Third day post chemo and terrible taste in my mouth. Any suggestions?
Have tried ice water, popsicle, candied ginger, ginger tea - not much relief. Also feeling very lethargic. Thanks for any ideas. I’m new at this.
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Thanks very much.
When my mom was going through chemo, she had the bad taste in her mouth. Baking soda diluted in water as a “rinse” is recommended.
I hope you feel better.
Thank you SO much. I was feeling guilty napping yesterday. I have the same anti nausea meds. Alternating today, but zofran not doing much. Trying ice, lemon ice and hard candy. Ick. I had oatmeal yesterday - and I did plan on baked potato, so thanks for that reassurance. Does it continue to get worse?
Just take one nap after another, that’s what I do on the third and fourth day. I have prochloperazine and ondansetron prescribed for nausea. Baked potatoes are good and cream of wheat cereal for breakfast. I try to tell myself on those rough days, this will get better in time. Feel better franciekid.