems to trigger it, but it does start thumping on its own sometimes. I wonder if maybe acid reflux plays a part in all this as I do have gerd. All I know is I’m tired. Saw an otolaryngologist and had a hearing test done. He said everything is fine and I just have “super hearing” (I couldnt believe he said that). He also walked out mid me asking a question, so never going back there again. Also tried Flonase for a week and it seemed to help and then it came back. I’m just not sure anymore. I’m sure I have MEM, not looking for surgery but if that’s the case then so be it. I’ll be calling ENTs in my area to see if they’ve dealt with MEM. My spasms happen usually every 2 or 3 days, but I’ll have a few thumps on the off days so to speak. When it happens in my right ear, it’s a lot softer than when it happens in my left, which I find interesting. Anyways, I hope we all can find a solution, it really is tough, especially when it lasts more than a few hours (have had it last for 12 hours or so before).

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Sorry you have to experience this I bin dealing with it for a for almost a handful of years now and it’s made my life a living sh%t hole no joke excuse my language but it’s the truth. I’m getting Botox done here soon my medical insurance just approved it about a week ago so I’ll definitely keep everyone posted. I would probably suggest doing the same thing before doing surgery only cause I read blogs and there’s one on google you can see about a 8year old girl who has the same similar condition as us well long story short the parents did surgery first and it failed and they did Botox after and they had success with it so before you do surgery cause you can’t reverse it after it’s done try and do Botox there’s blogs out there of people finding relief from it struggling with tittnitus. I’m not shocked that ENT left the room while you were asking a question a lot of them will do that I even experienced it myself Handful of times these doctors aren’t really so helping all the time and they can be very rude and also very eager to do surgery cause they love the anatomy behind it. Some of them are even idiots with degrees, yes I said it a big idiot, lot of them aren’t going to be there to comfort you and pin point your problem. Let alone you don’t even have enough time with these doctors anyways, your in and out in no time and there aware of that, there’s doctors out there who want to help those and it’s like finding a needle in a haystack, you need to find a doctor who is experienced with tittnitus and also find one who uses Botox cause alot of them don’t ! You also need to see a therapist/physiatrist monthly and let them know this has made your mental health go down let them know you suffer with depression and anxiety from it cause I sure do ! Don’t sleep on it ! You may think your going to wake up tomorrow fine but your not sorry to tell you but it’s the truth. Look into Botox ! Also my doctor said there’s hearing aids out there that may work for me !
God Bless.

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