Swollen Tongue no one knows why 2

Posted by rikierikk @rikierikk, Oct 30, 2018

Hi, my name is Rikk. The past year I have had a problem with my tongue swelling. It started with the dentist. I had teeth pulled from top and bottom. After all the necessary procedures to obtain partials for both top and bottom, I had not worn them for more than 5 days when bone shards (only on my bottom gums) had started to penetrate through the gum. It was very painful and I had to literally break them off myself to have instantaneous relief. At the beginning, the shards had consistently cut the bottom of my tongue causing canker sours and scaring. After a time of constant cuts and abrasions, I was unable to ware my bottom partial due too the shards. Real short. I had inadvertently tossed my bottom partial away. This was the beginning of what now seems to be running my life. I cannot get a new set of partials now because of the swelling. Because of this, a considerable amount of time has passed. In this time, I have seen specialists in orthodontist surgeons, my dentist, to ENT specialists, none who can tell me what the problem is. They just don't know why my tongue is swelling. I have had soft tissue cat scan, all is normal. any ideas? ENT had prescribed a steroid with an anti-histamine that seemed to start out somewhat ok the first 2 to 3 days. by the end of the treatment, 4th and 5th day, it stopped working. Buy the way this was my idea for the meds, as they had no idea what to do. I had read it on the internet from a person that had problem with his tongue. OK here is the final. My tongue swells so much that it touches both sides of my cheeks. (remember I have no bottom teeth starting at my second bicuspid on both sides) This is what confuses everyone. The center of my tongue is hard. no soars or cuts, cracks or discoloration. It's hard right in the dead center going all the way from the tip to the back. the edges of the tongue that actually sit under my teeth when relaxed is normal and soft. So imagine a rim all around the edge of the tongue about 1/4", being normal and the center, starting at the tip fanning out as it makes it's way back as hard as a callus. This makes it very hard to talk and swallow. It's running my life. Well that's the jest of it. Anyone?

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Hello, @rikierikk - how are you doing? The tongue swelling you talked about sounded very bothersome, and I can imagine it would be frustrating to not get any answers on why it might be occurring. Are you still having the tongue swelling?


Swollen tongue - unable to eat for the last two weeks - lost 16 pounds. doctors including general or family, Ear, nose ant throat have no idea what is causing the problem.


I am becoming very weak.


David Gibbs, I wonder whether you have seen an allergist and been tested for allergies. Sometimes the smallest thing can trigger an allergic reaction lasting quite awhile. I developed a terrible itching on my arms, chest, stomach. I was tested for skin allergies and it turned out that the cause was a tiny bit of antibiotic ointment that I put on a paper cut on my finger. The itch and rash lasted 6 weeks then just faded away. It was a pretty violent reaction to a tiny bit of antibiotic ointment on the tip of one finger. That to say that it’s hard to figure out the problem but in fact it could be something quite simple that testing might reveal. With regards to the centre of your tongue, is it possible that when you are asleep you might be chewing it or scraping it because you sense the discomfort of the swelling? The dentist or the pharmacy could provide you with a mouth guard to try if you could fit it into your mouth. Sorry that you are feeling so weak. There are drinks that constitute a meal replacement. They are not bad tasting. I use them a couple of times a week.

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