Tapering Off of Effexor

Posted by frances007 @frances007, Nov 26, 2023

I have used the tapering suggestion that was offered by another member, and it has worked well for me. I am currently on 37.5mg, and have been at this dose for quite some time. Over the past few days I tried emptying some of the medication out of the capsule and adding it to my coffee in the morning. I tried this over the course of a few days, and noticed that I was feeling much more tearful than usual. Granted, I have recently undergone a horrible and traumatic experience, and this may be a contributing factor, but the depth of my sorrow was so great that I surprised myself. Is this a common reaction? I will certainly ask my neurologist about this on Wednesday, but wondered if anyone has had a similar response. As a side bar, since tapering off of this drug, I am sleeping better and having less headaches, which is a very good thing. Thank you very much for all of your help.

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Hi, about three weeks ago I lowered my dose from 75 to 37.5. I lasted about five days before having to up again to 75 and eventually to 150 (I got to a really bad place). But yes, for the time that I was on 37.5 I was very tearful. I cried like 5 times a day and every time I talked to my parents or my husband. I'm not usually a crier but I couldn't stop. So sure, it must be the lowering dose.


I've been on Effexor 150XR for 15+ years and tried 2 times to cut to 75XR. Cannot be be done. If I want to reduce I've got to go to non XR and then then slowly begin to reduce beads. I feel for you as I know the horrible effects of withdrawal. Nightmares, felt like I was in another world. Keep trying as you are young with a life ahead of you.


Unfortunately, all research on stopping antidepressants is relatively recent. Here's a 2019 article that explains why reducing the medication must be done very gradually and over a long period of time--thanks to a doctor who was also a patient and was shocked to discover withdrawal could be as bad as it is: https://www.madinamerica.com/2019/03/peer-support-groups-right-official-guidelines-wrong-dr-mark-horowitz-tapering-off-antidepressants/
The article includes a link to a support group that the doctor found helpful.


in reply to @njoys Thank you very much for this valuable information. Yes about the withdrawal. In fact, my PCP initially wanted me to drop from 150mg to 75mg, which I did try without success, naturally.


I've been on Effexor 150XR for 15+ years and tried 2 times to cut to 75XR. Cannot be be done. If I want to reduce I've got to go to non XR and then then slowly begin to reduce beads. I feel for you as I know the horrible effects of withdrawal. Nightmares, felt like I was in another world. Keep trying as you are young with a life ahead of you.

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in reply to @ave13 Thank you! I failed to mention the nightmares because I thought they were unrelated, but now that you have shared this information, everything is making sense in terms of the tapering. Young? Well, I suppose at 62 I am young, but I do have a very old soul.
Thanks again


When I first read about tapering off Effexor by removing beads from the capsules, I didn't think that was realistic. Apparently, it is one of the recommended methods and I don't know how else to wean off of 37.5 mg, as my previous two attempts were unsuccessful.
Note that mixing the beads in liquid is tricky.


I had very good success tapering by measuring beads. Purchased jewelers scale and capsules. Weighed beads in original capsule. Set up schedule by reducing bead weight by 10% each month based on previous month. Doing the same now with Temazepam (powder in capsules). Good luck on your tapering program. You can do it!


I learned on survivingantedepressants.org that you have to taper by 10% from each previous dose.
I wish I had known when I weaned off. I just cut down by 12.5mg every 3 weeks. One month after 0mg my current hell started. Debiliating anxiety, panic, anhedonia. Three months into this I reinstated 5 beads (2mg) for a week, and just started 4mg. I'm going to go up until I feel normalish. According to this graph, people do not need to go that high in the dosage to get therapeutic effect as high drug 'occupancy' in your brain is reached well before 37.5mg. I debated going on a Prozac bridge, but that might complicate things. So as upsetting as it is to put this poison in my body again, I have to do it to function. I have two kids and was laid off work a month ago. Really bad timeing. Work helped me stay calm.


in reply to @ave13 Thank you! I failed to mention the nightmares because I thought they were unrelated, but now that you have shared this information, everything is making sense in terms of the tapering. Young? Well, I suppose at 62 I am young, but I do have a very old soul.
Thanks again

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@kelvinthomas again. I'm 80 but read quite a lot of scientific journals. Don't think my Dr. understands effects of going from 150 to 75. I've either got to go to to an neurologist or just live with the 150. Don't want to go through the agony again. Frances007, you're still young and might want to try again. Horrible nightmares are the the most common side effect.


in reply to @kelvinthomas Thank you very much. I am working on tapering from 37.5 mg downward. I tried weighing the small "pebbles" inside the capsule on my kitchen scale, but they did not register. My next option will be to add them to a 1/4 teaspoon and try to decrease a little each day. Interestingly enough, I am still having nightmares, even when I went back to the 37.5 mg, ones that I wish I did not remember, as they are so real and relate to the recent horrible experience of a couple of weeks ago. I did discuss all of this with my psychologist who also is a MD, and she cautioned me to go very slowly because this medication is "all time awful." I had no idea that at one time it was pulled from the market, and suppose I should not be surprised that my doctor prescribed it in the first place. I know I no longer have a "chemical imbalance" in terms of my depression, as it is primarily the consequences of living with a chronic, incurable illness, When I tapered from the 150 mg to 112.5 mg I had no serious side effects, just sort of feeling "out of it" for the first week or so. After a few weeks I went down to the 75mg as described on this platform, then finally to the 37.5mg where I am at present. Yes, I am still young, but even still, I feel the relevance of coping with my ever changing physical maladies, if you will. I am still determined to remain strong and active as I possibly can, even if it makes me feel worse on some days. I really wish sometimes I were wired to curl up in a ball and feel what people have called, "immobilized." But I just cannot give in. Doctors understand so little today as it is, and I have found a way to navigate the system to the best of my ability, even if that means going against the advice of my doctor. Thank you for telling me about the nightmares, as I have never experienced such vivid ones in the past that actually wake me up.

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