Susceptibility Test

Posted by bbeers @bbeers, May 15 5:53pm

I saw my Dr. today who suggested that he do a bronchoscopy and send the results for what's called a susceptibility test. I have MAC but have not had any symptoms and have had this for at least a year or more. ( different pulmonologist diagnosed it). He said that because the area is minimal I might be a candidate for using just Azithromycin versus having to take the Big 3. He left it up to me to decide if I wanted to go ahead with it, or do a wait and see. He was ok with either decision. Has anyone else had this and it was successful. I'm feeling hopeful. Thank you

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Hello bbeers, sending samples after bronchoscopy to lab for bacteria growing and if something grows for a susceptibility should be a norm. When I first had bronchoscopy the pulmonologist sent my samples for types of bacteria growth, and MAC grew, but as my id doctor found out, she never order the susceptibility test. So it cost me another few months to get it ( sputum induction and wait) before I could be treated and I coughed nonstop. I am not a doctor but my pulmonologist said that she always order it after the bronchoscopy. Good luck. One more thing. From what I know azithromycin should not be taken long time alone so ask your doctor about it.


Hello bbeers, sending samples after bronchoscopy to lab for bacteria growing and if something grows for a susceptibility should be a norm. When I first had bronchoscopy the pulmonologist sent my samples for types of bacteria growth, and MAC grew, but as my id doctor found out, she never order the susceptibility test. So it cost me another few months to get it ( sputum induction and wait) before I could be treated and I coughed nonstop. I am not a doctor but my pulmonologist said that she always order it after the bronchoscopy. Good luck. One more thing. From what I know azithromycin should not be taken long time alone so ask your doctor about it.

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How do they induce sputum?
I can’t produce any and don’t want another bronchoscopy because my lung collapsed last time.


Hello bbeers, sending samples after bronchoscopy to lab for bacteria growing and if something grows for a susceptibility should be a norm. When I first had bronchoscopy the pulmonologist sent my samples for types of bacteria growth, and MAC grew, but as my id doctor found out, she never order the susceptibility test. So it cost me another few months to get it ( sputum induction and wait) before I could be treated and I coughed nonstop. I am not a doctor but my pulmonologist said that she always order it after the bronchoscopy. Good luck. One more thing. From what I know azithromycin should not be taken long time alone so ask your doctor about it.

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Thank you for your comments. Will look into the azithromycin part of your response.


How do they induce sputum?
I can’t produce any and don’t want another bronchoscopy because my lung collapsed last time.

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Good morning Renee. I do not produce enough either. The induction means that you inhale 7% saline and cough in front of the respiratory technician and they try to shake you gently. It’s nothing special and actually it was successful for me only once and that was the one which I needed for the susceptibility to start the treatment. Actually I am more relaxed and successful doing it at home and taking it to the lab. This is my experience but of course others might have a different one


Good morning Renee. I do not produce enough either. The induction means that you inhale 7% saline and cough in front of the respiratory technician and they try to shake you gently. It’s nothing special and actually it was successful for me only once and that was the one which I needed for the susceptibility to start the treatment. Actually I am more relaxed and successful doing it at home and taking it to the lab. This is my experience but of course others might have a different one

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Thanks Lilianna. I have the 7% saline causes me homoptysis, no mucus. I bought an inversion table, I’ve tried the vest. I have a flutter valve. Tried huff coughing


Thanks Lilianna. I have the 7% saline causes me homoptysis, no mucus. I bought an inversion table, I’ve tried the vest. I have a flutter valve. Tried huff coughing

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Maybe drinking a cup
or two of water immediately before using the flutter device, such as the Aerobika, might help with getting a sputum sample?


Thanks Lilianna. I have the 7% saline causes me homoptysis, no mucus. I bought an inversion table, I’ve tried the vest. I have a flutter valve. Tried huff coughing

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Renee I was exactly the same and I understand how you feel. My infectious disease doctor said to stop even trying but I really wanted to know when I possibly converted to negative MAC. The situation changed after my visit to NJH in January. Now I send whatever, literally whatever I cough up or clear every two months to NJH and they are able to process it.

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