Skin squamous cell carcinoma (recurring)

Posted by annabach @annabach, Jul 2, 2023

Anyone else battled on-going outbreaks of squamous cell cancers? I have had dozens on my legs in the last two years. One required a swim graft. Three were MOHS procedures. A dozen were excisions with sutures. The rest were small and frozen. I just had an aggressive one removed the had quickly extended all the way to muscle. Who did you see? Are there other treatment options besides continued surgeries? I have at least six more that have popped up in the last week. It feels as though this will never end!

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My husband has recently had 3 squamous cell cancers removed on the same leg. Now he has a new spot on the other leg. I very concerned about the recurrence of so many and wonder if there is something that can be done in addition to just continuing to remove them as they occur.

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@djuneau, I'm tagging fellow members like @mabfp3 @thomasgrove @annabach @mermaid7272 @maggielynn @louisejewell @leigh17 @jc76 to make sure they see your question and share their tips.

Prevention includes staying protected from the sun and constantly checking the skin to catch new spots early if they appear. Treatment is usually removal with minor surgery. Some are removed with a medicine applied to the skin. The treatment depends on where the cancer is, how large it is, how fast it's growing and what you prefer.

Has your husband had the new spot removed?


My husband has recently had 3 squamous cell cancers removed on the same leg. Now he has a new spot on the other leg. I very concerned about the recurrence of so many and wonder if there is something that can be done in addition to just continuing to remove them as they occur.

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Who are you seeing for your treatments? Have you considered a second opinion from places like Mayo and major cancer centers? Whomever you are seeing needs to be up on the latest treatments and just as important the causes.

I don't know the specifics but one neighbor I had was given a type of chemo cream and another type medication for her recurring skin cancer that was starting to develop on various parts of her body. I don't know the specifics (wish I did) but she moved and can't ask. She was going to Mayo.

I think you are hearing post about HPV and that it can cause squamous cancer to develop in a injury, scab, and skin problem that HPV can cause. It is something that can remain dormant for decades and then start acting up. Mine started with what I thought was a scab that I thought was caused by long distance bike riding that I rub raw and injured. That biopsy said a likely cause of the squamous was HPV evolving out of the scab that had formed.

Does your husband do anything that causes injuries, even minor, to his legs? Do the squamous cancer found after wound, injury, etc, develop and did not heal? I would suggest you seek a second opinion from a major cancer center and places like Mayo Clinic.

I have heard others are being treated with creams but all mine have been MOHS surgeries. I am really careful now to monitor even minor injuries especially those who develop a scab or non healed area. I try as hard as possible now to not injure an area caused by friction and started using vasoline to help protect areas I injure or irritate as I do long distance bike riding.


Very interesting. Was told by dermatologist and PCP that the HPV can be the source of the squamous cancers. They did not tell me getting the vaccine would help attack the squamous and also attacks HPV. That sounds promising.

I wonder if you get the vaccine prior to getting HPV is the goal they are mentioning? And if the benefit of the vaccine would be the same after getting HPV. But seems your dermatologist mentioned it could attack the squamous.

I asked if I had HPV and they said they could test but nothing they could do if I did have it. Looks like I need to dig deeper into this.

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It was my doctor at the University of Miami who had mentioned getting the HPV vaccine to help with SCC.
I am flying to Mayo on Jacksonville, FL on Dec 11th to meet with 2 doctors for their opinion on what I am now doing as well as the vacine,
I will write whatever I find out.


Maggie Lynn - I am so sorry you have had to fight this battle for so long. I have been in a "siege" with multiple of SCC eruptions for over 2 years, with multiple MOHS procedures, even more excisions, and lots and lots of "we can freeze that one" every time I get a skin check (every 3 months). My doctors tell me that these kinds of frequent episodes occur with no clear reason beyond "sun exposure" in my youth. They have said such multiple occurrences subside with time for similarly obscure reasons. In early July I had three extensive MOHS procedures on my right leg which - given past experience - I knew would take months to heal. One is still draining a bit and my ankle still swells on occasion, but I am grateful to say they are almost all three closed over almost 6 months later, and I'm down to simple 1" Vaseline and Bandaids for wound care. The even better news is that I have had no new "spots" since the July surgery as I write this. I was instructed to take 1,000 units of B3 (Nicotinamide) every day and have been doing so for over a year now. As well, the surgeon looked at all the red patches on my legs and prescribed Triamcinolone Acetonide Cream USP 0.1% which I have been using since summer twice a day for 2 weeks with 1 week off in between applications. The skin on my legs is less aggravated and looks healthier. I can't say for sure the cream is why, but it certainly seems to help quiet my skin. I think I may have told you all this before, but since you are facing yet another round of surgeries and wound care, I thought it bore repeating as some ideas to check with your dermatologist if you haven't already. Again, I am sorry you have to go through this. I don't know anything about the cryotherapy procedure you mention. I tried to find some recommendation for treatment other than MOHS, but everything else I looked into seemed to be contraindicated for SCC on the legs. I send you heartfelt wishes for patience and complete healing. Let me know how you get along. I hope some of those 7 new eruptions can be treated with less invasive procedures. But please stay on top of your outbreaks. A few of mine have been the ultra aggressive kind that can be very problematic. We do what we have to do! Blessings! Anna

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I meant to thank you previously for your kind response.
I am in my 2nd week of driving from Naples to University of Miami for the Cryotherapy enhanced Chemowrap Treatment of SCC's. The doctor is recommending doing this for 4-6 weeks. I will let you know of my results as we go forward.
This dr had also recommended getting the Gardasil Vaccine as well.
I am flying up to Mayo in Jacksonville FL to meet with 2 doctors there, for more opinions and information, and will report back.


