This and That and Talk - My Transplant

Posted by Rosemary, Volunteer Mentor @rosemarya, Apr 9, 2017

As our Mayo Connect community grows, I am constantly meeting organ transplant members on a wide variety of forums with a wide range of issues that are not directly transplant specific. However, because we are all transplant recipients, we have a special connection: a unique journey and best of all - a new life! We don't always need help or advice. Many times we just want to chat with someone like us! That is my purpose in starting This and That and Talk.

Drop in and say 'Hi'. You are welcome anytime.

What do you want t to talk about? What words can you offer to someone who is on the journey? Do you have any questions for another recipient?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Transplants Support Group.


@livertrex yes I had to have that artery repaired. I had just had the staples removed from the transplant surgery when they discovered that the hepatic artery was damaged. They had to re-open me and repair the artery. So I was in hospital over Christmas last year. They cut into the existing scar and then stapled me back up. This second surgery and re-opening was extremely more painful than the original surgery. So I can understand what you're going through.

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Thanks for the reply. Headed to hospital now.


@livertrex, Surgery tomorrow? I send my thoughts to you as you prepare to undergo this procedure.
I had a blocked bile duct after my 1st year, and I required surgery. It was nothing like the transplant surgery, and I quickly returned to my normal activities.
I will be checking my messages during the holidays. I want to hear how the surgery goes for you.

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@rosemarya @livertrex I had the hepatic artery repaired weeks after my original transplant surgery. They reopened me and stapled me back up. The second surgery unfortunately was worse than the first 😢 Then I had the bile duct blocked and that took 4 ERCPs to repair with a stent. So, yes I understand what you're going through but in the end it's all been worth it. Hang in there and feel free to ask me anything.


This is the main heptic artery into the liver. I am at Mayo in AZ. After
going in through my artery through the groin into my liver they determined
that the only way to repair was to open me back up and cut the artery again
and replace with a donor artery. Bummer. I can't find any information on
the net, and if this is a common surgery. I guess it the only option. I
was just trying to find out if anyone has had a similar problem with their
heptic artery.

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@livertrex yes I had to have that artery repaired. I had just had the staples removed from the transplant surgery when they discovered that the hepatic artery was damaged. They had to re-open me and repair the artery. So I was in hospital over Christmas last year. They cut into the existing scar and then stapled me back up. This second surgery and re-opening was extremely more painful than the original surgery. So I can understand what you're going through.


@livertrex, Surgery tomorrow? I send my thoughts to you as you prepare to undergo this procedure.
I had a blocked bile duct after my 1st year, and I required surgery. It was nothing like the transplant surgery, and I quickly returned to my normal activities.
I will be checking my messages during the holidays. I want to hear how the surgery goes for you.

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I will let you know. Merry. 🎄 Christmas


@livertrex, Surgery tomorrow? I send my thoughts to you as you prepare to undergo this procedure.
I had a blocked bile duct after my 1st year, and I required surgery. It was nothing like the transplant surgery, and I quickly returned to my normal activities.
I will be checking my messages during the holidays. I want to hear how the surgery goes for you.

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This is the main heptic artery into the liver. I am at Mayo in AZ. After
going in through my artery through the groin into my liver they determined
that the only way to repair was to open me back up and cut the artery again
and replace with a donor artery. Bummer. I can't find any information on
the net, and if this is a common surgery. I guess it the only option. I
was just trying to find out if anyone has had a similar problem with their
heptic artery.


@livertrex, Surgery tomorrow? I send my thoughts to you as you prepare to undergo this procedure.
I had a blocked bile duct after my 1st year, and I required surgery. It was nothing like the transplant surgery, and I quickly returned to my normal activities.
I will be checking my messages during the holidays. I want to hear how the surgery goes for you.

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Hi Rosemary,

Thank you for checking in. Happy Holidays to All.

I am currently 8 months post transplant and have had smooth sailing so far. I received a year supply of sunscreen for a holiday gift so I couldn’t be happier 🙂


Had transplant in August. Had my 4 month evaluation. They found Hectic artery stenosis. They went in to put in stent. But artery was kinked. Now they have cut me back open to find the artery and replace with donor artery. Is this common? Seems like I am starting all over. Surgery scheduled for Thursday.

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@livertrex, Surgery tomorrow? I send my thoughts to you as you prepare to undergo this procedure.
I had a blocked bile duct after my 1st year, and I required surgery. It was nothing like the transplant surgery, and I quickly returned to my normal activities.
I will be checking my messages during the holidays. I want to hear how the surgery goes for you.


@2011panc, Congratulations on your upcoming 9 year transplant anniversary!
It sounds like you have had some awkward medical experiences. That must certainly slow you down, Does your mom live fairly close to you so that it is not too far for you to travel to be with her.
I remember, in your Spotlight Interview, that you said that you enjoyed your garden and your cats! How are your cats? Any new ones?

Have you met @glinda? You two share a 9 year transplant anniversary next month!

Happy Holidays to you, too.

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2rosemarya Thank you for your response. My mother is about 1/2 hour away, so it is not too bad to get to see her. It is tougher now because the weather and roads are unreliable; as well as my strength and stamina. I still enjoy watching my yard. This morning the bare trees were glistening silver with frost. I like watching the snow cover for footprints of birds and animals. We only have one cat, but she has gotten very snuggly and almost always lays with me when I have down time. We have always tried to have only one cat at a time. We feel that if you don't get them at the same time it is rather unfair for them to have to deal with the alpha/territory/personal space issues.

In reply to @livertrex "What are ercp's" + (show)

What are ercp's

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Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography procedures.= a technique that combines the use of endoscopy and fluroscopy to diagnose and treat certain problems of the biliary or pancreatic ductal systems.


I had four ERCPs to place a stent about 3 months after transplant. Each time I contracted pancreatitis and the pain was horrendous! I had a pain management team to administer pain killers. I was on everything! Set back my recovery by at least 6 months. My transplant was last November. I pray yours goes well the first time.

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What are ercp's

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