Headaches, fatigue and dizziness along with tinittus is excruxiating

Posted by vaughn356 @vaughn356, Oct 1, 2023

Can anyone help me ??

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What is "thebtinnitus"? I googled it, but couldn't find anything. I have tinnitus, but don't necessarily have anything that goes along with it....except aggravation! LOL! But, this must be something else?


I am so sorry I didn’t even know that I had typos. If that tells you anything about the state of my mental clarity and exhaustion, I meant tinnitus.


Sorry, I should have thought of the simple typo! We all make them!! I have had tinnitus for years, sometimes worse than others. I have gotten pretty good at blocking it out during the day, but when I lay down to sleep, it is excruciating, as you say. It just drives me crazy! I have never had any other symptoms with the "sound". In the past, I started getting my ears irrigated on a fairly regular basis, and especially when the tinntus was worse, and that seemed to help, but along came Covid, more health problems, and I am not having problems finding places that will do an ear irrigation. I used to go to Urgent Care, with an appt, but I tried the two places I used to go to, and they don't do the irrigation anymore. Seems crazy? I have suffered the headaches, fatigues and some dizziness with my post-covid syptoms, so I know how frustrating they can be. So, what has the Dr said about the headaches, fatigue and dizziness related to the tinnitus?


I am so sorry I didn’t even know that I had typos. If that tells you anything about the state of my mental clarity and exhaustion, I meant tinnitus.

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You might look at the herbal medicine ashwaganda. Currently being studied for effectiveness on long Covid and people reporting good results. John


I had covid in June 2020 and I'm lucky that I survived. It was touch and go. I suffered from sever headaches. They felt like migraines. Never had any of this prior to covid. I was prescribed Sumatriptan 25 MG. It helped some. A few years, my neurologist injected Botox around my entire hairline. It helped tremendously. However, I caught Covid again in June and the headaches are back.

The fatigue, memory issues and tremors continue


I would like to add that I have all the post-Covid symptoms except for the tinnitus, which I said that I have had for years. You never had tinnitus before Covid? Well, it wouldn't surprise me if this is a post-Covid symptom. What ISN'T a post-Covid symptom? The symptoms seem to be inclusive of everything! Best of luck to you!


What is "thebtinnitus"? I googled it, but couldn't find anything. I have tinnitus, but don't necessarily have anything that goes along with it....except aggravation! LOL! But, this must be something else?

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I had covid 2020 in November 2 covid shots and caught omnicron in August 2022, since this time I have developed neurological problems, excessive joint pain,barretts desease, erosive gastropathy with stigmata of recent bleeding, diverticulosis,pre pylori stomach,ulcers,diffusely heterogeneous thyroid it's brought on by autoimmune thyroiditis,in which your body's immune system can't differentiate between your own cells and foreign cells so it attacks your good thyroid cells.I have developed nodules on both thyroids. They say your thyroid will return to normal eventually. I lost 30 lbs,a bad respiratory virus can cause thyroiditis. Long covid is horrible it causes auto immune problems I also developed ear problems, teeth problems, lichenoid dermatitis, glossitis on my tongue,

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