It was my doctor at the University of Miami who had mentioned getting the HPV vaccine to help with SCC.
I am flying to Mayo on Jacksonville, FL on Dec 11th to meet with 2 doctors for their opinion on what I am now doing as well as the vacine,
I will write whatever I find out.

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Mayo Clinic Jacksonville is where I go since 2006. It is there were the pathology report said it was suspected HPV that caused the area (not really sure now what it was wart, scab, injury) into squamous. My Mayo PCP supported this as well as my dermatologist.

I appreciate you posting what you find out. I have been told this is a exceptional vaccine to get to prevent the cancers it is associated causing as a prevention. And why it is being recommended for all in the teen years both girls and boys.

Just a coincidence but I am there also on December 11th meeting with my PCP for ongoing prostrate radiation treatments follow ups. I believe dermatology is in Cannady building the same as community health care but you maybe going to Davis building. Davis has a great restaurant you order and then sit down and they deliver to you.

Can't do any better than where you area going. GOOD LUCK!!


I just found out about guided SRT radiation treatment without surgery, 99% cure rate. I'm scheduled with a MOHS procedure with cosmetic surgery the next day on my forehead which will need my hair partially shaved off for the procedure. Just called a treatment facility that does the SRT (superficial radiation treatment) procedure in my area and looks like my insurance (Tricare) and Medicare will cover it. Please check in your area to see if this is an option for you.


Mayo Clinic Jacksonville is where I go since 2006. It is there were the pathology report said it was suspected HPV that caused the area (not really sure now what it was wart, scab, injury) into squamous. My Mayo PCP supported this as well as my dermatologist.

I appreciate you posting what you find out. I have been told this is a exceptional vaccine to get to prevent the cancers it is associated causing as a prevention. And why it is being recommended for all in the teen years both girls and boys.

Just a coincidence but I am there also on December 11th meeting with my PCP for ongoing prostrate radiation treatments follow ups. I believe dermatology is in Cannady building the same as community health care but you maybe going to Davis building. Davis has a great restaurant you order and then sit down and they deliver to you.

Can't do any better than where you area going. GOOD LUCK!!

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You are right, I will be in the Cannady building.
Thank you and good luck to you too.


I meant to thank you previously for your kind response.
I am in my 2nd week of driving from Naples to University of Miami for the Cryotherapy enhanced Chemowrap Treatment of SCC's. The doctor is recommending doing this for 4-6 weeks. I will let you know of my results as we go forward.
This dr had also recommended getting the Gardasil Vaccine as well.
I am flying up to Mayo in Jacksonville FL to meet with 2 doctors there, for more opinions and information, and will report back.

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All my best to you as you persevere with whatever treatment you and your doctors deem best. Thankfully, right now at least, my SCC recurrence seems to have stopped. My final three wounds are in the final stages of healing, and I am hopeful to at least have some respite - if not an end - to the siege of the last 2.5 years. I wish you the same!



I just found out about guided SRT radiation treatment without surgery, 99% cure rate. I'm scheduled with a MOHS procedure with cosmetic surgery the next day on my forehead which will need my hair partially shaved off for the procedure. Just called a treatment facility that does the SRT (superficial radiation treatment) procedure in my area and looks like my insurance (Tricare) and Medicare will cover it. Please check in your area to see if this is an option for you.

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I have posted information about SRT radiation treatment previously and want to provide a word of caution on this treatment. The treatment may be entirely suitable for SCC lesions on the head, neck and arms. However, many of the people on the Mayo SCC blog have lesions on their legs.

I had an adverse experience when my Dermatologist used the Sensus Healthcare (Gentlecure) technology to treat squamous cell on my leg. SRT caused a non-healing ulcer that took over a year of weekly visits to a University Hospital Wound Care Facility to cure. The wound treatment included Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment (HBOT) for 35 days (2-hours / day).

You can find information about the adverse experiences of SRT on the FDA Maude Database, searching under Sensus Healthcare (manufacturer of the SRT equipment), with a date range of the past 6-years.

Again, I am not commenting if this is suitable for treatment of your forehead, I am providing a voice of caution for those who read this blog and have SCC on their legs. After my adverse experience, I fully researched the use of SRT on legs and can provide documented evidence that it is contraindicated for treatment of legs.


I found this thread looking for info on the Gardasil vaccine. I am over 55 and interested in getting it. I haven’t had any cancer, except 1 BCC in 2022 removed by Moh’s.

I am HPV negative. Do you have any experience about volunteering to get the vaccine over 45? Do I pay out of pocket? I’m preparing to begin a new relationship with intimacy and am motivated to get the vaccine, if it’s possible.

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