This and That and Talk - My Transplant
As our Mayo Connect community grows, I am constantly meeting organ transplant members on a wide variety of forums with a wide range of issues that are not directly transplant specific. However, because we are all transplant recipients, we have a special connection: a unique journey and best of all - a new life! We don't always need help or advice. Many times we just want to chat with someone like us! That is my purpose in starting This and That and Talk.
Drop in and say 'Hi'. You are welcome anytime.
What do you want t to talk about? What words can you offer to someone who is on the journey? Do you have any questions for another recipient?
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@athenalee, It’s been ages since we’ve chatted so I wanted to stop by and say hi! I see your name on older posts from time to time as I ‘walk the halls of Connect’. I hope you’re doing well, surviving and thriving! How have you been feeling?
Hi Rosie how r u? Have u had a hot summer like we did here on the East Coast. They say dog days of summer August is .but we had dog days in July....just a mention it has been two in half weeks I am on sirolimus
But still on tacrolimus
Dr. Will get me off of tacrolimus after my numbers come up on the feet and legs are getting more numb it is annoying.. might have to go back for surgery. My hiatal hernia is starting to really bother me in more ways than I like to mention,.going back to see liver Dr. And then we see!!! Hope all is well with u.catch u later
I hope everyone in your life knows u are AWESOME. Thank u. I just can't take the numbness in my feet and legs does not go away. I will try the sirolimus will let u know the progress. I will go to that web site u posted.happy Wednesday
cehunt57 here. I had a pancreas transplant (2005). I started with Prograf/Tacrolimus and Cellcept/Mycophenalate. Found out the Cellcept/Mycophenolate didn’t agree with me. I was switched to Sirolimus. I never had any problems with it. I was taken off of it when I had a surgery for an incisional hernia repair (2012). Apparently it was thought that Sirolimus interfered with wound healing. I was put on something else (Immuran sp? I think temporarily). At the surgery follow up, that med was stopped but the Sirolimus was never resumed. I was told that with more time, less immune suppression is needed. Now I am only on Tacrolimus (since 2012).
Hi, @jackie421blfdgurl. It is good to hear from you!
I'm sorry to read that you had a reaction when you were taking sirolimus once before. I can understand your nervousness. However, it sounds like your liver doctor has a plan to monitor your labs every week so that she can carefully monitor the level and monitor your liver enzymes and any side effects (like the mouth sores). It will be your responsibility to contact her right away if those side effects appear. That way the dose could be adjusted before any problem occurs. She is aware of your previous reaction, isn't she?
Jackie, Sirolimus is a good medication - that is why so many transplant patients are taking it. Each one of us reacts differently to the meds and our transplant doctors are going to work to find the one that works best for each one of us. I think it is a good thing that she is carefully watching the blood pressure meds since she suspects it is causing your swelling.
I want to re-connect you with a discussion where you joined toward the end of the conversion. If you have not already done so, Please look at what others have shared about sirolimus from their experience.
- Do any transplant patients here have experience with Sirolimus?
@gratefulbob, @charlie5454s, @cehunt57, Do you have any experience with Sirolimus that you would share with @jackie421blfdgurl?
HI Rosemary this isJackie checking in. How are u? Well my ankles are swollen from time to time, Saw my liver doctor a week ago, she is changing my blood pressure meds cause this pill u can
have swollen feet or legs, as far as the numbness in feet and legs she is taking me off tacrolimus
and putting me on sirolimus which I am nervous that is the pill I was n from hospital and ended with mouth soars in my mouth for 23 days she took me off and the soars cleared up.but I need blood wk once a week to test the numbers on sirolimus, and it has a lower protection for the
surpressed immune. oh well.just wonder if anyone else is experiencng this. Thanks girl. Have a
great day..Hot Hot in N,J,
I had the best success with swimming / pool exercise. If you can swim laps great but if not then using an aqua jogger to hold you upright in deep water and run in place or take a class. The water buoyancy is great on joints and no pressure on feet the resistance increases caloric burn and so you get the benefit of running or exercise without the stress. I believe it would be very beneficial for cardio and also weight loss. It also strengthens the core for post recovery.
Blessings Ed
I have FAOD as adult but I understand how hard is it. Being mom to ill child is also devastating. I have son with autoimmune cardiomyopathy and I was extremely stressed when he had heart failure. I keep my fingers crossed that he will be fine as he is using off label drugs Rapamycin to reduce problem. It was used for transplant patients to suppress immune system. Our combined illness is too much to take. I am not sure how long I can take it. I really need help with low blood sugar problems at night with palpitations and chest pain.
It is great to hear that you have received this positive update about Quest being in-network for your California and Arizona providers!
My annual visits are going to be different that yours. I have a double transplant - liver and kidney. It was a simultaneous transplant (1 donor, 1 surgery, 2 organs). As a result I am under the care of 2 departments! Mayo Clinic coordinates the care so that both departments work together and I'm not even certain which labs/procedures are for liver and which are for kidney.
I do not know the process for places other than Mayo Rochester where I had my transplant. But it sounds like you have some valid questions about future follow-up care. The best resource will be your husband's current transplant team because only they know his medical history and his medical needs. The question about whether you can be referred back to the original transplant dept is a good one. Add it to your lost of questions for your next visit.
@rosemarya, just an update. My BCBS insurance contacted me and says that Quest is in-network for both California and Arizona so I'm glad that's cleared up. I think it worked out because they are border states.
Regarding your follow up with Mayo Rochester, how often have you been going to the annual checkup at Rochester and what labs and procedures do they run? Do they still run the same labs/procedures as they did the first year? The one-year checkup at Mayo Az is the same as the 4-month check up. I believe the 2nd year check up is the same as the 1 year. Then the 3rd year checkup is just a remote appointment.
At Mayo Az, they follow the patient for up to 3 years only and then they sort of "kick you to the curb". No more follow ups after the 3rd year at Mayo Az. I'm hoping that they will agree to see the patient if after that time, there is urgent issues regarding the health of the kidney that the local neph cannot handle. The local transplant center here(UCLA, Cedar Sinai) are reluctant to take patients from out of state. They will refer back to where you got transplanted!! Looking forward to your inputs. Thank you!