Sutures didn't dissolve after tkr revision

Posted by tkrfail21 @tkrfail21, Dec 30, 2023

Had 2nd knee surgery to remove lots of scar tissue. After 6 months the sutures aren't dissolving. The are visible under the skin as big bumps in a row. Very painful as it feels like they are coming through the skin.

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I have something similar going on but mine started as a blood blister six week from TKR. The surgeon squeezed the fluid out (much to my chagrin without gloves) and gave me antibiotics. It eventually closed over. Pressing on it is not painful or hard but periodically then the knee is bent it feels like pulling/ripping and is a painful. I think mine is probably scar tissue but I'll find out at my six month appointment.

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I had a TKR a year ago. I went to my surgeon and told him something feels like bones in the knee. He felt it and told me I had 3 stitches there and that he could remove them now or anytime I wanted to get them out. I thought all the stitches was removed by him. Is this normal or has anyone had this? The surgeon said he would cut and go in right under the skin to remove them. They do hurt at times! I don’t know what to do?


Hi, I had a revision for my total knee replacement and it's been four months and I have the same thing as the swelling has gone down visible row of bumps around the inside of my knee. I saw my surgeon again. He thinks they might be undissolved internal sutures. was wondering if yours had resolved. I think they're causing some complications in my recovery and our kind of painful.

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I had my 1 year TKR appt. with my surgeon. I told him about the round things at the left of mu knee that felt like small bones, it was that hard. He felt and said they were 3 satures there and he could remove them easily now or in a year if I wanted to. They do hurt at times but I was surprised at how hard they felt. I guess they could be left in but don’t know. He sounded like it was no big deal to remove them! I just dread having to cut the knee!


I fear another cut too. My revision cut was over the same place as first cut. Now I'll have another scar on the other side of my knee. Will know more after tomorrow's appt

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