Sudden onset of Vertigo

Posted by trish0323 @trish0323, Aug 1, 2023


I’m new here.
I am 54 years old, I have RA, it came on during a divorce about 12 years ago. The RA is very well controlled with Enbrel however, in Feb 2023 I had a suddenly onset of Vertigo, three PT sessions relieved my symptoms completely. I’ve had it 2 more times since then, 2-3 months apart. Again PT worked to get me back to good.
The most recent onset was just two weeks ago, I only had time for two PT sessions prior to flying out of state to visit my son and Grandson. The two sessions got me to a good place and it was “almost” non-existent, until yesterday ( I flew home Sunday 7/30 )
Has anyone else experienced this?
My obgyn mentioned hearing about some getting Vertigo after having Covid. I had Covid that first Christmas and not since, it would be weird to me if the two were related with so much time in between. You never know…..
My Rheumatologist didn’t seem concerned as the PT was effective and
my MRI which was normal.

Thanks for any input you can provide.

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Due to recurrent episodes of BPPV, I always keep my head above my heart and only lie down with my head elevated. A known trigger is the head position when having hair washed at the hair salon; also, the downward dog position in yoga.


@trish0323 not to minimize your suffering but BPPV is more treatable than a lot of other sources of vertigo and dizziness. I hope you can eventually feel empowered with the maneuvers if they prove more helpful in the future.

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That’s such a great way to put it. I think you captured the feeling I had. I was so relieved that something quick and direct worked, though I feared it would happen again (which it did) and now I’m still afraid of it happening again.

But at the same time, I have several other chronic pain conditions that are totally not straightforward for me to manage.

Still, it’s super frustrating when it happens and feels very random. But it is indeed empowering to have a way to address it directly.


Several years back I had BPPV. Fortunately, I was lucky to find a very good physical therapist, and in just about 3 visits my problem was resolved. He told me that in about 5 years it would probably return. He was right. However, my husband assisted me with the Epley Maneuver and it helped me at home. You can see You tube videos on line that show the correct way to do it. First be aware of which side tilt of your head is causing the dizziness. The You tube I found very good was: Dr. Cho of House Institute. Wishing you the best of luck!


I tend to get BPPV when there's an abrupt change in the weather,and I've also found tbat taking Claritin as soon as it hits is helpful.


I tend to get BPPV when there's an abrupt change in the weather,and I've also found tbat taking Claritin as soon as it hits is helpful.

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@esikora I wonder if that is from changes in barometric pressure and not movement of ear crystals. I have the same experience with weather changes. Interesting that claritin helps. I can't think why that would be. Could allergies be causing some fluid in your ears? Did you get tested for BPPV during one of those weather-related episodes?


@esikora I wonder if that is from changes in barometric pressure and not movement of ear crystals. I have the same experience with weather changes. Interesting that claritin helps. I can't think why that would be. Could allergies be causing some fluid in your ears? Did you get tested for BPPV during one of those weather-related episodes?

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No doubt about fluid in the ears. I've never been formally diagnosed with allergies, but my nose runs year round...


If PT relieved your vertigo issues there are a couple of things I might consider as causing it. The first is cervical dysplasia that has caused back muscles to tighten. Release of the tension may have made the problem go away until the muscles tightened again. An MRI might show problems with your neck. If PT visits don't continue to work see an ENT who may find a problem with your ears. Dizziness is debilitating so if you find something works continue doing it.


Migraines, Sinus infections with sinus headaches can trigger vertigo for me. I keep Prescription Meclizine (Antivert) on hand for that. I usually get a lot of relief in 1 day with it. It still takes a few days, sometimes weeks for vertigo to completely wear off. It's usually worse on one side of my head than the other. Sudden movements, leaning over, etc., can set it off again when I am in a flare up. Also, if I am throwing up with it, I take over the counter Emetrol by tiny sips so I can keep it down. This stuff is no fun. Hugs & Prayers....


Try Bonine from Amazon. It makes you sleepy, though. Maybe try 1/4 of the pill first. Also there are head maneuver exercises on Internet you could try and see if it gets better.


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