Summer anti-inflammatory menu ideas

Posted by pmrsuzie @pmrsuzie, Jun 9 3:09pm

Thought we could share some healthy menu ideas just because it's summer, fresh fruits and vegetables are aplenty, and who doesn't enjoy sitting down to a healthy, tasty meal that could help reduce inflammation.
I have started making Waldorf salad. My mother made it a lot, especially in the summer. And it's not expensive. Start with chopping an apple, sprinkle with lemon juice, add chopped celery, chopped walnuts. I use light mayo just enough to lightly coat the mixture. Could use plain yogurt, I like the light or fat free mayo. One of my favorite easy recipes, no measuring

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I had something quite unusual today for lunch. I had a cucumber and blueberry salad, with just a hint of ranch dressing. Seems odd, but it was quite refreshing. Then a fresh peach for desert.


I'm not a salad lover--never have been, so I drink a beet/greens smoothie every day before dinner. And this way I can avoid unhealthy salad dressings. Note that I only include ingredients that I don't normally eat every day, like berries. You may wish to add whole berries for a little sweetness, but avoid fruit juices.
Here is the recipe:
1/2 raw, scrubbed beet, cubed
1 5-oz. pkg. of Organic Girl Super Greens (avoid 100% spinach due to oxalate content)
1 avocado
32 oz. Evolution Organic Green Devotion or Suja Uber Greens (contain NO fruit juice)
Yes, it is not very tasty without fruit, but I only drink about 6 oz. each day, which you can drink like medicine. 🙂


I guess I can thank my grandfather for my interest in salad making. We lived with my grandparents til I started first grade - school was not really walking distance so my parents decided to move closer to town but still walking distance to my grandparents. I used to visit them regularly. My grandfather had a garden, not huge, but he always had lettuce, radishes, cucumbers, and tomatoes, he loved his garden. We would sit outside listening to the birds, he knew every bird by just listening. Anyway making and eating salads reminds me of him. Good memories, good food, good stress relief.
Made a cucumber salad yesterday, picked 3 cucumbers, just kinda improvised. Sliced the cucumber and added lemon juice, little bit of sugar, light sour cream, light ranch dressing and dill. Was delicious.

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