"The HUM", a persistent Low Frequency Noise

Posted by Soliloquized @soliloquized, Dec 28, 2019

As I sit, writing, my left ear is filled with the Classic Hum. Both my ears used to hear it, but after an ear infection in the right ear, leaving no measurable loss of hearing as determined by yearly workplace hearing tests, I no longer hear it in the right.

Certainly, others must hear it.

My wife, largely complete loss of hearing in one ear, high frequency Tinnitus in the other, and myself, excellent hearing as tested by yearly workplace physicals, started hearing the HUM on the same day, in the same location, over a decade ago. We hear it exactly the same in a number of places separated by hundreds of miles. We have experimented by asking if the other could hear the HUM, whether in certain parts of the structure we were in (home we rented in the Country, home we owned in the City) if it was louder, quieter, or audible at all, and had an extremely high degree of concurrence.

It appears to be a real world event, not Tinnitus, but IMHO, the American Medical Community is trying to pawn it off as Tinnitus. I've seen a few references to the National Institutes of Health claiming, on flimsy questionnaires sent out, that the HUM is, indeed, Tinnitus.

My wife heard it, simultaneous to me hearing it, for a decade, I still hear it, but if you mention this to doctors, they look at you like you have snakes coming out of your head. My ENT has been sick, so my appointment with him has been delayed, he's back to work but catching up. I see the ENT due to a cancerous thyroid he removed. But recently, my right ear has been acting up. It makes a spontaneous rumbling noise that I can voluntarily reproduce. But telling this to my family doctor, that I can voluntarily make this rumbling (not the HUM) and also mentioning the HUM, since I hear it in my left ear but the right ear is acting up, on both counts, I don't think he believes me, or understands. Yet, yesterday, I found an article that says that some people have voluntary control over a muscle attached to the Tympanic Membrane. That's my voluntarily induced rumbling (not HUM).

So, there are some forms of Tinnitus, "Pulsatile Tinnitus (PT) is a symptom that affects nearly five million Americans. The sensation of hearing a rhythmic noise, such as a heartbeat, swooshing or whooshing, from no external source, is, at best, a little unsettling; for many, the near constant sound exceeds annoyance and becomes completely debilitating" that can cause noises in your hearing, but decidedly is not the HUM. I'd be interested in reading what others have to say on these experiences, if you don't feel like outing yourself, you could always say a friend of yours.......

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Late 60's, male. Roughly 9 months- give or take, I was under the impression the building next store to my residence had begun to leave their A/C units "on" 24/7. I was perplexed as to why they would do this as it always cooled naturally at night.
That "hum" was in no way intolerable, but I became aware of it and started closing my window to avoid being annoyed. That seemed to work for a while. Now, some 9? months later
I have become convinced this sound is not external. If I am not searching that frequency out and am consumed by a book or a movie, it is almost no-existent, I think...
I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and had written down mentioning this "hum" when I thought- why not google it and see if I am alone on this. Hence- I found this site.
I was hoping against all odds this might just be a correctable entity, but I am quickly discouraging myself as I read more on this. I had heard of tinnitus but convinced myself this was not in that realm. Now...?
I can hear it as I write these words. I want to believe it will not get much more noticeable as time goes on. I would love to know more by a knowledgeable professional. Thanks for any input.

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I can hear an engine idling, but there is no truck near my house. (I live in a very quiet location in the country.) I also have tinnitus and I can hear the whooshing of my bloodstream, but the hum is a separate sound.
It went away for a couple of months last summer, but now it's back. I've heard this for about six years. I doubt any doctor can be of help. When it becomes very annoying, I deal with it by listening to music or a book on tape with my headphones. That distracts me and seems to drown it out.


I am going through the same thing as you are. I also ask my husband if he can feel the vibration or hear it and he can't. If I move from room to room the vibration is still there. I can't believe that I am the only one who can hear and feel it because it is very loud and intense. I have even tape recorded it and I was sure that I would be able to hear it play back to me. Nothing on the recording. I thought at one time that it was our neighbors hottub that was causing it but it wasn't. It's hard for me to believe it is tinnitus because I can feel the vibration. I'm wondering if I am having a mental health issue like I am crazy. I don't know who I can talk to about this without being escorted to the closest psych ward. Its hard to have to deal with this alone. Thank you for sharing. There might be hope.

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You are not alone! No one else has been able to ear my hum so far. There is a vibration with mine as well. It was SO loud a few days ago, I thought certainly someone must be able to hear this, but both people I live with said no. Very frustrating. Good luck with yours, but I'm pretty certain it's from some outside source.


