Therapy-resistant migraines

Posted by richardfrancine @richardfrancine, Feb 19, 2024

Hello everyone
I have been a migraine sufferer since the age of 8. I am now 77 and live with a headache 24/7 (except for the two days a week when my neurologist allows me one narcotic pill). I have tried every therapy in the book (betablockers, triptans, NSAID’s, botox, etc, etc…., including the latest meds out there- cgrp antagonists (aemovig, emgality, ubrelvy, and, so far, 3 infusions of Vyepti). NOTHING WORKS! Have any of you experienced this state of affairs and have you finally solved the problem? I am at my wits’ end. Thank you for any feedback!

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Thank you for reaching out. Headaches 24/7 is no way to live. I take one Tylenol no 3 tablet, twice a week. It used to give me two days of relief from the pain, but now it is not as effective - and taking more is not an option (dependency, rebound/more intense headaches). I will follow your lead and ask my doctor for medical marijuana. Thank you for writing and I hope you will find a therapy that works for you.


Hi Richard,
I live in Florida where medical marijuaa is legal. I am assuming it is legal wherever in this great country you live. I truly hope you have a doctor who will fill out the forms needed to get medical marijuana. We have doctors here whose practice is specialized in evaluating patients for eligibility. They will then prescribe the marijuana. . It’s a great option if your doctor will not provide what’s needed to get it. If you are of a mind to, I would like to hear if you get the marijuana and how effective it is for you. Looking forward to it.


Thank you very much for caring and reaching out. I am seeing my family doctor next week and will approach him on the subject. I must admit I am leery about it as, if there is enough THC in it to work, wouldn’t that affect my brain? I once asked my previous family doctor about it (a product with CBD and hardly any THC). and she quickly replied that it is the THC that works. End of story there. But I will approach this new doctor and see what he says. I do not want to create dependency and be affected mentally.
Thank you so much again for taking the time to write and I will let you know what happens with the medical marijuana. Take care


Hi @richardfrancine
Have you been to a cranial sacral therapist? When you find a good one, OH my! I have trigeminal neuralgia and it is under control!
I will write again later on how to find one.



Hi @richardfrancine
Have you been to a cranial sacral therapist? When you find a good one, OH my! I have trigeminal neuralgia and it is under control!
I will write again later on how to find one.


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Thank you for reaching out JFN! No, I have not seen such a specialist but I absolutely appreciate the suggestion. I WILL follow up on this. Thanks again



Thank you very much for caring and reaching out. I am seeing my family doctor next week and will approach him on the subject. I must admit I am leery about it as, if there is enough THC in it to work, wouldn’t that affect my brain? I once asked my previous family doctor about it (a product with CBD and hardly any THC). and she quickly replied that it is the THC that works. End of story there. But I will approach this new doctor and see what he says. I do not want to create dependency and be affected mentally.
Thank you so much again for taking the time to write and I will let you know what happens with the medical marijuana. Take care

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Yes, it is the THC that helps. The tincture that you take under the tongue is prescribed with a range of THC in combination with CBD. It can take several THC level trials to achieve the desired pain relief. Happily the medical marijuana does not give you a high like they would achieve using marijuana as a means to that end. You get pain relief , no high. Hope this answers your questions and concerns. I hope that you feel better about pursuing it. It has been a Godsend for me.


Yes, it is the THC that helps. The tincture that you take under the tongue is prescribed with a range of THC in combination with CBD. It can take several THC level trials to achieve the desired pain relief. Happily the medical marijuana does not give you a high like they would achieve using marijuana as a means to that end. You get pain relief , no high. Hope this answers your questions and concerns. I hope that you feel better about pursuing it. It has been a Godsend for me.

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Yes, I do feel better about it after reading your post. As mentioned, I will cast my line with my gp next week.
Thanks again and take care!

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