Supplements - What helps nerve pain and/or neuropathy?

Posted by newzbug @newzbug, Nov 15, 2019

I was diagnosed earlier this year with "Sensorimotor Peripheral Neuropathy" over my whole body, though I am not yet showing symptoms everywhere. I do have numbness in all my toes, feet, a large section of my upper right thigh, large section of the side of my left calf, occasional ... numbness in my hands in the middle of the night. Anyway, my neurologist did suggest Alpha Lipoic Acid (otc supplement) to help with the neuropathy. She said that although studies suggest people who also have diabetes have had some success with taking this (I don't have diabetes), she said I might get some help from it. So, yep, it's been about 8 months I have been taking 600mg/daily and it seems to have helped lessen my feelings of 'burning feet'. I am going to increase my dosage to 800mg when I finish my current bottle. I use a brand that has no additives (colors, flavors, etc). Brand: Best Vitamins. Though I don't have diabetes, and it may be helpful only because I believe in it, that is something.

My husband periodically gives me massage on my ankles, tops of my feet and calves which seems to offer some help with the emptiness feeling on that lower part of my body. I am doing some reading research on any other supplements which could be of help. I try not to think about neuropathy too much, because I have since been diagnosed with Pulmonary Hypertension and CTEPH. I stick to reputable sites like the Mayo Clinic and PubMed as well as those of us who have personal experiences. Thanks to everyone here for your help. Maybe someday there will be a definitive cure for this wicked torture.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.

Thought some of you may be interested in an upcoming webinar from the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy...

FPN Webinar: Supplements for Nerve Health - Wed, Mar 24, 2021 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM CDT
Online Registration form -

FPN information about the webinar from the registration page....
"The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy (FPN) invites you to join us for a webinar featuring Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD, a board-certified cardiologist and a bar-certified attorney, who has focused his research and studies on the role supplements play in good health. Dr. Levy will discuss which supplements are helpful for overall good health for peripheral neuropathy patients. The webinar will conclude with a live Q&A session."


Hi Helen, I wanted to compare the rala I take to yours. I looked for it on Amazon but could not find it. Wondering if you could send the Amazon URL link to this product? (I did see a couple other Horbach products but not the r alpha lipoic acid). Thanks, Hank

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Hi Hank and Helen @helennicola, I've been using this ALA. My Neurologist said the S and R ALA is the best. I've only been taking 600mg. once daily. I don't think it's helping. I am interested to know other people's experience w/ ALA and whether or not it does help the burn/sting horrors of neuropathy?? Thanks so much and warmest wishes, Sunnyflower


Hi guys I'm practicing Neuroplasticity, and it IS working, slowly but surely. The cost is nil. My expectation is a cure . May take a couple of years, but for me at age 90, whats a couple of years.


Hi guys I'm practicing Neuroplasticity, and it IS working, slowly but surely. The cost is nil. My expectation is a cure . May take a couple of years, but for me at age 90, whats a couple of years.

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Best of luck. Where did you learn what to do or how to do it?


I received a newsletter from The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy which had a good summary with reference links that I thought might be useful for members looking into vitamins and supplements to help with their neuropathy.

Vitamins and Supplements for Nerve Health:


Does anyone find alpha Lipoic acid makes a noticeable difference with neuropathy pain? Can anyone recommend a good brand?


Does anyone find alpha Lipoic acid makes a noticeable difference with neuropathy pain? Can anyone recommend a good brand?

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Hello @smithti4, Welcome to Connect. Alpha lipoic acid is one of the supplements I take for my neuropathy but I don't have pain. I posted my story in another discussion here - I posted this earlier in this discussion but it may be worth repeating here:

Just as an FYI, most over the counter Alpha Lipoic Acid contains both the synthetic (S- ALA) and the active (R-ALA). The R-form of alpha-lipoic acid is the active, natural form. The S-form occurs when alpha lipoic acid is synthetically manufactured, creating both the S-form and the active R-form. If the label doesn't specify R-ALA, then it more than likely is part S-ALA and not as effective for treatment.

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Different Forms of Lipoic Acid: What You Need to Know

Before I started the protocol, I had tried several brands but this was the one I was using from Premium Supplements R-Alpha Lipoic Acid 300MG of Pure R-LIPOIC Acid -- I'm sure there are others as good but I would make sure it's 100% R-ALA

You might also want to look through the list of vitamins and supplements in the link in the previous post above yours.

Have you been diagnosed with neuropathy?


I started getting alphalipoic IV treatments in Fargo. I just had my first one this week.


I started getting alphalipoic IV treatments in Fargo. I just had my first one this week.

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I never heard of IV alpha lipoic acid treatments. Are you having this done at a major medical center?


I started getting alpha lipoic acid IV therapy. I am getting it one time weekly . I will let you know how it is going.

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