Thanks! Good luck with yours as well.


I can hear an engine idling, but there is no truck near my house. (I live in a very quiet location in the country.) I also have tinnitus and I can hear the whooshing of my bloodstream, but the hum is a separate sound.
It went away for a couple of months last summer, but now it's back. I've heard this for about six years. I doubt any doctor can be of help. When it becomes very annoying, I deal with it by listening to music or a book on tape with my headphones. That distracts me and seems to drown it out.

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I also hear what sounds like an engine at idle. Some days I feel a resonance which is in tune with the noise. Hard to believe it’s related to hearing issues as it varies from room to room throughout the house, also if I stand outside the resonance subsides. I tend to hear the noise when I’m in populated areas.


I can hear an engine idling, but there is no truck near my house. (I live in a very quiet location in the country.) I also have tinnitus and I can hear the whooshing of my bloodstream, but the hum is a separate sound.
It went away for a couple of months last summer, but now it's back. I've heard this for about six years. I doubt any doctor can be of help. When it becomes very annoying, I deal with it by listening to music or a book on tape with my headphones. That distracts me and seems to drown it out.

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I am going through a similar situation now. I started hearing this machine idling/rumbling noise a couple weeks ago and thought something was wrong with my air conditioner/heater unit on the roof but even shutting the breaker off for it didn't stop the sound. Then I had 2 friends come check it out but they couldn't hear anything! I only hear the noise when the house is quiet, which is almost all the time except when I turn the TV on. No idea how I got this because I am not on any medication and I don't listen to loud music. From reading everyone's comments, it seems there is no cure and I just have to live with it.


Two years ago in a leased condo, I heard a high frequency hum when I passed close to one wall exiting the John. Nowhere else in the condo was this heard. The other two members of my family could not hear the sound I was hearing. I tested what I was hearing at different times day and night, always the same. I am assuming that my hearing aids sensed some electronic wiring embedded in that wall.
Now at home, I occasionally hear a hum when going to bed, having taken out my hearing aids. Daytime, if I try hard I can hear a slight hum, which I easily ignore.


I have had on and off for at least 10 years in which it sounds like machinery being used underneath the earth - it goes from constant to only during certain times of year (seasons) - I have researched sites where other people have posted of a similar occurence one woman even was reported to have committed suicide because she could no longer tolerate the noise inside her head. There is a vibration along with the noise. I have gotten so used to it that I just accept it and move on, I have been told by physicians that is goes along with your blood pressure and it is t - I have had hearing tests that have shown no abnormalities= one doctor said it is like the sound of your arteries as blood is pumped through them - it is like hearing your heart beat through a stethescope s= it is quite a mystery but I am at the point of acceptance as just an oddity = a bit comforting to know other people also experience it. My husband used to tease me that I was listening to Middle Earth and its inhabitants. All of nature gives off an electric vibrations and certain people are sensitive to its sounds


You are not alone! No one else has been able to ear my hum so far. There is a vibration with mine as well. It was SO loud a few days ago, I thought certainly someone must be able to hear this, but both people I live with said no. Very frustrating. Good luck with yours, but I'm pretty certain it's from some outside source.

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I have the same low hum. I started nursing about six months ago. Kept asking my family do you guys hear that they always say no you’re crazy. Now six months later it’s louder. I’m wondering if it is tinnitus. It can be maddening. I use a fan so I can’t hear it at night so I can sleep. Wish I could get it to go away …


I have had on and off for at least 10 years in which it sounds like machinery being used underneath the earth - it goes from constant to only during certain times of year (seasons) - I have researched sites where other people have posted of a similar occurence one woman even was reported to have committed suicide because she could no longer tolerate the noise inside her head. There is a vibration along with the noise. I have gotten so used to it that I just accept it and move on, I have been told by physicians that is goes along with your blood pressure and it is t - I have had hearing tests that have shown no abnormalities= one doctor said it is like the sound of your arteries as blood is pumped through them - it is like hearing your heart beat through a stethescope s= it is quite a mystery but I am at the point of acceptance as just an oddity = a bit comforting to know other people also experience it. My husband used to tease me that I was listening to Middle Earth and its inhabitants. All of nature gives off an electric vibrations and certain people are sensitive to its sounds

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You’ve described my symptoms and past six months perfectly. Mine is almost identical. My family always telling me there is no home but me insisting that I hear something humming in the house. I’ve turned everything off and throughout the house. I even pulled the power to the entire house to find where this was coming from and if it was electrical. Can hear it when it’s very quiet so now I turn on music or fans so I don’t hear it as much. I don’t seem to hear it when I’m outdoors.

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