Does a wedge help with nighttime acid reflux?

Posted by cblue @cblue, Dec 10, 2022

My regular G.I. doctor has been following me for what appears to be some loss of or total loss of esophageal function. Differential was achalasia. I had consult with endoflip and bravo. Ph results Suggested fundoplication might be necessary. First wants change in medical intervention (recommended early dinner, ichange in meds.Also wants wedge 20 degree angle .
Main question to group: he suggested a wedge how to I don’t know how to find a wedge really works to help with the nighttime acid reflux. my temporary wedge using something for my husband‘s back surgery doesn’t seem to be working though I think I’m doing it correctly. Saw an ad for med Klein reflux reflux relief relief system. Expensive but looks like it might be more comfortable any news about that or any suggestions about what type to buy?

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I have been looking for an adjustable bed that raises both head and feet. It's all too confusing! Do you like your bed? Would you recommend it? Will you share any info so I can get one. Thanks in advance.

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We bought a Serta from Rooms to Go for both my husband and myself (separate beds due to his back issues). My husband didn't like his, and at first I thought mine was too firm. With a little time I adjusted to it and now love it. At night I set it to Zero G and no more back aches or GERD. They are pricey. We bought ours about 5 years ago and they were around $1,500 each with the bases. Make sure you understand the return/refund/exchange policy. Rooms to Go at the time only offered a 3-day exchange.


Well I will let you know next week; my wedge pillow comes in on Saturday! I sure hope I get better sleep. Yes I have GERD and spinal issues.


@cusemom, I'm glad to hear that medications have helped your esophagus. It sounds like you are still awaiting confirmation of a diagnosis. Do I have that right? Does your doctor suspect Barrett's esophagus? Are they taking a biopsy to rule out cancer?

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Colleen when is the next zoom group meeting ?


I bought a Sleepnitez wedge pillow on Amazon that I find helpful and very comfortable. It's 7.5" high at the tallest end.


We bought a Serta from Rooms to Go for both my husband and myself (separate beds due to his back issues). My husband didn't like his, and at first I thought mine was too firm. With a little time I adjusted to it and now love it. At night I set it to Zero G and no more back aches or GERD. They are pricey. We bought ours about 5 years ago and they were around $1,500 each with the bases. Make sure you understand the return/refund/exchange policy. Rooms to Go at the time only offered a 3-day exchange.

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Thank you!


Colleen when is the next zoom group meeting ?

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The next Zoom Esophageal Cancer Support Monthly Meeting is on January 20, 2023.

Esophageal Cancer Support, Inc. (ECSI) hosts monthly virtual meetings with interactive presentations by subject matter experts followed by group discussions. The meetings are open to all affected by esophageal cancer, including caregivers, at any phase of treatment or recovery. Topics have included nutritional and emotional support, symptom and disease management, clinical research and surgical developments. Monthly meetings are the third Friday of the month beginning at 12:30 p.m. ET.

See more info here:


What helped my mom for night reflux was 2 TOMs before going to bed.


We simply removed the castors from the foot end of our bed to lower it 3-4 inches ... works great for my reflux but wife can no longer store her shoes in a container under the bed, a minor inconvenience.


Hi Colleen!
Hope you had a greatChristmas!
So I finally heard back from my gastro office. She said I had inflammation of my esophagus and stomach and to stay on my acid reducing medication ( omeprazole 40 nmg) and will discuss at next office visit (which I need to call for I guess). From different things I have read the reason for reflux is a lack of acid to help digest food. ( I am 70). Omeprazole reduces acid. I am confused. I'm sure we will go over this at my visit but I would appreciate your input. I know I do feel better taking it but I am worried about side effects.
Thank you!

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Be careful, long-term use of omeprazole can have its own side effects (i.e. microscopic colitis).


Pillows between the mattress and boxspring have done it for me, in combination with diet changes. Also never lay down until at least two hours after eating/drinking. Take GERD medication’s at least a half an hour before eating/drinking.

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