Thinking of training for 5k

Posted by ihatediabetes @ihatediabetes, Jul 18, 2018

Hi everyone, I have been off connect for awhile. Got email invite from Colleen to engage on connect. Well I have become an expert uber driver since have been gone. Its nice to get out and make airports runs and other trips. Keeps me busy. Well I have been thinking of training for a 5k. The Twin Cities Marathon is a few months away and there are shorter races the day before the marathon. There are half mile, mile, 5k, and 10k races. So I have been playing with the idea of running the 1 mile or 5k race. I have never run a real race before. But I am thinking about it.

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That sounds wonderful. I hope to get my a1c down from jogging. I read somewhere that slow jogging is the best for diabetes. My goal for the 5k is to slow jog the route in an hour. I have been going to group physical fitness at the mayo building in Minneapolis. We meet at 545am. The trainer put my on the treadmill and changes speed and adds incline up and down. I thought I needed more training help because I didn't know how to train for 5k and not get injured. So I feel better having a trainer. My 5k race is in October.

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I went jogging in St Paul today. I practiced on part of the 5k route. So I went 2.2 miles really really slowly. Like walking speed but in jogging motion. I read somewhere that slow jogging is healthy way to lose weight and help with diabetes. It doesn't put as much impact as running. So I am trying slow jogging where I can still talk if I need to. I am trying to jog and not trip and fall and hurt myself. I have to be able to go 3.1 miles to finish 5k in Oct.


I went jogging in St Paul today. I practiced on part of the 5k route. So I went 2.2 miles really really slowly. Like walking speed but in jogging motion. I read somewhere that slow jogging is healthy way to lose weight and help with diabetes. It doesn't put as much impact as running. So I am trying slow jogging where I can still talk if I need to. I am trying to jog and not trip and fall and hurt myself. I have to be able to go 3.1 miles to finish 5k in Oct.

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Hot day for a jog! You’re supposed to have perfect weather and fall foliage this time of year.


Hot day for a jog! You’re supposed to have perfect weather and fall foliage this time of year.

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That's why I had to go back today. It was like 90 degrees yesterday. So I went back earlier today and it was 73 degrees. That was more doable. I do feel a little weird jogging so slow. But nobody seems to be laughing at me as a jog by at a slow pace. My goal is the keep jogging and not stop to walk. That means jogging slowly so my body can keep going. Its like being a turtle.


Hurricane Hysteria here today in N C. About a dozen people have died from Hurricane Florence 😓 Any tips on how to stay calm in the eye of the storm. Dr Ron Rubenzer. Your well-being is my commitment

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That's why I had to go back today. It was like 90 degrees yesterday. So I went back earlier today and it was 73 degrees. That was more doable. I do feel a little weird jogging so slow. But nobody seems to be laughing at me as a jog by at a slow pace. My goal is the keep jogging and not stop to walk. That means jogging slowly so my body can keep going. Its like being a turtle.

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@ihatediabetes, with all of my joint issues I have had to learn how to adapt things to work for me. As a result, I know for certain that the way I do certain exercises looks funny, but I've always had the mentality that any person in a gym or out walking is already ahead of those who do not! If you are familiar with the show Friends, I always think of Phoebe going for runs in Central Park and how it embarrasses Rachel, but Phoebe doesn't care because she is having fun.


@ihatediabetes, with all of my joint issues I have had to learn how to adapt things to work for me. As a result, I know for certain that the way I do certain exercises looks funny, but I've always had the mentality that any person in a gym or out walking is already ahead of those who do not! If you are familiar with the show Friends, I always think of Phoebe going for runs in Central Park and how it embarrasses Rachel, but Phoebe doesn't care because she is having fun.

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Haha. This is where I started my slow jogging in St. Paul. This is on route of 5k. Its all concrete and not too pretty. But then there's a left turn on Summit Ave and it looks nicer. This was total work for me even though I was going slow. So my goal is to finish in one hour and not get hurt. I am supposed to feel my body moving and that's supposed to be fun. But so far the only fun is after I am done. Running does seem to improve my mood.


Haha. This is where I started my slow jogging in St. Paul. This is on route of 5k. Its all concrete and not too pretty. But then there's a left turn on Summit Ave and it looks nicer. This was total work for me even though I was going slow. So my goal is to finish in one hour and not get hurt. I am supposed to feel my body moving and that's supposed to be fun. But so far the only fun is after I am done. Running does seem to improve my mood.

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Hi everyone, I am happy to report that I was able to slow jog the 5k course that I am attempting in October. I bought a garmin forerunner 35 from target and it has built in gps so I don't have to carry my phone. I can also read my distance time and pace on the watch face. I loaded screen shot from garmin connect. I jog pretty slow but I was able to keep moving with my jogging for the whole 3.1 miles. It took a little over an hour.


Hi everyone, I finished my 5k today. I did it in 58 min. I had a great experience. I signed up for three more races today. They are halloween 5k, Turkey trot 6k, and Reindeer Run 5k. If I can do these races I get a plaque that would hold the medals. I got my first medal today.

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