The Story of my Diagnosis of Wet Macular Degeneration

Posted by realitytest @realitytest, Nov 11, 2021

My story and a query.
A few days ago I got the devastating diagnosis of wet macular degeneration in my right eye (dry too in both it seems). I only thought the right lens of my new glasses had been improperly ground as it was blurry. I had already been unsatisfied with monovision LASIK surgery I'd had six years ago. The. right eye (distance) hadn't worked. Since then as before, every time I went for eye examinations (probably not qite often enough), I especially asked them to check for macular degeneration as my mother was blind from wet macular degeneration. However, all had said I showed no sign of it, both before and after that eye surgery. In fact, before it, ten years ago, I had stopped the AREDs I'd been taking as so many had urged me saying it was a waste. That it was an either/or situation and I was "safe". I figured it was just one of the supplements I was taking superstitiously (and NOT cheap either). You know, how doctors sometimes suggest such pills are " just giving you expensive pee".

I even took down the Amsler grid on my wall! When my vision worsened, the diagnosis of cataracts explained it and they were removed with a special lens that also worked on my astigmatism, and then that LASIK.

Well, after the "glasses failed" recently, I found myself covering my right eye to read clearly and one day, I covered the "good" eye as an experiment. Wavy lines! Was given an emergency appointment with the busy ophthalmologist who diagnosed wet macular degeneration. They got me in with a retinal specialist the next day. He said the examination showed not only bleeding but evidence of OLD bleeding so it must have been going on "quite a while". He started me on Lucentis that same day, day before yesterday.

HOW COULD THIS HAVE HAPPENED WITH ALL THE EXAMINATIONS I'D HAD? Has anyone else had their condition happen so suddenly? Were the optometrists, even the surgeons negligent? I'm in a state of shock.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Eye Conditions Support Group.

Wet AMD is considered a more advanced stage of the disease than dry AMD. Wet AMD can progress rapidly to severe vision loss, if left untreated, whereas dry AMD progresses more slowly. Typically, dry AMD (in both eyes) precedes wet AMD, but about 90% of people with dry AMD don't develop wet AMD. The good news with wet AMD is there can be excellent maintenance of vision, if patients are consistent in adhering to their injection schedule. There can even be improvement in vision after the first few injections, especially if the wet AMD was caught early.
The following newsletter/website is a great source of information:


Thanks so much, pacer. That was a big help and I'm looking forward to the article for more information. Sometimes I find myself slipping into panic mode.


Well, fairly new - set up in response to patient demand about a year ago.

It does seem that sometimes things change what seems like suddenly.
I neglected going for my eye exam during Covid, but when I did, they detected wet macular and sent me to a retina specialist. I have been on eye injections of Eylea for about three years. During that time I also developed it in my other eye so I am now on injections in both eyes every eight weeks. While my eyesight is not great, the injections seem to have stabilized it. I am 86 years old and still hoping for a breakthrough in research and help for this condition. I have heard of stem cell and gene therapy. Does anyone else know anything about this ?


How often were you examined?
How long between last visit and deterioration? cataract op was performed how long before
I have glaucoma cataract and macular degenerative changes left eye


I had laser cataract removal on my right eye. I immediately developed wet macular degeneration in that eye. Lucentis was helping then Dr. switched me to Byooviz and my eye is worse plus I now also have stringy floater in that eye. Good luck. Going to try and get Dr. to go back to Lucentis since I have the coverage if I can. He has not given me any injections in a while which i don't know why

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